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通用 IEqualityComparer<T> 和 GetHashCode

[英]Generic IEqualityComparer<T> and GetHashCode

对于实现大量 IEqualityComparers 有点懒惰,并且考虑到我无法轻松编辑正在比较的对象的类实现,我选择了以下内容,旨在与 Distinct() 和 Except() 扩展方法一起使用。

public class GenericEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
    Func<T, T, bool> compareFunction;
    Func<T, int> hashFunction;

    public GenericEqualityComparer(Func<T, T, bool> compareFunction, Func<T, int> hashFunction)
        this.compareFunction = compareFunction;
        this.hashFunction = hashFunction;

    public bool Equals(T x, T y)
        return compareFunction(x, y);

    public int GetHashCode(T obj)
        return hashFunction(obj);

看起来不错,但是每次都真的需要提供一个散列函数吗? 我知道哈希码用于将对象放入桶中。 不同的bucket,object不相等,不调用equal。

如果 GetHashCode 返回相同的值,则调用 equals。 (来自: 为什么在覆盖 Equals 方法时覆盖 GetHashCode 很重要?

那么会出现什么问题,例如(我听到很多程序员惊恐地尖叫),GetHashCode 返回一个常量,强制调用 Equal ?

什么都不会出错,但是在基于哈希表的容器中,在进行查找时,性能大约为 O(1) 到 O(n)。 您最好简单地将所有内容存储在一个 List 中,然后强力搜索它以查找满足相等性的项目。


public GenericEqualityComparer(Func<T, object> projection)
    compareFunction = (t1, t2) => projection(t1).Equals(projection(t2));
    hashFunction = t => projection(t).GetHashCode();

var comaparer = new GenericEqualityComparer( o => o.PropertyToCompare);


编辑:更有效和更强大的实现激发了我的 Marc 的评论:

public static GenericEqualityComparer<T> Create<TValue>(Func<T, TValue> projection)
    return new GenericEqualityComparer<T>(
        (t1, t2) => EqualityComparer<TValue>.Default.Equals( projection(t1), projection(t2)),
        t => EqualityComparer<TValue>.Default.GetHashCode(projection(t)));

var comparer = GenericEqualityComparer<YourObjectType>.Create( o => o.PropertyToCompare); 

在 CodeProject - A Generic IEqualityComparer for Linq Distinct()上找到了这个,做得很好。


IEqualityComparer<Contact> c =  new PropertyComparer<Contact>("Name");
IEnumerable<Contact> distinctEmails = collection.Distinct(c); 

通用 IEqualityComparer

public class PropertyComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
    private PropertyInfo _PropertyInfo;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new instance of PropertyComparer.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="propertyName">The name of the property on type T 
    /// to perform the comparison on.</param>
    public PropertyComparer(string propertyName)
        //store a reference to the property info object for use during the comparison
        _PropertyInfo = typeof(T).GetProperty(propertyName, 
    BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
        if (_PropertyInfo == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("{0} 
        is not a property of type {1}.", propertyName, typeof(T)));

    #region IEqualityComparer<T> Members

    public bool Equals(T x, T y)
        //get the current value of the comparison property of x and of y
        object xValue = _PropertyInfo.GetValue(x, null);
        object yValue = _PropertyInfo.GetValue(y, null);

        //if the xValue is null then we consider them equal if and only if yValue is null
        if (xValue == null)
            return yValue == null;

        //use the default comparer for whatever type the comparison property is.
        return xValue.Equals(yValue);

    public int GetHashCode(T obj)
        //get the value of the comparison property out of obj
        object propertyValue = _PropertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null);

        if (propertyValue == null)
            return 0;

            return propertyValue.GetHashCode();


你的表现会付诸东流。 当在集合数据结构上实现时, DistinctExcept是有效的操作。 通过提供恒定的哈希值,您基本上可以破坏此特征并使用线性搜索强制执行朴素算法。

您需要查看这对于您的数据量是否可以接受。 但是对于稍大的数据集,差异会很明显。 例如, Except将预期时间为O(n)到为O(n²),它可以是一个大问题增加。

与其提供常量,不如直接调用对象自己的GetHashCode方法? 它可能不会给出一个特别好的值,但它不会比使用常量更糟糕,并且正确性仍将保留,除非对象的GetHashCode方法被覆盖以返回错误的值。

我需要将 Henrik 解决方案重写为一个实现IEqualityComparer的类,它给出了这个:

    public class GenericEqualityComparer<T,TKey> : IEqualityComparer<T>
        private readonly Func<T, TKey> _keyFunction;

        public GenericEqualityComparer(Func<T, TKey> keyFunction)
            _keyFunction = keyFunction;

        public bool Equals(T x, T y) => EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default.Equals(_keyFunction(x), _keyFunction(y));

        public int GetHashCode(T obj)=> EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default.GetHashCode(_keyFunction(obj));


public class GenericCompare<T> : IEqualityComparer<T> where T : class
    private Func<T, object> _expr { get; set; }
    public GenericCompare(Func<T, object> expr)
        this._expr = expr;
    public bool Equals(T x, T y)
        var first = _expr.Invoke(x);
        var sec = _expr.Invoke(y);
        if (first != null && first.Equals(sec))
            return true;
            return false;
    public int GetHashCode(T obj)
        return obj.GetHashCode();

示例: collection = collection.Except(ExistedDataEles, new GenericCompare(x=>x.Id)).ToList();


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