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[英]check if element of list is present in elements of another list

我在使用列表时遇到了麻烦。 因此,基本上,我有一个列表:

a=["Britney spears", "red dog", "\xa2xe3"]


b = ["cat","dog","red dog is stupid", "good stuff \xa2xe3", "awesome Britney spears"]

我想要做的是检查a中的元素是否是b中某个元素的一部分 - 如果是,则从b的元素中删除它们。 所以,我希望b看起来像:

b = ["cat","dog","is stupid","good stuff","awesome"]


我假设我可以循环检查每个元素,但我不确定这是非常有效的 - 我有一个大小为50k的列表( b )。


import re

a=["Britney spears", "red dog", "\xa2xe3"]

regex = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(x) for x in a))

b=["cat","dog","red dog is stupid", "good stuff \xa2xe3", "awesome Britney spears"]

b = [regex.sub("",x) for x in b ]
print (b)  #['cat', 'dog', ' is stupid', 'good stuff ', 'awesome ']



import re

a = ["Britney spears", "red dog", "\xa2xe3"]
b = ["cat","dog",
     "red dog is stupid", 
     "good stuff \xa2xe3", 
     "awesome Britney spears",
     "transferred dogcatcher"]

#This version leaves whitespace and will match between words.
regex = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(x) for x in a))
c = [regex.sub("",x) for x in b ]
print (c) #['cat', 'dog', ' is stupid', 'good stuff ', 'awesome ', 'transfercatcher']

#This version strips whitespace from either end
# of the returned string
regex = re.compile('|'.join(r'\s*{}\s*'.format(re.escape(x)) for x in a))
c = [regex.sub("",x) for x in b ]
print (c) #['cat', 'dog', 'is stupid', 'good stuff', 'awesome', 'transfercatcher']

#This version will only match at word boundaries,
# but you lose the match with \xa2xe3 since it isn't a word
regex = re.compile('|'.join(r'\s*\b{}\b\s*'.format(re.escape(x)) for x in a))
c = [regex.sub("",x) for x in b ]
print (c) #['cat', 'dog', 'is stupid', 'good stuff \xa2xe3', 'awesome', 'transferred dogcatcher']

#This version finally seems to get it right.  It matches whitespace (or the start
# of the string) and then the "word" and then more whitespace (or the end of the 
# string).  It then replaces that match with nothing -- i.e. it removes the match 
# from the string.
regex = re.compile('|'.join(r'(?:\s+|^)'+re.escape(x)+r'(?:\s+|$)' for x in a))
c = [regex.sub("",x) for x in b ]
print (c) #['cat', 'dog', 'is stupid', 'good stuff', 'awesome', 'transferred dogcatcher']


a = ["Britney spears", "red dog", "\xa2xe3"]
b = ["cat","dog","red dog is stupid", "good stuff \xa2xe3", "awesome Britney spears"]

b = [reduce(lambda acc, n: acc.replace(n, ''), a, x).strip() for x in b]


[reduce(lambda acc, n: acc.replace(n, '') if n in acc else acc, a, x).strip() for x in b]


这是一个处理transferred dogcatcher案件的人。 我借用了mgilson的正则表达式,但我认为它没关系,因为它非常简单:-):

def reducer(acc, n):
    if n in acc:
        return re.sub('(?:\s+|^)' + re.escape(n) + '(?:\s+|$)', '', acc)
    return acc

b = [reduce(reducer, a, x).strip() for x in b]



b = [i for i in b if i not in a]


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