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在初始化时预先填充std :: vector?

[英]prefill a std::vector at initialization?

我想创建一个double向量的向量向量,并希望它已经有(32,32,16)个元素,而无需手动推回所有这些元素。 在初始化期间有没有办法做到这一点? (我不在乎推送什么价值)




std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<double> > > values(32, std::vector< std::vector<double> >(32, std::vector<double>(16, 0.0)));


typedef std::vector<double> v_type;
typedef std::vector<v_type> vv_type;
typedef std::vector<vv_type> vvv_type;

vvv_type values(32, vv_type(32, v_type(16, 0.0)));

我会说这会分配很多对象(32 * 32 * 16)。


std::vector<double> values(32*32*16, 0.0)

这将是32 * 32 * 16-1少new

向量的其中一个ctors允许您指定要复制到向量元素的大小和值。 我不太确定“(32,32,16)”元素的意思,但你可以这样做:

// create a vector containing 16 elements set to 2
std::vector<int> temp(16, 2);   

// create a vector of 32 vectors, each with 16 elements set to 2
std::vector<std::vector<int> > values(32, temp);


    vector<vector<vector<int> > > k(32, vector<vector<int> >(32, vector<int>(16,0)));


由于大小是事先知道的,你需要将整个数组转换为1D数组(对于OpenGL)为什么不为它创建一个类? 我已经创建了一个基于模板的3D数组实现,希望对您有用。


typedef Array3D<double, 3, 3, 3> DoubleArray333;
DoubleArray333 array;
Double val = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < DoubleArray333::SizeX; ++i)
 for (size_t j = 0; j < DoubleArray333::SizeY; ++j)
  for (size_t k = 0; k < DoubleArray333::SizeZ; ++k)
   array(i, j, k) = val++;
for (size_t i = 0; i < DoubleArray333::ArraySize; ++i)
 std::cout<<array[i]<<" ";


#pragma once

#include <exception>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>

 * \brief   A 3D array of variable type and size.
 * \author  Vite Falcon
 * \date    08/06/2010
template <typename T, int x, int y, int z>
class Array3D
    T* m_array;

     * \brief   Validate the index range of different dimensions.
     * \remarks Vite Falcon, 08/06/2010.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \exception   std::out_of_range   Thrown when one of the indices is out-of-range.
     * \param   x   The width index.
     * \param   y   The height index.
     * \param   z   The depth index.
    inline void validateRange(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z)
        if (x >= SizeX || y >= SizeY || z >= SizeZ)
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss<<"Index out of range when accessing ("<<x<<", "<<y<<", "<<z<<
                ") when total size is ("<<SizeX<<", "<<SizeY<<", "<<SizeZ<<").";
            throw std::out_of_range(ss.str());

     * \brief   Validates the given array index.
     * \remarks Vite Falcon, 08/06/2010.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \exception   std::out_of_range   Thrown when the index is out-of-range.
     * \param   index   Zero-based index of the array.
    inline void validateIndex(size_t index)
        if (index >= ArraySize)
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss<<"Index out of range when accessing array by index "<<index<<
                " when total array size is "<<ArraySize<<".";
            throw std::out_of_range(ss.str());
    static const size_t SizeX;
    static const size_t SizeY;
    static const size_t SizeZ;
    static const size_t ArraySize;

    typedef Array3D<T,x,y,z> MyType;

     * \brief   Default constructor. 
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
        :m_array(new T[ArraySize])

     * \brief   Copy constructor.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \param   other   The other.
    Array3D(const MyType& other)
        :m_array(new T[ArraySize])
        memcpy_s(m_array, sizeof(T)*ArraySize, other.m_array, sizeof(T)*ArraySize);

     * \brief   Destructor.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
        delete[] m_array;
        m_array = 0;

     * \brief   Gets the value at a particular array index.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \param   array_index Zero-based index of the array.
     * \return  The value at the given index.
    inline T& at(size_t array_index)
        return (*this)[array_index];

     * \brief   Gets the value at a particular array index (const version)
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \param   array_index Zero-based index of the array.
     * \return  The value at the given index.
    inline const T& at(size_t array_index) const
        return (*this)[array_index];

     * \brief   Gets the value in the array from the given 3D indices.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \param   x   The width index.
     * \param   y   The height index.
     * \param   z   The depth index.
     * \return  The value at the given indices.
    inline T& at(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z)
        return (*this)(x, y, z);

    * \brief    Gets the value in the array from the given 3D indices (const version).
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \param   x   The width index.
     * \param   y   The height index.
     * \param   z   The depth index.
     * \return  The value at the given indices.
    inline const T& at(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z) const
        return (*this)(x, y, z);

     * \brief   The '()' operator to access the values as a 3D array.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \return  The value at the given indices.
     * \param   x   The width index.
     * \param   y   The height index.
     * \param   z   The depth index.
    inline T& operator ()(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z)
        validateRange(x, y, z);
        return m_array[x*SizeY*SizeZ + y*SizeZ + z];

     * \brief   The '()' operator to access the values as a 3D array (const version).
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \return  The value at the given indices.
     * \param   x   The width index.
     * \param   y   The height index.
     * \param   z   The depth index.
    inline const T& operator()(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z) const
        validateRange(x, y, z);
        return m_array[x*SizeY*SizeZ + y*SizeZ + z];

     * \brief   The '[]' operator to access the values as a 1D array.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \param   array_index Zero-based index of the array.
     * \return  Value at the given index.
    inline T& operator[](size_t array_index)
        return m_array[array_index];

     * \brief   The '[]' operator to access the values as a 1D array.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \param   array_index Zero-based index of the array.
     * \return  Value at the given index.
    inline const T& operator[](size_t array_index) const
        return m_array[array_index];

     * \brief   Fills the array with the given value.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \param   val The value to fill the array.
    void fill(const T& val)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize; ++i)
            m_array[i] = val;

     * \brief   Gets the raw array.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \return  The 1D array.
    T* getArray()
        return m_array;

     * \brief   Swaps the current array with the given one.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \param [in,out]  other   The other.
    void swap(MyType& other)
        std::swap(m_array, other.m_array);

     * \brief   Copy operator.
     * \author  Vite Falcon
     * \date    08/06/2010
     * \param   other   The other.
     * \return  A shallow copy of this object.
    MyType& operator = (const MyType& other)
        MyType temp(other);
        return *this;

template <typename T, int x, int y, int z>
const size_t Array3D<T, x, y, z>::SizeX = x;

template <typename T, int x, int y, int z>
const size_t Array3D<T, x, y, z>::SizeY = y;

template <typename T, int x, int y, int z>
const size_t Array3D<T, x, y, z>::SizeZ = z;

template <typename T, int x, int y, int z>
const size_t Array3D<T, x, y, z>::ArraySize = x*y*z;

double* double_array = array.getArray();



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