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[英]C: Subscripted value is neither array nor Pointer

我正在为C类简介做一些家庭作业,在其中我们必须编写一个程序来读取文本文件中的输入,该文本文件包含来自酿酒厂的订单信息。 我已经写完了所有内容,但是当我运行它时,唯一可以正确打印的是“ Winery#1:”,然后窗口错误了。 我试图在程序结尾打印出一个数组,以查看问题所在,然后出现一个错误,指出:

|54|error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer|

我知道该错误意味着什么,尽管我不确定该如何纠正。 我相信我已经正确声明了我的数组之类,但是我仍然收到错误。 这是我的代码:

int main () {
  //Creates the file pointer and variables
  FILE *ifp;
  int index, index2, index3, index4;
  int wineries, num_bottles, orders, prices, sum_order, total_orders;

  //Opens the file to be read from.
  ifp = fopen ("wine.txt", "r");

  //Scans the first line of the file to find out how many wineries there are,
  //thus finding out how many times the loop must be repeated.
  fscanf(ifp, "%d", &wineries);

  //Begins the main loop which will have repititions equal to the number of wineries.
  for (index = 0; index < wineries; index ++) {
    //Prints the winery number
    printf("Winery #%d:\n", index + 1);

    //Scans the number of bottles at the aforementioned winery and
    //creates the array "prices" which is size "num_bottles."
    fscanf(ifp,"%d", num_bottles );
    int prices[num_bottles];

    //Scans the bottle prices into the array
    for (index2 = 0; index2 < num_bottles; index2++)
      fscanf(ifp, "%d", &prices[index2]);

    //Creates variable orders to scan line 4 into.
    fscanf(ifp, "%d", &orders);

    for(index3 = 0; index3 < orders; index3++){
      int sum_order = 0;

      for(index4 = 0; index4 < num_bottles; index4++)
        fscanf(ifp, "%d", &total_orders);

      sum_order += (prices[index4] * total_orders);
      printf("Order #%d: $%d\n", index3+1, sum_order);
  printf("%d", prices[index2]);
  return 0;

我查看了本网站上的其他一些答案,但似乎没有一个对我的问题有所帮助。 我下沉的感觉是答案正看着我,但是我是一个累了的业余编码员,我一直找不到。 提前致谢!

prices有两种:一种是在for循环内的数组,另一种是在循环外的int。 因此,当您尝试在最后打印int价格时, prices[num_bottles]不再存在。 显然,int价格不能用作prices[index2]



//Scans the number of bottles at the aforementioned winery and
//creates the array "prices" which is size "num_bottles."
fscanf(ifp,"%d", num_bottles );

//Scans the number of bottles at the aforementioned winery and
//creates the array "prices" which is size "num_bottles."
fscanf(ifp,"%d", &num_bottles );
//               ^


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