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[英]Is there a convention for naming 'private functions' in bash?

是否存在在bash中命名私有函数的约定? 我有一个带有一些私有函数的bash模块,想知道我是否应该用下划线开始它们的名字。 到目前为止,我还没有看到任何惯例。

对于它的价值,Red Hat的/etc/init.d/functions脚本使用双下划线。

# __umount_loop awk_program fstab_file first_msg retry_msg umount_args
# awk_program should process fstab_file and return a list of fstab-encoded
# paths; it doesn't have to handle comments in fstab_file.
__umount_loop() {
    # ...

# Similar to __umount loop above, specialized for loopback devices
__umount_loopback_loop() {
    # ...

# __proc_pids {program} [pidfile]
# Set $pid to pids from /var/run* for {program}.  $pid should be declared
# local in the caller.
# Returns LSB exit code for the 'status' action.
__pids_var_run() {
    # ...

# A sed expression to filter out the files that is_ignored_file recognizes



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