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[英]How do I get an object at a memory location?



#include <stdio.h>
#include "CelGL.h"

 Stride: The size of the data structure containing the per-vertex data
 Offset: Offset within the structure to find this data

// Example structs that store the data
typedef struct {
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
} Vertex;

typedef struct {
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
} Normal;

typedef struct {
    float r;
    float g;
    float b;
} Color;

// Info for rendering
typedef struct {
    int vertex;
    int vertexStride;
    int vertexOffset;
    int normal;
    int normalStride;
    int normalOffset;
    int index;
} RenderData;

RenderData _renderData;
int _buffer; // Memory location of array with data

// sets the integer to the memory location of the data
void celBindBuffer(int *buffer)
    _buffer = &buffer; // Alert:Incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to 'int' from 'int **'

void celVertexAttribPointer(CelVertexAttrib attrib, int stride/*bytes*/, int offset/*bytes*/)
    switch (attrib) {
        case CelVertexAttribPosition:
            _renderData.vertex = _buffer;
            _renderData.vertexStride = stride;
            _renderData.vertexOffset = offset;
        case CelVertexAttribNormal:
            _renderData.normal = _buffer;
            _renderData.normalStride = stride;
            _renderData.normalOffset = offset;

void printVertex(Vertex v)
    printf("Vertex[%f,%f,%f]\n", v.x, v.y, v.z);

void testPrint(int size/*size in bytes*/)
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        // Gets the initial location of the data in which it is stored, gets the size of the struct and multiplies it by the index and then offsets to the 
        Vertex v = (Vertex)(_renderData.vertex + i * _renderData.vertexStride + _renderData.vertexOffset); // How can I do this?

我该如何在该位置获取对象,为什么我在_buffer = &buffer;处收到警告_buffer = &buffer;

编辑:变量缓冲区是一个结构数组,而不仅仅是一个值,所以我需要有它的内存位置。 一旦我有了,我怎么能在那个位置接收对象(线: Vertex v = (Vertex)(_renderData.vertex + i * _renderData.vertexStride + _renderData.vertexOffset); )?

编辑:那么要获取数据的位置,我会使用_buffer =&(* buffer);?


typedef struct {
    Vertex position;
    Normal normal;
} VertexData;

static const VertexData mesh[] = {
    {/*v:*/{-0.000000, -1.125000, 0.000000}, /*n:*/{0.059877, -0.998169, 0.007874} },
    {/*v:*/{-0.000000, -0.986528, -0.475087}, /*n:*/{0.114078, -0.863674, -0.490890} },
    {/*v:*/{0.357184, -0.948670, -0.284845}, /*n:*/{0.427045, -0.850368, -0.307321} },
    {/*v:*/{-0.000000, -1.125000, 0.000000}, /*n:*/{0.059877, -0.998169, 0.007874} },
    {/*v:*/{0.357184, -0.948670, -0.284845}, /*n:*/{0.427045, -0.850368, -0.307321} },
    {/*v:*/{0.449795, -0.958029, 0.102663}, /*n:*/{0.477462, -0.877438, 0.045442} },
    {/*v:*/{-0.000000, -1.125000, 0.000000}, /*n:*/{0.059877, -0.998169, 0.007874} },
    {/*v:*/{0.449795, -0.958029, 0.102663}, /*n:*/{0.477462, -0.877438, 0.045442} },

void render() {
    celVertexAttribPointer(CelVertexAttribPosition, sizeof(VertexData), offsetof(VertexData, position));
    testPrint(sizeof(mesh) / sizeof(VertexData));

指针( int *buffer )是包含内存地址的变量。 在指针指向的地址处读取内存称为取消引用指针。 你在做什么实际上是获取指针本身的地址。 所以不是这样的:

_buffer = &buffer;


_buffer = *buffer;

我建议你阅读Pointer Basics文章,它可以帮助你绕过这些东西。

希望能帮助到你。 祝好运!


在你的情况下,你最好有一个与传入的对象相同类型的指针..否则它会非常混乱。 以下是使用该指针的示例:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {
    double x;
    double y;
    double z;
} Vertex; /* Just to make a simple code compile.. */
typedef Vertex Normal; /* Same story... */

typedef struct {
    Vertex position;
    Normal normal;
} VertexData;

static const VertexData mesh[] = {
    { {-0.000000, -1.125000, 0.000000}, {0.059877, -0.998169, 0.007874} },
    { {-0.000000, -0.986528, -0.475087}, {0.114078, -0.863674, -0.490890} },
    { {0.357184, -0.948670, -0.284845}, {0.427045, -0.850368, -0.307321} },
    { {-0.000000, -1.125000, 0.000000}, {0.059877, -0.998169, 0.007874} },
    { {0.357184, -0.948670, -0.284845}, {0.427045, -0.850368, -0.307321} },
    { {0.449795, -0.958029, 0.102663}, {0.477462, -0.877438, 0.045442} },
    { {-0.000000, -1.125000, 0.000000}, {0.059877, -0.998169, 0.007874} },
    { {0.449795, -0.958029, 0.102663}, {0.477462, -0.877438, 0.045442} }

void celBindBuffer(const VertexData *data)
    const Vertex *v0 = &data[0].position;
    const Normal *n0 = &data[0].normal;

    const Vertex *v1 = &data[1].position;
    const Normal *n1 = &data[1].normal;

    printf("Vertex#1: %f/%f/%f...\n", v0->x, v0->y, v0->z);
    printf("Vertex#2: %f/%f/%f...\n", v1->x, v1->y, v1->z);

int main(void)
    return 0;

正如你所看到的,一点指针算术可以完成这项工作。 但是,您的函数存在一些问题 - 您要做的是传递一个VertexData对象数组。 但问题是函数celBindBuffer()不知道该数组中有多少个元素......您必须将一个数字传递给该函数以告知向量中有多少元素。 否则,您很容易遇到未定义的行为


_buffer = &buffer;

试图将变量buffer的地址(恰好是一个指针)分配给整数变量_buffer 换句话说,它将“指针指针”类型分配为整数变量。 &运算符的意思是“地址”。)你可能想要

_buffer = *buffer;

它将buffer中的地址(将是一个整数)的内容分配给整数_buffer *运算符表示“此地址的内容”。


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