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[英]how to generate Narcissistic numbers faster?


所以, 153是一个自恋的数字,因为1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153







long long int powers[11][12];
// powers[x][y] is x^y. and its already calculated

bool isNarcissistic(long long int x,int n){
    long long int r = x;
    long long int sum = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<n ; ++i){
        sum += powers[x%10][n];
        if(sum > r)
            return false;
        x /= 10;
    return (sum == r);

void find(int n,vector<long long int> &vv){
    long long int start = powers[10][n-1];
    long long int end = powers[10][n];

    for(long long int i=start ; i<end ; ++i){

由于总共只有88个narcisstic数字,你可以将它们存储在一个查找表中并迭代它: http//mathworld.wolfram.com/NarcissisticNumber.html

从另一端开始。 迭代d数字的所有非递减序列的集合,计算d幂的总和,并检查是否产生(在排序之后)你开始的序列。


9×10 ^(d-1)

d -digit数字,但仅限

(10+d-1) `choose` d


下面的代码实现了@Daniel Fischer的想法。 它复制了在Mathworld引用的表 ,然后打印出几个11位数字,并确认有没有与12位的说明这里

它实际上更简单,并且可能更快地生成所有可能的非增加数字字符串的直方图而不是字符串本身。 通过直方图,我的意思是指示相应数字的频率的0-9的表。 这些可以直接比较而无需排序。 但是下面的代码运行时间<1秒,所以我不打算实现直方图的想法。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX_DIGITS 12

// pwr[d][n] is d^n
long long pwr[10][MAX_DIGITS + 1];

// Digits and final index of number being considered.
int digits[MAX_DIGITS];
int m;

// Fill pwr.
void fill_tbls(void)
  for (int d = 0; d < 10; d++) {
    pwr[d][0] = 1;
    for (int p = 1; p <= MAX_DIGITS; p++) 
      pwr[d][p] = pwr[d][p-1] * d;

// qsort comparison for integers descending
int cmp_ints_desc(const void *vpa, const void *vpb)
  const int *pa = vpa, *pb = vpb;
  return *pb - *pa;

// Test current number and print if narcissistic.
void test(void)
  long long sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++)
    sum += pwr[digits[i]][m + 1];
  int sum_digits[MAX_DIGITS * 2];
  int n = 0;
  for (long long s = sum; s; s /= 10)
    sum_digits[n++] = s % 10;
  if (n == m + 1) {
    qsort(sum_digits, n, sizeof(int), cmp_ints_desc);
    if (memcmp(sum_digits, digits, n * sizeof(int)) == 0) 
      printf("%lld\n", sum);

// Recursive generator of non-increasing digit strings.
// Calls test when a string is complete.
void gen(int i, int min, int max)
  if (i > m) 
  else {
    for (int d = min; d <= max; d++) {
      digits[i] = d;
      gen(i + 1, 0, d); 

// Fill tables and generate.
int main(void)
  for (m = 0; m < MAX_DIGITS; m++)
    gen(0, 1, 9);
  return 0;

我在Lua写了一个程序,它在30829.642秒内找到了所有自恋数字。 该程序的基础是递归的数字值计数数组生成器函数,当它生成所有数字值的数字值计数时调用检查函数。 每个嵌套循环迭代:

FROM i = 0的较大值和x的解x + d * o +(sx)*(d-1)^ o> = 10 ^(o-1)对于x其中 - 'a'是累加和到目前为止的数字的幂, - 'd'是当前的数字值(基数10的0-9), - 'o'是总的位数(数字值计数数组的总和必须加起来) ), - 's'代表剩余的插槽,直到数组加到'o'

UP to i <='s'中的较小者和具有相同变量的x的+ x * d ^ o <10 ^ o的解。


在循环中,它执行递归调用,递减调用数字值'd'添加当前数字值的贡献(a = a + i * d ^ o)并使用了i的数字插槽远离' S'。


local function search(o,d,s,a,...) --Original number of digits, digit-value, remaining digits, accumulative sum, number of each digit-value in descending order (such as 5 nines)
    if d>0 then
        local d0,d1=d^o,(d-1)^o
        local dd=d0-d1
        --a+x*d^o+(s-x)*(d-1)^o >= 10^(o-1) , a+x*d^o < 10^o
        for i=max(0,floor((10^(o-1)-s*d1-a)/dd)),min(s,ceil((10^o-a)/dd)-1) do
            search(o,d-1,s-i,a+i*d0,i,...) --The digit counts are passed down as extra arguments.
        --Check, with the count of zeroes set to 's', if the sum 'a' has the same count of each digit-value as the list specifies, and if so, add it to a list of narcissists.

local digits=1 --Skip the trivial single digit narcissistic numbers.
while #found<89 do

编辑:我忘了提到我的程序发现89个自恋数字! 这些是它发现的:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 153, 370, 371, 407, 1634, 8208, 9474, 54748, 92727, 93084, 548834, 1741725, 4210818, 9800817, 9926315, 24678050, 24678051, 88593477, 146511208, 472335975, 534494836, 912985153, 4679307774, 32164049650, 32164049651, 40028394225, 42678290603, 44708635679, 49388550606, 82693916578, 94204591914, 28116440335967, 4338281769391370, 4338281769391371, 21897142587612075, 35641594208964132, 35875699062250035, 1517841543307505039, 3289582984443187032, 4498128791164624869, 4929273885928088826, 63105425988599693916, 128468643043731391252,449177399146038697307, 21887696841122916288858, 27879694893054074471405, 27907865009977052567814, 28361281321319229463398, 35452590104031691935943, 174088005938065293023722, 188451485447897896036875, 239313664430041569350093, 1550475334214501539088894, 1553242162893771850669378, 3706907995955475988644380, 3706907995955475988644381, 4422095118095899619457938, 121204998563613372405438066, 121270696006801314328439376, 128851796696487777842012787, 174650464499531377631639254, 177265453171792792366489765, 14607640612971980372614873089, 19008174136254279995012734740, 19008174136254279995012734741, 23866716435523975980390369295, 1145037275765491025924292050346, 1927890457142960697580636236639, 2309092682616190307509695338915, 17333509997782249308725103962772, 186709961001538790100634132976990, 186709961001538790100634132976991, 1122763285329372541592822900204593, 12639369517103790328947807201478392, 12679937780272278566303885594196922, 1219167219625434121569735803609966019, 12815792078366059955099770545296129367, 115132219018763992565095597973971522400, 115132219018763992565095597973971522401

对于后代;-)这与@Krakow10的方法最相似,递归生成数字包,从9开始,然后是8,然后是7 ......到0。

它是Python3代码,在不到10分钟的时间内(在我的盒子上)找到所有基数为10的解决方案,其中包含1到61位数字(第一个“显然不可能”的宽度)。 这是迄今为止我听过的最快的代码问题。 有什么诀窍? 没有技巧 - 只是乏味;-)随着我们的进展,到目前为止,部分和产生了对可行延续的约束世界。 代码只关注那些,因此能够尽早切断大量搜索。

注意:这没有找到0.我不在乎。 虽然所有参考文献都说有88种解决方案,但它们的表都有89个条目。 一些急切的编辑器必须在之后添加“0”,然后其他人盲目地复制它;-)

编辑新版本的速度提高了两倍,通过在搜索中使用一些部分和约束 - 现在在我的盒子上完成了4分多钟。

def nar(width):
    from decimal import Decimal as D
    import decimal
    decimal.getcontext().prec = width + 10
    if width * 9**width < 10**(width - 1):
        raise ValueError("impossible at %d" % width)
    pows = [D(i) ** width for i in range(10)]
    mintotal, maxtotal = D(10)**(width - 1), D(10)**width - 1

    def extend(d, todo, total):
        # assert d > 0
        powd = pows[d]
        d1 = d-1
        powd1 = pows[d1]
        L = total + powd1 * todo # largest possible taking no d's
        dL = powd - powd1  # the change to L when i goes up 1
        for i in range(todo + 1):
            if i:
                total += powd
                todo -= 1
                L += dL
                digitcount[d] += 1
            if total > maxtotal:
            if L < mintotal:
            if total < mintotal or L > maxtotal:
                yield from extend(d1, todo, total)
            # assert mintotal <= total <= L <= maxtotal
            t1 = total.as_tuple().digits
            t2 = L.as_tuple().digits
            # assert len(t1) == len(t2) == width
            # Every possible continuation has sum between total and
            # L, and has a full-width sum.  So if total and L have
            # some identical leading digits, a solution must include
            # all such leading digits.  Count them.
            c = [0] * 10
            for a, b in zip(t1, t2):
                if a == b:
                    c[a] += 1
            else:  # the tuples are identical
                # assert d == 1 or todo == 0
                # assert total == L
                # This is the only sum we can get - no point to
                # recursing.  It's a solution iff each digit has been
                # picked exactly as many times as it appears in the
                # sum.
                # If todo is 0, we've picked all the digits.
                # Else todo > 0, and d must be 1:  all remaining
                # digits must be 0.
                digitcount[0] += todo
                # assert sum(c) == sum(digitcount) == width
                if digitcount == c:
                    yield total
                digitcount[0] -= todo
            # The tuples aren't identical, but may have leading digits
            # in common.  If, e.g., "9892" is a common prefix, then to
            # get a solution we must pick at least one 8, at least two
            # 9s, and at least one 2.
            if any(digitcount[j] < c[j] for j in range(d, 10)):
                # we're done picking digits >= d, but don't have
                # enough of them
            # for digits < d, force as many as we need for the prefix
            newtodo, newtotal = todo, total
            added = []
            for j in range(d):
                need = c[j] - digitcount[j]
                # assert need >= 0
                if need:
                    newtodo -= need
                    added.append((j, need))
            if newtodo < 0:
            for j, need in added:
                newtotal += pows[j] * need
                digitcount[j] += need
            yield from extend(d1, newtodo, newtotal)
            for j, need in added:
                digitcount[j] -= need
        digitcount[d] -= i

    digitcount = [0] * 10
    yield from extend(9, width, D(0))
    assert all(i == 0 for i in digitcount)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from datetime import datetime
    start_t = datetime.now()
    width = total = 0
    while True:
        this_t = datetime.now()
        width += 1
        print("\nwidth", width)
        for t in nar(width):
            print("   ", t)
            total += 1
        end_t = datetime.now()
        print(end_t - this_t, end_t - start_t, total)

我认为这个想法是产生类似的数字。 例如,61就像你只是求和那样类似于16

6 ^ n + 1 ^ n


6 ^ N + 1 ^ n = 1的^ N + 6 ^ N

通过这种方式,您可以减少大量的数字。 例如,在3位数的情况下,

121 == 112 == 211,

你明白了。 您需要先生成这些数字。 而且你需要生成这些数字而不实际从0-n迭代。


def generate_power_list(power):
return [i**power for i in range(0,10)]

def find_narcissistic_numbers_naive(min_length, max_length):
for number_length in range(min_length, max_length):

    power_dict = generate_power_dictionary(number_length)

    max_number = 10 ** number_length
    number = 10** (number_length -1)
    while number < max_number:

        value = 0
        for digit in str(number):
            value += power_dict[digit]

        if value == number:
            logging.debug('narcissistic %s ' % number)

        number += 1



def execute_recursive(digits, number_length):
index = len(digits)
if digits:
    number = digits[-1]
    number = 0
results = []

if len(digits) < number_length:
    while number < 10:
        results += execute_recursive(digits[:], number_length)
        number += 1
        digits[index] = number

    while number < 10:
        digit_value = sum_digits(digits)
        if check_numbers_match_group(digit_value, digits):

        number += 1
        digits[index] = number

return results

def find_narcissistic_numbers(min_length, max_length):
for number_length in range(min_length, max_length):
    digits = []
    t_start = time.clock()
    results = execute_recursive(digits, number_length)
    print 'duration: %s for number length: %s' %(time.clock() - t_start, number_length)

自恋数字检查在基本版本中,当检查数字与数字匹配时,我们遍历每个数字类型,以确保每种类型的数量相同。 在这个版本中,我们添加了在进行全面检查之前检查数字长度是否正确的优化。

我预计这会对较小的数字长度产生更大的影响,因为随着数字长度的增加,在分布的中间往往会有更多的数字。 结果有点支持这一点:

  1. n = 16:11.5%的改善
  2. n = 19:9.8%的改善
def check_numbers_match_group(number, digits):
number_search = str(number)

# new in v1.3
if len(number_search) != len(digits):
    return False

for digit in digit_list:
    if number_search.count(digit[0]) != digits.count(digit[1]):
        return False

return True

你可以计算(a + b + c + ..)^ n-非n次幂值之和
例如,对于n = 2,你应该比较x和(a + b)^ 2-2 * a * b其中a和b是数字x的数字

'''We can use Nar() function to calculate the Narcissitic Number.'''

import math
def Nar(num):
   while n>0:
   return sum
if x==y:
  print x,' is a Narcissistic number'
 print x,' is not a Narcissistic number'


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