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[英]Java chat client connecting to server

我创建了一个与telnet一起使用的聊天服务器。 现在,我正在尝试编写自己的客户端。 我需要能够从用户获得IP地址和端口号。 我试图通过ChatClient()传递这些变量。 但是,当我编译以下代码时,收到以下错误消息:

ChatClient.java:24: cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable ip
location: class ChatClient
            new ChatClient(ip,port);
ChatClient.java:24: cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable port
location: class ChatClient
            new ChatClient(ip,port);
2 errors


public class ChatClient {
    PrintWriter output;
    BufferedReader input;
    Socket client;

    public ChatClient(int ip, int port) throws Exception {
        String line;
        input = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( client.getInputStream()) ) ;
        output = new PrintWriter(client.getOutputStream(),true);
        output.println("Enter an ip address: ");
        line = input.readLine();
        output.println("Enter a port number: ");
        line = input.readLine();

    public static void main(String ... args) {
        try {
            new ChatClient(ip,port);
        } catch(Exception ex) {
            out.println( "Error --> " + ex.getMessage());

    } // end of main        


在执行new ChatClient(ip,port)之前new ChatClient(ip,port)您需要在代码中声明int ipint port变量:

public static void main(String... args) {
    try {
        int ip = 0;
        int port = 8080;
        new ChatClient(ip,port);
    } catch(Exception ex) {

顺便说一句,如果您要从控制台读取IP地址和端口,则可以从ChatClient的构造函数中删除int ip, int port参数。


您希望ChatClient构造函数对ip和port做什么? 当前,它通过套接字的OutputStream发送提示,然后等待套接字通过其InputStream的输入。 然后,它将忽略输入。

public ChatClient() throws Exception {
    String line;
    int ip, port;
    input = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( client.getInputStream()) ) ;
    output = new PrintWriter(client.getOutputStream(),true);

    output.println("Enter an ip address: ");
    line = input.readLine();
    if ( line == null ) {
        //EOF - connection closed
        throw new EOFException( "EOF encountered before ip address input." );
    try {
        ip = Integer.parseInteger( line );
    } catch (NumberFormatException nan) {
        //Invalid input
        //    log the error and throw the exception or use a default value.

    output.println("Enter a port number: ");
    line = input.readLine();
    if ( line == null ) {
        //EOF - connection closed
        throw new EOFException( "EOF encountered before port input." );
    try {
        port = Integer.parseInteger( line );
    } catch (NumberFormatException nan) {
        //Invalid input
        //    log the error and throw the exception or use a default value.


套接字来自哪里? 我怀疑您真正想要的是:

  1. 从命令行参数获取IP地址和端口。
  2. 打开一个到指定地址和端口的套接字。
  3. 使用新创建的Socket实例创建一个Client实例。


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