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在python中猜單詞游戲 - 如何掩蓋一個單詞(例如------)

[英]guess the word game in python - how to mask a word (eg. ------)

我正在寫一個猜測python中的單詞游戲。 這是我的學校項目。 我快完成了,我只有一件事有問題。 我無法弄清楚如何掩蓋一個單詞。 例如,如果單詞是monkey,程序應該顯示------並且當用戶猜出一個字母時,假設k,程序應該顯示--- k--

不幸的是,我必須以某種方式編寫代碼。 我應該有一個主函數,它只會調用其他函數來完成所有的工作(比如會詢問用戶輸入一個字母或檢查猜測的單詞是否正確的函數)。 除了這個屏蔽功能,我已經完成了所有功能。

該函數稱為maskWord(state, word, guess) 我必須保留這些變量,但它們將被傳遞給函數。 state是被屏蔽的單詞(例如.------), word是要猜的單詞(例如猴子), guess是用戶猜到的字母。 一旦函數更新了被屏蔽的單詞,它就應該返回state 另一個規則是我無法創建全局變量。 傳遞的變量是必須使用的變量。


def maskWord(state, word, guess)
  guessed = []
  for guess in word:
    if guess in guessed:
      state += guess
    else: state += "-"
  return state

它確實不起作用。 因為我調用此函數的主函數是一個while循環,所以每次guessed變成一個空字符串。

如果有人能幫助我,我真的很感激。 我知道必須只使用變量來編寫這個函數,因為我的老師只允許使用它們。

修正了我的回答以反映評論,它比kjtl的答案要短一些。 但它基於相同的概念,通過使用狀態......好吧,當前狀態:)

def maskWord(state, word, guess):
    state = list(state)
    for i in range(len(word)):
        if word[i] == guess:
             state[i] = guess
    return "".join(state)

# Lets test if it works..:
word = "electricity"
state = "-" * len(word)
tries = 0

play = True
while play:
    if tries == len(word)*2: 
        print "Fail..."; 
        play = False
    guess = raw_input("Guess: ")
    tries +=1
    state = maskWord(state, word, guess)
    print state
    if maskWord(state, word, guess) == word:  
        print "WIN, WIN!!"; 
        play = False


def maskWord(state, word, guess):

    result = ''
    guessed = []
    character = ''
    for character in state:
        if not character == '-':
            if not character in guessed:

    if not guess in guessed:

    for guess in word:
        if guess in guessed:
            result += guess
            result += "-"

    # for debugging change to if True:
    if False:
        print 'state %s' % state
        print 'word %s' % word
        print 'guess %s' % guess
        print guessed

    return result

# Lets test if it works..:
import sys

word = "electricity"
state = ""
tries = 0

loop = True
while loop:
    if tries == len(word)*3: 
        print "Fail..."
        loop = False
        guess = raw_input("Guess: ")
        tries +=1
        state = maskWord(state, word, guess)
        print state
        if maskWord(state, word, guess) == word:    
            print "WIN, WIN!!"
            loop = False


import random
import string
VOWELS = 'aeiou'
CONSONANTS = 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'
SCRABBLE_LETTER_VALUES = { 'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 3, 'd': 2, 'e': 1, 'f': 4, 'g': 2,
    'h': 4, 'i': 1, 'j': 8, 'k': 5, 'l': 1, 'm': 3, 'n': 1, 'o': 1, 'p': 3, 'q': 10,
    'r': 1, 's': 1, 't': 1, 'u': 1, 'v': 4, 'w': 4, 'x': 8, 'y': 4, 'z': 10 }

def load_words():

print "Loading word list from file..."

# making the file

words_file= open("N:\Problem Set 1\words.txt", 'r', 0)

# makeing the wordlist

 words = []

 for line in words_file:


print "  ", len(words), "words loaded."

return words

def get_frequency_dict(sequence):

# freqs: dictionary (element_type -> int)

frequencies = {}
    for x in sequence:
        frequencies[x] = frequencies.get(x,0) + 1
    return frequencies

# -----------------------------------

def get_word_score(word, n):
    output = 0
    # Checking wether the later is in the list
    for letter in word:
        output = output + SCRABBLE_LETTER_VALUES.get(letter)
    output = output * len(word)
    if len(word) == n:
        output = output + 50
    if output < 0:
        print "Thats is a negative value!"
    return output

def display_hand(hand):
    # Displaying the hand
    for letter, frequency in hand.items():
        for i in range(frequency):
            print letter,
    print '\n'

def deal_hand(n):
    number_vowels = n / 3

    for i in range(number_vowels):
        z = VOWELS[random.randrange(0,len(VOWELS))]
        hand[z] = hand.get(z, 0) + 1

    for i in range(number_vowels, n):    
        z = CONSONANTS[random.randrange(0,len(CONSONANTS))]
        hand[z] = hand.get(z, 0) + 1

    return hand

# Updating the hand
def update_hand(hand, word):       
    for letter in word:
        if hand[letter] != 0:
            hand[letter] = hand.get(letter, 0) - 1 
    return hand

#If letter chosen is in hand then append
def is_valid_word(word, hand, words_file):
    handchosen = dict.copy(hand)
    first_hand =[]
    second_hand = []
    for letter in handchosen.keys():
        for f in range(handchosen[letter]):
    for letter in word:
        for s in handchosen:
            if s == letter and handchosen[letter] != 0:
                    handchosen[letter] = handchosen.get(letter, 0) - 1
    for letter in handchosen.keys():
        for f in range(handchosen[letter]):
    if words_file.count(word) > 0 and len(word) + len(second_hand) == len(first_hand):
        return True
        return False

# Play the hand
def play_hand(hand, words_file):
    print 'Hey welcome to the Wordgame!'
    print "Press '.' when you want to end the game."
    n = HAND_SIZE
    old_hand = hand.copy()
    print 'Initial hand:',
    loop = 1
    while loop == 1:
        yourscore = 0
        numLetters = 1
        while numLetters > 0:
            quit = '.'
            word = raw_input('Please enter a valid word: ')  
            if word != quit:
                if is_valid_word(word, hand, words_file) == False:
                    print 'Invalid word. Please enter a valid word:' 
                    numLetters = 1
                    print 'You got points for:',word,'=',get_word_score(word, n)
                    yourscore = yourscore + get_word_score(word, n)
                    print 'The total score:', yourscore
                    updated_hand = update_hand(hand, word)
                    print 'Current Hand:',
                    hand = updated_hand
                    for num in dict.values(hand):
                        numLetters = num + numLetters
                    numLetters = numLetters - 1
                    print numLetters,'letters are still remaining.'
                    if numLetters == 0:
                        loop = 0
                numLetters,loop = 0,0
    print 'Lets see what the final score is: ', yourscore

#Play the game
def play_game(words_file):
    hand = deal_hand(HAND_SIZE) # random init
    while True:
        # Let the user make a choice
        A = raw_input('Enter n to deal a new hand, r to play the same hand or e to end game: ')
        if A == 'n':
            hand = deal_hand(HAND_SIZE)
            play_hand(hand.copy(), words_file)
            old_hand = hand.copy()
        # User can take the same hand
        elif A == 'r':
            play_hand(old_hand, words_file)
        # Break
        elif A == 'e':
            print "That is a invalid command."

if __name__ == '__main__':
    words_file = load_words()


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