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[英]scheme struct question

;; definition of the structure "book"
;; author: string - the author of the book
;; title: string - the title of the book
;; genre: symbol - the genre
(define-struct book (author title genre))

(define lotr1 (make-book "John R. R. Tolkien" 
                         "The Fellowship of the Ring"
(define glory (make-book "David Brin"
                         "Glory Season"
(define firstFamily (make-book "David Baldacci"
                               "First Family"
(define some-books (list lotr1 glory firstFamily))

;; count-books-for-genre:  symbol (list of books) -> number
;; the procedure takes a symbol and a list of books and produces the number           
;; of books from the given symbol and genre
;; example: (count-books-for-genre 'Fantasy some-books) should produce 1
(define (count-books-for-genre genre lob)  

 (if (empty? lob) 0
 (if (symbol=? (book-genre (first lob)) genre)
       (+ 1 (count-books-for-genre (rest lob) genre)) 
       (count-books-for-genre (rest lob) genre) 

(count-books-for-genre 'Fantasy some-books)

它首先产生以下异常:非空列表类型的期望参数; 给定“幻想 ,我不明白是什么问题。


非常感谢你 !


也就是说,您传入(rest lob)作为第一个参数(体裁),并将体裁作为第二个参数(lob)。 因此,在第一个递归调用lob中,实际上是'Fantasy而不是(rest some-books) ,因此尝试对其使用列表操作会导致失败。


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