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修复 ggplot 中构面的顺序

[英]Fixing the order of facets in ggplot


df <- data.frame(
    type   = c("T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P"), 
    size   = c("50%", "50%", "50%", "100%", "100%", "100%", "150%", "150%", "150%", "200%", "200%", "200%"),
    amount = c(48.4, 48.1, 46.8, 25.9, 26, 24.9, 21.1, 21.4, 20.1, 20.8, 21.5, 16.5)

我需要 plot 使用 ggplot 绘制上述数据的条形图(x 轴 -> type ,y 轴 -> amount ,按size分组)。 当我使用以下代码时,我没有按照数据中显示的顺序获取变量typesize 请看图。 为此,我使用了以下代码。

 ggplot(df, aes(type, amount , fill=type, group=type, shape=type, facets=size)) + 
  geom_col(width=0.5, position = position_dodge(width=0.6)) + 
  facet_grid(.~size) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("darkblue","steelblue1","steelblue4"), 
                    labels = c("T", "F", "P"))

在此处输入图像描述 .

为了解决订单问题,我使用以下方法对变量“type”使用了因子方法。 也请看图。

temp$new = factor(temp$type, levels=c("T","F","P"), labels=c("T","F","P")) 


但是,现在我不知道如何修复变量size的顺序。 应该是50%、100%。 150% 和 200%。


temp$size_f = factor(temp$size, levels=c('50%','100%','150%','200%'))





类似于 Harpal 的答案,但在方面,因此不需要对基础数据或预绘图操作进行任何更改

# Change this code:
facet_grid(.~size) + 
# To this code:
facet_grid(~factor(size, levels=c('50%','100%','150%','200%')))


更少的操作: facet_grid(~fct_relevel(size,'50%','100%','150%','200%'))

这是一个将事物保存在 dplyr 管道链中的解决方案。 你预先对数据进行排序,然后使用 mutate_at 转换为一个因子。 我稍微修改了数据,以展示如何普遍应用此解决方案,前提是数据可以合理排序:

# the data
temp <- data.frame(type=rep(c("T", "F", "P"), 4),
                    size=rep(c("50%", "100%", "200%", "150%"), each=3), # cannot sort this
                    size_num = rep(c(.5, 1, 2, 1.5), each=3), # can sort this
                    amount=c(48.4, 48.1, 46.8, 
                             25.9, 26.0, 24.9,
                             20.8, 21.5, 16.5,
                             21.1, 21.4, 20.1))

temp %>% 
  arrange(size_num) %>% # sort
  mutate_at(vars(size), funs(factor(., levels=unique(.)))) %>% # convert to factor

  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(aes(x = type, y=amount, fill=type), 
           position="dodge", stat="identity") + 
  facet_grid(~ size)


    temp %>% 
  arrange(size_num) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(size), funs(factor(., levels=unique(.)))) %>%
  arrange(desc(amount)) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(type), funs(factor(., levels=unique(.)))) %>%
  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(aes(x = type, y=amount, fill=type), 
           position="dodge", stat="identity") + 
  facet_grid(~ size)

  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(aes(x = type, y=amount, fill=type), 
           position="dodge", stat="identity") + 
  facet_grid(~ size)

类似于 glenn_in_boston 的回答,但在关卡中没有硬编码。

# Change this code:
facet_grid(.~size) + 
# To this code:
facet_grid(~factor(size, levels=unique(df$size)))

Works b/c 大小在数据帧中从最小到最大排列。


# Updating dataframe so size is a factor ordered smallest to largest
df <- data.frame(
  type   = c("T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P"), 
  size   = factor(c("50%", "50%", "50%", "100%", "100%", "100%", "150%", "150%", "150%", "200%", "200%", "200%"), levels=c("50%", "100%","150%","200%"), ordered = TRUE),
  amount = c(48.4, 48.1, 46.8, 25.9, 26, 24.9, 21.1, 21.4, 20.1, 20.8, 21.5, 16.5)

# Now plotting with facets in the reverse order
ggplot(df, aes(type, amount , fill=type, group=type, shape=type, facets=size)) + 
  geom_col(width=0.5, position = position_dodge(width=0.6)) + 
  facet_grid(~factor(size, levels=rev(unique(df$size)))) +  #this part updated
  theme_bw() + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("darkblue","steelblue1","steelblue4"), 
                    labels = c("T", "F", "P"))

无需解析标签或修改原始数据,也无需使用stringr::str_sort( , numeric = TRUE)手动定义顺序,即可实现章程分面标签的数字排序:

... +

facet_grid(. ~ factor( , stringr::str_sort(unique( ), numeric = TRUE))) +




df <- data.frame(
  type   = c("T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P"), 
  size   = c("50%", "50%", "50%", "100%", "100%", "100%", "150%", "150%", "150%", "200%", "200%", "200%"),
  amount = c(48.4, 48.1, 46.8, 25.9, 26, 24.9, 21.1, 21.4, 20.1, 20.8, 21.5, 16.5)

ggplot(df, aes(type, amount , fill=type, group=type, shape=type, facets=size)) + 
  geom_col(width=0.5, position = position_dodge(width=0.6)) + 
  facet_grid(.~factor(size, stringr::str_sort(unique(size), numeric = TRUE))) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("darkblue","steelblue1","steelblue4"), 
                    labels = c("T", "F", "P"))

reprex package (v2.0.1) 创建于 2022-03-11

通常,就像在这种情况下,指定刻面顺序的愿望源于它们代表一些有序数据。 在这种情况下,首先正确清理数据通常会更好,即解析字符列中的数值。 在这种情况下,可以使用df$size <- as.numeric(sub("%", "", df$size))/100轻松完成。 然后可以使用标记为 function 来控制小平面标签,例如facet_grid(.~size, labeller = function(x) lapply(x, scales::label_percent()))


df <- data.frame(
  type   = c("T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P", "T", "F", "P"), 
  size   = c("50%", "50%", "50%", "100%", "100%", "100%", "150%", "150%", "150%", "200%", "200%", "200%"),
  amount = c(48.4, 48.1, 46.8, 25.9, 26, 24.9, 21.1, 21.4, 20.1, 20.8, 21.5, 16.5)

df$size <- as.numeric(sub("%", "", df$size))/100

ggplot(df, aes(type, amount , fill=type, group=type, shape=type, facets=size)) + 
  geom_col(width=0.5, position = position_dodge(width=0.6)) + 
  facet_grid(.~size, labeller = function(x) lapply(x, scales::label_percent())) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("darkblue","steelblue1","steelblue4"), 
                    labels = c("T", "F", "P"))

reprex package (v2.0.1) 创建于 2022-03-11


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