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[英]EXC_BAD_ACCESS error, Objective-C question


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("how many address would you like to input?\n");
int numAddresses;
scanf("%i", &numAddresses);
char *inputString;

NSMutableArray * arrayOfBooks = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i < numAddresses; ++i) {
 book * f = [[book alloc] init];

 printf("Please input the name of contact %i\n", i+1);
 [f setName: inputString];

 printf("Please input the address of contact %i\n", i+1);
 scanf("%s", inputString);
 [f setAddress: inputString];

 printf("Please input the birthday of contact %i\n", i+1);
 scanf("%s", inputString);
 [f setBirthday: inputString];

 printf("Please input the phone number of contact %i\n", i+1);
 scanf("%s", inputString);
 [f setPhoneNumber: inputString];

 [f print]; 

 [arrayOfBooks addObject:f];
 [f release];

for(int i = 0; i < numAddresses; i++){
 [arrayOfBooks[i] print];


return 0;

我基本上只是在制作通讯录。 当我输入名字时,它会引发“ EXC_BAD_ACCESS”错误。 为什么?

#import "book.h"

@implementation book

-(void) setName: (char*) nameInput{
name = nameInput;


-(void) setAddress: (char*) addressInput{
address = addressInput;


-(void) setPhoneNumber: (char*) phoneNumberInput{
phoneNumber = phoneNumberInput;

-(void) setBirthday: (char*) birthdayInput{
birthday = birthdayInput;

-(void) print{
printf("Name: %s\n", name);
printf("Address: %s\n", address);
printf("Phone Number: %s\n", phoneNumber);
printf("Birthday: %s\n", birthday);


编辑:我不再收到错误..但现在我有一个新问题。 它会提示我输入名称,然后立即提示我输入地址,然后我才有机会做任何事情。 为什么会这样呢?


您必须向其传递一个足够大的数组的指针,并使用“ a”修饰符,并传递一个指向 char 指针的指针,以便scanf为您分配。


一个好主意是使用fgets()而不是scanf() 任何空格(空格,制表符,换行符等)都将导致scanf()停止解析,基于您试图获取的输入,这可能不是您想要的。


char lineBuffer[100]; // or some number large enough

puts("Enter something:");
if (fgets(lineBuffer, sizeof lineBuffer, stdin))
    // lineBuffer contains the input, but it also contains the '\n' at the end.
    // etc. etc.


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