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[英]How to put the image at the upper left corner of the screen?

我有一个图像,它显示在左下角,我希望它显示在左上角。 我已经尝试了不同的x,y坐标,但是仍然相同,它没有变化。 我知道这并不是很困难,但我只是感到困惑。 请帮我解决这个问题。 呵呵... T_T,谢谢。


public class DonPaking extends Sprite implements ImageObserver
private java.awt.Image donImage;
private final Sea sea;
private double x;
private double y;
private final double donHeight = 1.6;
private final double donWidth = 1.8; 
private double speed;
private boolean visible;
private double angle;
private double dx_m;
private double dy_m;

private boolean collision = false;

public DonPaking(Sea sea, String name, double x, double y, double speed)
    this.sea = sea;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.speed = convertToMeterPerSecond(speed);
    visible = true;

    URL iU = this.getClass().getResource("don.jpg");
    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(iU);
    donImage = icon.getImage();


public Image getImage()
    return donImage;

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)

    int key = e.getKeyCode();

    if (key == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)
        dx_m = -0.3;
    if (key == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)
        dx_m = 0.3;
    if (key == KeyEvent.VK_UP)
        dy_m = 0.3;
    if (key == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)
        dy_m = -0.3;

public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
    int key = e.getKeyCode();

    if (key == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)
        dx_m = 0;

    if (key == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)
        dx_m = 0;

    if (key == KeyEvent.VK_UP)
        dy_m = 0;

    if (key == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)
        dy_m = 0;

public void move(long dt)
    double dt_s = dt / 1e9;

    final double right_wall = sea.x1_world;
    final double up_wall = sea.y1_world;
    final double down_wall = 0.0;
    final double left_wall = 0.0;

    x += dx_m;
    y += dy_m;

    if (x >= right_wall)
        x = right_wall;
    if (x <= left_wall)
        x = left_wall;

    if (y <= down_wall)
        y = down_wall;

    if (y >= up_wall)
        y = up_wall;


public void render(Graphics2D g2d)
    AffineTransform t = g2d.getTransform();

    final double foot_position_y = donHeight;
    final double foot_position_x = donWidth / 2;

    int xx = sea.convertToPixelX(x - foot_position_x); 
    int yy = sea.convertToPixelY(y + foot_position_y); 

    g2d.translate(xx, yy);

    double x_expected_pixels = donHeight * sea.meter;
    double y_expected_pixels = donWidth * sea.meter;

    double w = ((ToolkitImage) donImage).getWidth();
    double h = ((ToolkitImage) donImage).getHeight();

    double x_s = x_expected_pixels / w;
    double y_s = y_expected_pixels / h;

    g2d.scale(x_s, y_s);
    g2d.drawImage(getImage(), 0, 0, this); 


public void moveAt(double distance_x, double distance_y)
    this.x = distance_x;
    this.y = distance_y;

public void setAngle(double angle)
    this.angle = angle;

public RectangleX getBounds()
    return new RectangleX(x, y, donWidth, donHeight);

public double getWidth()
    return WIDTH;

public double getHeight()
    return HEIGHT;

public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y, int width, int height)
    return true;


顶部/左侧的坐标是(0,0)。 因此,摆脱translate(..)方法,图像将在您指定的坐标处绘制。


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