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如何自动迭代每个列表项并执行唯一 function

[英]How to automatically iterate over each list item and perform a unique function


  • foo.1001.exr
  • foo.1002.exr
  • bar.1001.exr
  • bar.1002.exr


我打算用文件名的第一部分将它们分开并将它们添加到列表中,以获得变化的数量。 我不确定的是如何让 function 自动迭代 newList[0]、newList[1] 等等。 它需要足够健壮才能满足无限量的列表项。

output 应该是:

  • foo_test.1001.exr
  • foo_test.1002.exr
  • bar_test.1001.exr
  • bar_test.1002.exr


import os

dir = "/test/"

# File formats
imageFileFormats = (".exr", ".dpx")

fileName = []
for file in os.listdir(dir):
    for ext1 in imageFileFormats:
        if ext1 in file:

newList = list(set(fileName))

for file in os.listdir(dir):
    for ext1 in imageFileFormats:
        if ext1 in file:
            if newList[0] in file:
                print (file)

这似乎是一个 XY 问题 - 而不是在适当的位置重命名文件集合,从而导致潜在的冲突,您是否考虑过创建一个新文件夹以将所有文件移动到其中,并在此过程中重命名它们? 完成后,您可以将它们移回原来的位置,从而完全避免该问题。




from pathlib import Path

def do_rename(fn):
    # whatever non-conflicting renaming operation you need
    p = Path(fn)
    return p.parent / f'{p.stem}_renamed{p.suffix}'

def do_reverse_rename(fn):
    # just including the reverse of the above here for testing purposes
    p = Path(fn)
    return p.parent / f'{p.stem[:-8]}{p.suffix}' if p.stem.endswith('_renamed') else p

def safe_rename_all(location, rename_func):
    p = Path(location)

    # come up with a folder name that doesn't exist, right next to the original
    n = 1
    while (p.parent / f'{p.name}_{n}').is_dir():
        n += 1

    # create the new temporary folder
    (target := p.parent / f'{p.name}_{n}').mkdir()

    # move all the files into the new folder, this example matches *all* files
    #  of course you could filter, etc.
    for fn in p.glob('*'):
        new_fn = rename_func(fn)
        fn.rename(target / new_fn.name)  # move to the temporary location

    # once done, move everything back and delete the temporary folder
    for fn in target.glob('*'):
        fn.rename(p / fn.name)

safe_rename_all('some/folder/with/files', do_rename)
# can be undone with safe_rename_all('output', do_reverse_rename)

一些注意事项可能是不要在原始文件旁边创建一个文件夹(以避免权限问题等),而是使用标准库tempfile在同一卷上创建一个临时文件夹。 您过滤了某些后缀,因此很容易添加。


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