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[英]How to combine tryCatch and If-Else statements in R?


我有数百本 Excel 练习册。 其中大多数都有一张纸,比如“正确的纸”。 这些工作表都应该有 10 列。 我想将它们全部组合成一个统一的数据集(最终数据集)。

但是,某些工作簿没有正确的工作表,加载它们时出现错误。 我确实有正确的工作表,其中一些没有 10 列。 我想排除任何没有正确工作表或正确工作表没有 10 列的工作簿。


假设正确的工作表是一个数值变量。 因此,在下面的两个变量中,只有“b”是正确的,因为它具有数值。 a = "你好" b = 8


a <- "hello"
b <- 8

#A: Check that a + 2 does not produce an error
if(tryCatch({a + 2}, error = function(e) {"error"}) != "error") {
  #A1:If a+2 does not produce an error, then check that the sum is right
  if(a+2 == 10) {
    print("a No error and produced correct answer - Add 'a' to consolidated list")
  } else {
    #B: Check that b + 2 does not produce an error
    if(tryCatch({b+2}, error = function(e) {"error"}) != "error") {
      #B1:If b+2 does not produce an error, then check that the sum is right
      if(b+2 == 10) {
        print("a No error but produced wrong answer, 
              b No error and produced correct answer,
              Add 'b' to consolidated list")
      } else {
        print("a No error but produced wrong answer, b No error but produced wrong answer")
      #B2: If b+2 produced an error
    } else {print("a No error but produced wrong answer, b Error")}
  #A2:If a+2 produces an error, then go straight to b
} else {
    #B: Check that b + 2 does not produce an error
    if(tryCatch({b+2}, error = function(e) {"error"}) != "error") {
      #B1:If b+2 does not produce an error, then check that the sum is right
      if(b+2 == 10) {
        print("a Error, 
              b No error and produced correct answer, 
              Add 'b' to consolidated list")
      } else {
        print("a Error, b No error but produced wrong answer")
      #B2: If b+2 produced an error
    } else {print("a Error, b Error")}


我实际上有三个变量(例如 a =“你好”,b = 8 和 c =“再见”,这增加了上述复杂性。


您可以尝试purrr::safely() 下面是一个使用“Excel 工作簿”嵌套列表的模拟示例:


# example "workbooks"
wkbks <- list(
  w1 = list(
    sheet1 = 1:3,
    `Correct Sheet` = 1:10
  w2 = list(
    sheet1 = 1:3
  w3 = list(
    `Correct Sheet` = 1:8
  w4 = list(
    `Correct Sheet` = 1:10,
    sheet2 = 1:5

# helper function to read wkbk and throw error conditions not met
read_correct <- function(x) {
  stopifnot(length(x[["Correct Sheet"]]) == 10)
  x[["Correct Sheet"]]

# iterate over wkbks, wrapping `read_correct` in `safely()`
correct_sheets <- wkbks |>
  map(safely(read_correct)) |>


# see all errors, removing NULLs
#> compact(correct_sheets$error)
<simpleError in .f(...): length(x[["Correct Sheet"]]) == 10 is not TRUE>

<simpleError in .f(...): length(x[["Correct Sheet"]]) == 10 is not TRUE>

# see all correct results, removing NULLs
#> compact(correct_sheets$result)
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10


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