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[英]Syntax error on While loop in python

我在第一个while循环中收到语法错误,特别是在“ Y”处

#Calculates trajectory under various angles
from math import*
from Density import*
from Fdrag import*
from pylab import title, xlabel, ylabel, show, plot, legend

rho0=1.2            #standard density of air at ground (kg/m^3)
g=9.81              #acceleration due to gravity (m/s/s)
T0=288.15           #ground temperature
D=0.1               #diameter (m)
A=pi*D^2/4          #Area
m=4                 #mass (kg)

for theta in (25, 50, 75):  #range of trajectories
    #initial conditions
    V=2800                  #velocity m/s
    Vx=V*cos(theta)         #horizontal velocity component
    Vy=V*sin(theta)         #vertical velocity component
    t=0                     #time
    dt=0.01                #time step (s)
    X=0                     #position
    Y=0.0                     #position
    x=[0]                    #position list (x component)
    y=[0]                    #position list (y component)
    vx=[Vx]                   #velocity list (x component)
    vy=[Vy]                   #velocity list (y component)
    T=[]                    #time list
    peaked=0                #use peakes as flag

    While Y>=0:
Then the rest of my code

While必须用小写的“ w”编写,否则Python不会识别它/

While应该是小写字母( while

脚本末尾的While Y>=0:行中的While应该为while (小写的“ w”)。


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