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[英]return TVar after initialisation

是否可以在do块中返回新创建的TVar? 我尝试使用以下代码实现此目的:

type Buffer a = TVar [[(a,a)]]

newBuffer :: STM (Buffer a)
newBuffer = newTVar [[]]

launchGhosts :: [[(String,String)]] -> Buffer String
launchGhosts unblocked = do buff <- atomically newBuffer
                            atomically $ put buff unblocked
                            return buff

computeBlock :: Buffer String -> IO()
computeBlock buff = do i <- atomically $ get buff
                       putStrLn $ show i

put :: Buffer a -> [[(a,a)]] -> STM ()
put buff x = do writeTVar buff x

get :: Buffer a -> STM [[(a,a)]]
get buff = do x <- readTVar buff
              return x

这应该允许我初始化共享内存,并在程序的其他位置使用它。 我想要分离内存初始化的主要原因是多次调用并发函数,而不必一次又一次地初始化内存。


No instance for (Monad TVar)
  arising from a do statement
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Monad TVar)
In a stmt of a 'do' block: buff <- atomically newBuffer
In the expression:
  do { buff <- atomically newBuffer;
       atomically $ put buff unblocked;
       computeBlock buff;
       return buff }
In an equation for `launchGhosts':
    launchGhosts unblocked
      = do { buff <- atomically newBuffer;
             atomically $ put buff unblocked;
             computeBlock buff;
             .... }

    Couldn't match expected type `TVar t0' with actual type `IO a0'
    In the return type of a call of `atomically'
    In a stmt of a 'do' block: buff <- atomically newBuffer
    In the expression:
      do { buff <- atomically newBuffer;
           atomically $ put buff unblocked;
           computeBlock buff;
           return buff }



launchGhosts :: [[(String,String)]] -> IO(Buffer String)
launchGhosts unblocked = do buff <- atomically newBuffer
                            atomically $ put buff unblocked
                            return buff

computeBlock :: IO(Buffer String) -> IO()
computeBlock buff = do i <- atomically $ get buff
                       putStrLn $ show i


Couldn't match expected type `Buffer a0'
            with actual type `IO (Buffer String)'
In the first argument of `get', namely `buff'
In the second argument of `($)', namely `get buff'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: i <- atomically $ get buff


launchGhosts :: [[(String,String)]] -> IO (Buffer String)

问题是您声明launchGhosts返回了一个Buffer String ,它是TVar [[(String, String)]] 由于launchGhosts使用do块,因此其结果类型需要一个Monad实例,根据您的签名,该实例为TVar 这就是第一个错误。

另一个问题是, atomically类型为STM a -> IO a atomically newBuffer STM a -> IO a ,因此atomically newBufferIO something (实际类型)。 但是您在声明为Buffer (即TVar )类型的do块中使用它,因此它也应该具有该类型(预期类型)。 这就是第二个错误所在。


为什么要更改computeBlock的类型签名? 我从没说过关于computeBlock事情。


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