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Python string.replace替代

[英]Python string.replace alternative



L20B, CVS=1, HTYP=16, MLV=25

第二个字段可以是CVS或VS。 相关数据将一直显示到该行的末尾。


if CVS found, then replacement is CFIXD(0,1,0) -OR-
if VS found, then replacement is FIXD(0,1,0)


old line: L20B, CVS=1, HTYP=16, MLV=25
new line: L20B, CFIXD(0,1,0)

Old line: T10, M312, P10, Z3710, CL=L1, RH=1  (here, identify RH only and replace with)
New line: T10, M312, P10, Z3710, CL=L1, FIXD(0,1,0)

Old line: T20, M312, P20, Z100, CKR=10000 DV(0,1,0) 
New line: T20, M312, P20, Z100, CLS(0,1,0), MU=0.35

So, the replacement string keeps changing with what is found.
CVS or VS (till end of line) is replaced with CFIXD(0,1,0) or FIXD(0,1,0)
CRH or RH (till end of line) is replaced with CVR(0,1,0) or VR(0,1,0)
CFIXD or FIXD (till end of line) is replaced with CVR(0,1,0) or VR(0,1,0)
20 other variants.

Also, is it possible to modify the re.sub() expression to identify something in the search string and carry it over to the replacement string?
For e.g., 
Search for CFIXD(x,y,z) - replace with CVR (x,y,z) 

我无法搜索确切的子字符串(“ CVS = 1,HTYP = 16,MLV = 25”),因为CVS(或VS)之后的数据可能有很多不同的变化,例如

CVS=2, HTYP=11, MLV=25 
VS=4, HTYP=9, MLV=5      etc. 

如您所见,长度也可能不同。 我唯一确定的是,以CVS或VS开头的字符串会一直到该行的末尾。 据我所知,由于上述长度和数据的变化,string.replace无法正常工作。

有任何现成的Python方法吗? 还是我必须编写一个小的例程来执行此操作? 我可以找到VS或CVS的索引(使用string.find),然后替换从该点到行尾的所有内容,是吗? 我知道有一个简单的(不适用于我)正则表达式方式。 谢谢。


import re
re.sub(r'(C|)VS=.*', r'\1FIXD(0,1,0)', line)


# regex
  (C|)         # optionally match a 'C', save it or an empty string in group 1
  VS=          # match 'VS='
  .*           # match to the end of the line

# replacement
  \1           # the contents of group 1 (either 'C' or an empty string)
  FIXD(0,1,0)  # the literal string 'FIXD(0,1,0)'


>>> re.sub(r'(C|)VS=.*', r'\1FIXD(0,1,0)', 'L20B, CVS=1, HTYP=16, MLV=25')
'L20B, CFIXD(0,1,0)'
>>> re.sub(r'(C|)VS=.*', r'\1FIXD(0,1,0)', 'L20C, VS=4, HTYP=9, MLV=5')
'L20C, FIXD(0,1,0)'


  • CVS或VS-> CFIXD(0,1,0)或FIXD(0,1,0)

     re.sub(r'(C|)VS=.*', r'\\1FIXD(0,1,0)', line) 
  • CRH或RH-> CVR(0,1,0)或VR(0,1,0)

     re.sub(r'(C|)RH=.*', r'\\1VR(0,1,0)', line) 
  • CFIXD(x,y,z)或VIXD(x,y,z)-> CVR(x,y,z)或VR(x,y,z)

     re.sub(r'(C|)FIXD(\\([^)]*\\)).*', r'\\1VR\\2', line) 


(         # start second capture group
   \(       # match a literal '('
   [^)]*    # match any number of characters that are not ')'
   \)       # match a literal ')'
)         # end capture group
.*        # match to the end of the line


line = "L20B, CVS=1, HTYP=16, MLV=25"

line = line.split(", ")
if line[1].startswith("CVS="):
    line[1:] = ["CFIXD(0,1,0)"]
elif line[1].startswith("VS="):
    line[1:] = ["FIXD(0,1,0)"]

line = ", ".join(line)



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