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[英]Refactoring code with a lot of “locks” to more lock-free code

更多感謝Matthew Watson注意到並注意到我打算將我的代碼移植到c ++ - linux所以我更喜歡“平台無關”的代碼

我的交易應用程序幾乎無鎖。 下面的代碼是我唯一使用鎖的地方。 讓我從代碼開始,它很長但不要擔心有很多重復部分,所以它很簡單。 我更喜歡添加所有“重復”部分,以更好地展示我的工作方式:

Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
    while (true)
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

private void Iterate()
    bool marketDataUpdated = false;

    lock (ordersToRegisterLock)
        if (ordersToRegister.Count > 0)
            marketDataUpdated = true;
            while (ordersToRegister.Count > 0)
                Order order = ordersToRegister.Dequeue();
                // Stage1, Process

    lock (aggrUpdatesLock)
        if (aggrUpdates.Count > 0)
            marketDataUpdated = true;
            while (!aggrUpdates.IsNullOrEmpty())
                var entry = aggrUpdates.Dequeue();
                // Stage1, Process

    lock (commonUpdatesLock)
        if (commonUpdates.Count > 0)
            marketDataUpdated = true;
            while (!commonUpdates.IsNullOrEmpty())
                var entry = commonUpdates.Dequeue();
                // Stage1, Process

    lock (infoUpdatesLock)
        if (infoUpdates.Count > 0)
            marketDataUpdated = true;
            while (!infoUpdates.IsNullOrEmpty())
                var entry = infoUpdates.Dequeue();
                // Stage1, Process

    lock (tradeUpdatesLock)
        if (tradeUpdates.Count > 0)
            marketDataUpdated = true;
            while (!tradeUpdates.IsNullOrEmpty())
                var entry = tradeUpdates.Dequeue();
                // Stage1, Process


    if (marketDataUpdated)
        // Stage2 !
        // make a lot of work. expensive operation. recalculate strategies, place orders etc.

private readonly Queue<Order> ordersToRegister = new Queue<Order>();
private readonly object ordersToRegisterLock = new object();

private readonly Queue<AggrEntry> aggrUpdates = new Queue<AggrEntry>();
private readonly object aggrUpdatesLock = new object();

private readonly Queue<CommonEntry> commonUpdates = new Queue<CommonEntry>();
private readonly object commonUpdatesLock = new object();

private readonly Queue<InfoEntry> infoUpdates = new Queue<InfoEntry>();
private readonly object infoUpdatesLock = new object();

private readonly Queue<TradeEntry> tradeUpdates = new Queue<TradeEntry>();
private readonly object tradeUpdatesLock = new object();

    public void RegistorOrder(object sender, Gate.RegisterOrderArgs e)
        lock (ordersToRegisterLock)

    public void TradeUpdated(object sender, Gate.TradeArgs e)
        lock (tradeUpdatesLock)
            foreach (var entry in e.entries)

    public void InfoUpdated(object sender, Gate.InfoArgs e)
        lock (infoUpdatesLock)
            foreach (var entry in e.entries)

    public void CommonUpdated(object sender, Gate.CommonArgs e)
        lock (commonUpdatesLock)
            foreach (var entry in e.entries)

    public void AggrUpdated(object sender, Gate.AggrArgs e)
        lock (aggrUpdatesLock)
            foreach (var entry in e.entries)

在我的代碼中,我有兩個階段。 Stage1是更新階段, Stage2處於工作階段。 我需要盡快在這兩個階段之間切換,如下所示:

  • 任何更新? 沒有
  • 任何更新? 沒有
  • 任何更新? 是的,訂單更新! 應用更新,做Stage2
  • 任何更新? 沒有
  • 任何更新? 是的,訂單需要注冊! 應用更新,做Stage2
  • 任何更新? 交易發生,應用更新,做Stage2


重要的是 - 這是非常關鍵的延遲代碼,因此我同意“花費”一個核心以獲得最小的延遲! 因此,當發生任何更新時,我需要盡快處理它並執行Stage2

所以我希望現在很清楚我需要實現什么,而且很清楚我是如何實現的。 現在是討論我的代碼有多好的時候了。 我確實看到了幾個潛在的問題:

  • 很多鎖! 可以用一些“無鎖”代碼替換它嗎? 用CAS還是什么螺旋鎖?
  • 占用100%的CPU核心,可以節省一些CPU資源而不影響延遲嗎?
  • 可以/我應該告訴.NET使用“專用”核心(設置任務親和力?)來避免額外的“切換”?
  • 我從一個線程添加到隊列,我從另一個線程讀取隊列。 這可能是個問題嗎? 如果添加和讀取隊列是不穩定的? 我的閱讀線程是否可能無法從隊列中看到更新,因為緩存更新問題?


upd部分解決了 - 據我所知,我最好將查詢替換為無鎖(可能是基於環緩沖的?)查詢。我想我稍后會使用c ++版本的disruptor。 我也使用了這篇文章http://www.umbraworks.net/bl0g/rebuildall/2010/03/08/Running_NET_threads_on_selected_processor_cores並用“固定”核心上運行的線程替換了任務,但是我還在使用“忙” -spin“,可能我應該使用更聰明的東西?


Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
    while (true)
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

private void Iterate()
    bool marketDataUpdated = false;

    foreach (Order order in ordersToRegister)
        marketDataUpdated = true;
        // Stage1, Process

    foreach (var entry in aggrUpdates)
        marketDataUpdated = true;
        // Stage1, Process

    foreach (var entry in commonUpdates)
        marketDataUpdated = true;
        // Stage1, Process

    foreach (var entry in infoUpdates)
        marketDataUpdated = true;
        // Stage1, Process

    foreach (var entry in tradeUpdates)
        marketDataUpdated = true;
        // Stage1, Process

    if (marketDataUpdated)
        // Stage2 !
        // make a lot of work. expensive operation. recalculate strategies, place orders etc.

private readonly ConcurrentQueue<Order> ordersToRegister = new ConcurrentQueue<Order>();

private readonly ConcurrentQueue<AggrEntry> aggrUpdates = new ConcurrentQueue<AggrEntry>();

private readonly ConcurrentQueue<CommonEntry> commonUpdates = new ConcurrentQueue<CommonEntry>();

private readonly ConcurrentQueue<InfoEntry> infoUpdates = new ConcurrentQueue<InfoEntry>();

private readonly ConcurrentQueue<TradeEntry> tradeUpdates = new ConcurrentQueue<TradeEntry>();

    public void RegistorOrder(object sender, Gate.RegisterOrderArgs e)

    public void TradeUpdated(object sender, Gate.TradeArgs e)
        foreach (var entry in e.entries)

    public void InfoUpdated(object sender, Gate.InfoArgs e)
        foreach (var entry in e.entries)

    public void CommonUpdated(object sender, Gate.CommonArgs e)
        foreach (var entry in e.entries)

    public void AggrUpdated(object sender, Gate.AggrArgs e)
        foreach (var entry in e.entries)

這是一種可能更便攜的方法。 希望能幫助到你。

public class SafeQueue<T> : Queue<T>
    public T SafeDequeue()
        lock (this)
            return (Count > 0) ? Dequeue() : null;

    public void SafeEnqueue(T entry)
        lock (this)

Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
    while (true)
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

private void Iterate()
    bool marketDataUpdated = false;

    while ((Order order = ordersToRegister.SafeDequeue()) != null)
        marketDataUpdated = true;
        // Stage1, Process

    while ((var entry = aggrUpdates.SafeDequeue()) != null)
        marketDataUpdated = true;
        // Stage1, Process

    while ((var entry = commonUpdates.SafeDequeue()) != null)
        marketDataUpdated = true;
        // Stage1, Process

    while ((var entry = infoUpdates.SafeDequeue()) != null)
        marketDataUpdated = true;
        // Stage1, Process

    while ((var entry = tradeUpdates.SafeDequeue()) != null)
        marketDataUpdated = true;
        // Stage1, Process

    if (marketDataUpdated)
        // Stage2 !
        // make a lot of work. expensive operation. recalculate strategies, place orders etc.

private readonly SafeQueue<Order> ordersToRegister = new SafeQueue<Order>();

private readonly SafeQueue<AggrEntry> aggrUpdates = new SafeQueue<AggrEntry>();

private readonly SafeQueue<CommonEntry> commonUpdates = new SafeQueue<CommonEntry>();

private readonly SafeQueue<InfoEntry> infoUpdates = new SafeQueue<InfoEntry>();

private readonly SafeQueue<TradeEntry> tradeUpdates = new SafeQueue<TradeEntry>();

    public void RegistorOrder(object sender, Gate.RegisterOrderArgs e)

    public void TradeUpdated(object sender, Gate.TradeArgs e)
        foreach (var entry in e.entries)

    public void InfoUpdated(object sender, Gate.InfoArgs e)
        foreach (var entry in e.entries)

    public void CommonUpdated(object sender, Gate.CommonArgs e)
        foreach (var entry in e.entries)

    public void AggrUpdated(object sender, Gate.AggrArgs e)
        foreach (var entry in e.entries)


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