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[英]What is the type hint for a method?

method的正确类型提示是什么? typing.Callable ,但我正在寻找方法类型提示,而typing.Callable[[Self, ...], ...]不起作用。


class _Object:
    """An empty object for method type."""

    def method(self) -> None:
        A method.

        :return None: Nothing.
        return None

MethodType: Type = type(_Object().method)

MethodType 是一种类型而不是类型别名 那我应该使用哪种类型? 我正在使用 Python 3.11。

types.MethodType将是用于“特定方法对象”的注释,但大多数时候, typing.Callable会更有用。


from typing import Callable, TypeAlias  # TypeAlias available thru typing-extensions for Python <= 3.9

class MyBase:

    def method(self, i: int, j: int) -> int:
        return i + j

MethodType: TypeAlias = Callable[[MyBase, int, int], int]
a: MethodType = MyBase.method  # if you want to use a TypeAlias

b: Callable[[MyBase, int, int], int] = MyBase.method  # self must provided explicitly

my_base = MyBase()
c: Callable[[int, int], int] = my_base.method  # self is provided implicitly

作为对此的扩展,如果您想要一般地键入方法,即对于基类 class 的子类的方法,您可以使用TypeVar

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T", bound=MyBase)  # T is either an instance of MyBase or a subclass of MyBase

class MyDerived(MyBase):

def my_decorator(my_function: Callable[[MyBase, int, int], int]) -> Callable[[MyBase, int, int], int]:
    return my_function

def my_generic_decorator(my_function: Callable[[T, int, int], int]) -> Callable[[T, int, int], int]:
    return my_function

my_decorator(MyDerived.method)  # Parameter 1: type "MyBase" cannot be assigned to type "MyDerived"
my_generic_decorator(MyDerived.method)  # OK


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