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[英]How to correct for inaccurate Javascript math with math.round()?

我几天前就发布了这段代码,但是讨论似乎使人对Javascript的弱点(更不用说我自己作为“程序员”的明显弱点)有了哲理,然后在没有明确解决方案的情况下就消失了。 我希望有人能帮助纠正这一点。

由于明显地被称为“浮点数学”的现象,Javascript在下面的计算器代码中返回了算术上不准确的答案(正确答案下方为.00000004或类似内容)。 建议我通过“在变量上调用math.round()”来对答案进行四舍五入,我认为这可以很好地满足我的目的,只是我的JS功夫太弱了,因此在上下文中这样做的语法也是如此远远没有我。

我在哪里/如何拨打电话? 到目前为止,我所有的尝试都失败了,即使我确定每次尝试都不会失败。 考虑到我对这个主题的低级了解,我肯定会喜欢一个答案。 这一定是外面有人的灌篮。

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

<script language="javascript">

<!-- Begin Trip Tickets Savings Calc script
function  doMath4() {
    var one = parseInt(document.theForm4.elements[0].value);
    var two = parseInt(document.theForm4.elements[1].value);
    var selection = document.getElementsByName("zonett")[0].value;

    if(selection == "z4"){
        var prodZ4tt = (((one  *   two) * 4.25) *12) - (((one  *   two) * 3.75) *12);
        alert("Your yearly savings if you buy Trip Tickets is $"  +  prodZ4tt  +  ".");
    else if(selection == "z3"){
        var prodZ3tt = (((one  *   two) * 3.75) *12) - (((one  *   two) * 3.35) *12);
        alert("Your yearly savings if you buy Trip Tickets is $"  +  prodZ3tt  +  ".");
    else if(selection == "z2"){
        var prodZ2tt = (((one  *   two) * 3) *12) - (((one  *   two) * 2.8) *12);
        alert("Your yearly savings if you buy Trip Tickets is $"  +  prodZ2tt  +  ".");
    else if(selection == "z1"){
        var prodZ1tt = (((one  *   two) * 2.5) *12) - (((one  *   two) * 2.3) *12);
        alert("Your yearly savings if you buy Trip Tickets is $"  +  prodZ1tt  +  ".");
    else if(selection == "Base"){
        var prodBasett = (((one  *   two) * 1.5) *12) - (((one  *   two) * 1.5) *12);
        alert("Your yearly savings if you buy Trip Tickets is $"  +  prodBasett  +  ".");

// End Trip Tickets Savings Calc script -->



<form name="theForm4" class="calcform">
<h2>You Do the Math: Commuter Express Trip Tickets Vs. Cash</h2>
<div class="calcform-content">
    <div class="formrow-calc">
      <div class="calcform-col1">
        <p>Days you commute on Commuter Express monthly:</p>
      <div class="calcform-col2">
        <input type="text">
      <div class="calcform-col3">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="clear"></div>

    <div class="formrow-calc">
      <div class="calcform-col1">
        <p>Daily boardings on Commuter Express Bus:</p>

        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="fareexampletable">
              <td colspan="2" class="savingsleft"><p class="ifyouride">EXAMPLE:</p></td>
              <td class="savingsleft"><p><strong>Go to work:</strong></p></td>
              <td class="savingsright"><p>1 time</p></td>
              <td class="savingsleft"><p><strong>Come home from work:</strong></p></td>
              <td class="additionline savingsright"><p>+1 time</p></td>
              <td class="savingsleft"><p><strong>Total:</strong></p></td>
              <td class="savingsright"><p>2 times</p></td>
      <div class="calcform-col2">
        <input type="text">
      <div class="calcform-col3">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="clear"></div>

    <div class="formrow-calc savings-zone">
      <div class="calcform-col1">
        <p>Choose Zone:</p>
      <div class="calcform-col2">
        <select name="zonett">
          <option value="Base">Base</option>
          <option value="z1">Zone 1</option>
          <option value="z2">Zone 2</option>
          <option value="z3">Zone 3</option>
          <option value="z4">Zone 4</option>

    <div class="formrow-calc">

          <div class="calcform-col4-ce">

 <button type="submit" onclick="doMath4()" class="btn-submit"><div class="btn-submit"><img src="img/btn_savings.png" alt="Show My Yearly Savings" /></div></button> 

    <div class="clear">




通常, 您需要四舍五入 ,因此可以一直保持数学准确性,直到显示数据为止。


var SavingsLib = {
    round : function(val, digits) {
        var pow = Math.pow(10, digits);
        return Math.round(pow * val) / pow;

    padCurrency : function (val) {
        var str = val.toString();
        var parts = str.split(".");
        return parts.length > 1 && parts[1].length == 1 ? str + "0" : str;

    processForm : function() {
        var daysPerMonth = parseInt(document.theForm4.elements[0].value);
        var boardingsPerDay = parseInt(document.theForm4.elements[1].value);
        var zone = document.getElementsByName("zonett")[0].value;

        var savings = 0;
        if(zone == "z4") savings = this.calculateSavings(daysPerMonth, boardingsPerDay, 4.25, 3.75);
        else if(zone == "z3") savings = this.calculateSavings(daysPerMonth, boardingsPerDay, 3.75, 3.35);
        else if(zone == "z2") savings = this.calculateSavings(daysPerMonth, boardingsPerDay, 3, 2.8);
        else if(zone == "z1") savings = this.calculateSavings(daysPerMonth, boardingsPerDay, 2.5, 2.3);
        else if(zone == "Base") savings = this.calculateSavings(daysPerMonth, boardingsPerDay, 1.5, 1.5);


        return false; // Don't submit form

    calculateSavings : function(daysPerMonth, boardingsPerDay, price1, price2) {
        var amount1 = (((daysPerMonth * boardingsPerDay) * price1) * 12);
        var amount2 = (((daysPerMonth * boardingsPerDay) * price2) * 12);

        return this.round(amount1 - amount2, 2);

    showMessage : function(savings) {
        alert("Your yearly savings if you buy Trip Tickets is $" + this.padCurrency(savings));


  • 封装函数到对象中以进行命名间隔
  • 将数学运算提取到单个方法中,以便您可以进行一次循环调用
  • 将消息的显示提取到一种方法中,以便您轻松修改它
  • 添加了舍入到数字功能 (因此1.4500001变为1.45而不是1
  • 添加了填充货币功能(因此1.4变为1.40


var prodZ4tt = Math.round(((one  *   two) * 4.25) *12) - (((one  *   two) * 3.75) *12);

尽管您可能会对语法感到困惑,这是可以理解的,但由于JavaScript以其直观的做事方式而闻名。 ;)


您可以使用Math.round编写kludge,但这将使您不胜其烦(不确定在您的示例中是否适用,看起来好像可以)。 您可能想要的是固定的:

alert((102.000000004).toFixed(2)); // alerts "102.00"


(docs: https : //developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/toFixed,http : //www.codingforums.com/showthread.php ? t =102421http : //msdn.microsoft .com / zh-CN / library / sstyff0z.aspx

编辑:打算将其放入评论中,但markdown在那里不起作用? 仍然习惯...


alert(Math.round(val * 100) / 100);


alert((Math.round(val * 100) / 100).toFixed(2));



function roundNicely(val) {
     return (Math.round(val * 100) / 100).toFixed(2);

然后在您的警报中,将值prodBasett包装在函数调用中: roundNicely(prodBasett) (其他警报也类似)


对于这种情况,当您需要精度时,您需要一个数学“任意精度库” ...您可以在这里找到一篇不错的文章。



var fl = 349.12783691847;
Math.round(fl) // 349
Math.ceil(f1) // 350
Math.floor(fl) // 349


Math.round(((((a + b) * (c - d)) % e) * f));

请注意“ NaN”(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN)和非Number类型。



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