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[英]Image caching for images in the Documents directory

我的应用程序通过HTTP下载带有图像的软件包。 它们存储在Documents /目录中并显示。

我读到UIImage不适用于在iphone / ipad的“ ... / Documents /”目录中缓存图像(因为仅[UIImage imageNamed:]使用缓存,并且仅适用于捆绑包中的图像)。 另外,我希望能够在下载新程序包时清除缓存。



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface Image : NSObject

+(void) clearCache;

+(UIImage *) imageInDocuments:(NSString *)imageName ;

+(void)addToDictionary:(NSString *)imageName image:(UIImage *)image;



#import "Image.h"

@implementation Image

static NSDictionary * cache;
static NSDictionary * fifo;
static NSNumber * indexFifo;
static NSInteger maxFifo = 25;

+(void)initialize {
    [self clearCache];

+(void) clearCache {
    cache = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
    fifo = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
    indexFifo = [NSNumber numberWithInt:0];

+(UIImage *) imageInDocuments:(NSString *)imageName {
    UIImage * imageFromCache = [cache objectForKey:imageName];
    if(imageFromCache != nil) return imageFromCache;

    NSString * path = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString     stringWithFormat:@"/Documents/%@", imageName, nil]];
    UIImage * result = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path];
    [self addToDictionary:imageName image:result];
    return result;

+(void)addToDictionary:(NSString *)imageName image:(UIImage *)image {

    NSMutableDictionary *mFifo = [fifo mutableCopy];
    NSString * imageToRemoveFromCache = [mFifo objectForKey:indexFifo];
    [mFifo setObject:imageName forKey:indexFifo];
    fifo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:mFifo];
    // indexFifo is like a cursor which loop in the range [0..maxFifo];
    indexFifo = [NSNumber numberWithInt:([indexFifo intValue] + 1) % maxFifo];

    NSMutableDictionary * mcache = [cache mutableCopy];
    [mcache setObject:image forKey:imageName];
    if(imageToRemoveFromCache != nil) [mcache removeObjectForKey:imageToRemoveFromCache];
    cache = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:mcache];


我写它是为了提高加载图像的性能。 但是我不确定实现。 我不想产生相反的效果:

  • 复制很多(从可变字典到不可变,反之亦然)
  • 我不知道如何选择正确的maxFifo值。
  • 您是否认为我需要处理内存警告并在发生缓存时清除缓存?

你怎么看 ? 尴尬吗?

ps:我把代码放到了gist.github上: https ://gist.github.com/1719871

哇...您正在实现自己的对象缓存? 您是否首先看过NSCache以确定它是否适合您的需求?



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