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[英]Download text from a URL in Python

我目前正在做一个学校项目,目标是使用Natural Language Toolkit软件包分析诈骗邮件。 基本上,我愿意做的是比较不同年份的骗局,并试图找到一种趋势-它们的结构如何随时间变化。 我找到了一个骗局数据库: http : //www.419scam.org/emails/我想用python下载链接的内容,但是我被卡住了。 到目前为止,我的代码:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2, re

html = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.419scam.org/emails/').read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
links = soup.findAll('a')

links2 = soup.findAll(href=re.compile("index"))

print links2

因此,我可以获取链接,但是我还不知道如何下载内容。 有任何想法吗? 非常感谢!

您已经有了一个不错的开始,但是现在您只需检索索引页面并将其加载到BeautifulSoup解析器中即可。 现在,您已经从链接获得了href,基本上,您需要打开所有这些链接,并将其内容加载到可用于分析的数据结构中。

这本质上相当于一个非常简单的网络爬虫。 如果可以使用其他人的代码,则可以通过搜索“ python Web爬网程序”找到适合的内容。 我已经看过其中的一些,它们很简单,但是对于完成此任务可能有些过分。 大多数网络爬虫都使用递归遍历给定站点的整个树。 看起来更简单的事情就可以满足您的要求。


from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2, re

emailContents = []

def analyze_emails():
    # this function and any sub-routines would analyze the emails after they are loaded into a data structure, e.g. emailContents

def parse_email_page(link):
    print "opening " + link
    # open, soup, and parse the page.  
    #Looks like the email itself is in a "blockquote" tag so that may be the starting place.  
    #From there you'll need to create arrays and/or dictionaries of the emails' contents to do your analysis on, e.g. emailContents

def parse_list_page(link):
    print "opening " + link
    html = urllib2.urlopen(link).read()
    soup = BeatifulSoup(html)
    email_page_links = # add your own code here to filter the list page soup to get all the relevant links to actual email pages   
    for link in email_page_links:

def main():
    html = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.419scam.org/emails/').read()
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html)    
    links = soup.findAll(href=re.compile("20")) # I use '20' to filter links since all the relevant links seem to have 20XX year in them. Seemed to work

    for link in links:


if __name__ == "__main__":


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