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[英]How to marshal an array of structure In C#?

我必须在C#中调用C ++ dll。 dll的头文件如下(简化):

// C ++的标题

struct vector
    float x;
    float y;


    vector(float x0, float y0)
        x = x0;
        y = y0;

struct unmanaged_struct
    int int_var;
    float float_var;
    char* chars_var;
    vector vector_var;

    unmanaged_struct(int i, float f, char* ch, float vec_x, float vec_y) 
        int_var = i;
        float_var = f;
        chars_var = ch;
        vector_var = vector(vec_x, vec_y);


extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )  void unmanagedstruct_summary(unmanaged_struct* us_list, int length);



public class Vector
    public float x;
    public float y;

    public Vector(float f1, float f2)
        x = f1;
        y = f2;

public class UnmanagedStruct 
    public int int_var;
    public float float_var;
    public string char_var;
    public Vector vector_var;

    public UnmanagedStruct(int i, float f, string s, Vector vec)
        this.int_var = i;
        this.float_var = f;
        this.char_var = s;
        this.vector_var = vec;

class UnmanagedDllCallTest
    [DllImport("unmanageddll.dll", EntryPoint = "unmanagedstruct_summary")]
    public  static extern void unmanagedstruct_summary([Out]UnmanagedStruct[] usList, int length);    

  static void Main(string[] args)

        UnmanagedStruct[] usList = new UnmanagedStruct[1];
        usList[0] = new UnmanagedStruct(1, 1.0f, "aa", new Vector(10, 1));       
        usList[1] = new UnmanagedStruct(2, 2.0f, "ba", new Vector(20, 2));  
        UnmanagedDllCallTest.unmanagedstruct_summary(usList, 2);





未处理的异常:System.AccessViolationException:尝试读取或写入受保护的内存。 这通常表明其他内存已损坏。 在c:\\ users \\ dynaturtle \\ docnt nts \\ visual studio 2010 \\ Projects \\ callunmanageddll \\ callunmanageddll \\ Program中的callunmanageddll.Program.Main(String [] args)中的callunmanageddll.UnmanagedDllCallTest.unmanagedstruct_summary(UnmanagedStr uct [] usList,Int32长度) .cs:lin e 68

C ++ dll正常,因为我已经用C ++编写了测试,并且该功能运行良好。 我已经阅读了该线程,但是看来该解决方案在我的情况下不起作用。 有什么建议么? 提前致谢!

使用Marshal.PtrToStructure 有一个样品在这里

因此,您必须将方法的签名从out结构数组更改为out IntPtr。 但是,您需要知道要传递的缓冲区的大小。

public struct Vector
    public float x;
    public float y;


public struct UnmanagedStruct 
    public int int_var;
    public float float_var;
    public string char_var;
    public Vector vector_var;


class UnmanagedDllCallTest
    [DllImport("unmanageddll.dll", EntryPoint = "unmanagedstruct_summary")]
    public static extern void unmanagedstruct_summary([Out] IntPtr ptr, int length);    

  static void Main(string[] args)

    for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
        UnmanagedStruc st;
        Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, st);
        // increment ptr and move forward



JIC我会分享我的方法。 也许这不是我一次花时间来解决问题的预期答案。


//C++ code
    struct State
        const wchar_t * name;
        unsigned int state; 

APIENTRY bool get_states(H_PRCSR, MacroState *, const int sz); //pay attention, function accepts already allocated array and size for it

从C ++接受此数据,我可以这样做

std::vector<State> states(desired_size);
get_states(hparser, &states[0], states.size());


public struct Status
   public IntPtr name;
   public uint state;

   public string getName()
     if (name == IntPtr.Zero) return "<no-value>";
     return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(name);

//And import function...

[DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
private static extern bool get_states(IntPtr p, [Out]MacroFlag[] flags, int flags_size);

//And simple decoder
public static Status[] getAll(IntPtr p, int size)
   var results = new Status[size];

   get_states(p, results, size);

   return results;

因此,我看到了执行此操作的不同方法。 这就是其中之一。 它对我有用。 也许,这篇文章无法解决问题,但将是一个不错的起点


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