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[英]How to write unit test for this method

我正在為這種方法編寫單元測試。 我已經嘗試了很多次但仍然無法為其編寫任何代碼。 請建議我如何進行單元測試。 我正在使用C#,nunit框架和rhino mock。


        public FileUploadJsonResult AjaxUploadProfile(int id, string branchName, string filepath, HttpPostedFileBase file)
        // TODO: Add your business logic here and/or save the file
        string statusCode = "1";
        string profilePicture = string.Empty;
        string fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName.ToLower());
        string fileName = id + "_" + branchName;
        string fileNameWithOriginalExtension = fileName + fileExtension;
        string fileNameWithJPGExtension = fileName + ".jpg";
        string fileServerPath = this.Server.MapPath("~/LO_ProfilePicture/" + fileNameWithJPGExtension);
        string statusMessage = string.Empty;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileExtension) || !Utility.isCorrectExtension(fileExtension))
            statusMessage = "Profile picture should be of JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF or JPEG format.";
            return new FileUploadJsonResult { Data = new { message = string.Format(statusMessage, fileNameWithOriginalExtension), filename = string.Empty, profilepic = profilePicture, statusCode = "0" } };
        if (file.ContentLength > PageConstants.PROFILE_PICTURE_FILE_SIZE)
            statusMessage = "Profile picture size should be less than 2MB";
            return new FileUploadJsonResult { Data = new { message = string.Format(statusMessage, fileNameWithOriginalExtension), filename = string.Empty, profilepic = profilePicture, statusCode = "0" } };
        Utility.SaveThumbnailImage(fileServerPath, file.InputStream, PageConstants.BRANCH_PROFILE_PICTURE_FILE_HEIGTH, PageConstants.BRANCH_PROFILE_PICTURE_FILE_WIDTH);
        profilePicture = PageConstants.IMAGE_PATH + "LO_ProfilePicture/" + fileNameWithJPGExtension;
        // Return JSON            
        return new FileUploadJsonResult { Data = new { message = string.Format("Profile Picture is successfully uploaded.", fileNameWithOriginalExtension), filename = fileNameWithJPGExtension, profilepic = profilePicture, statusCode } };

讓它做到必不可少的部分。 拆分與您嘗試處理其他類的操作無關的任何內容。 把它們放在接口后面,這樣你就可以在你的單元測試中模擬它們。 這樣你就會注意到你不必在這個類中用文件i / o測試任何東西。 在下面的課程中,我將基本部分中的功能分開,一些文件i / o和檢索設置。 即使這些設置也與您嘗試測試的當前方法無關。 該方法只需要對例如擴展進行驗證,但是如何進行驗證並不重要。

提示:盡量避免使用靜態實用程序類。 給他們自己的課。 還要避免使用網絡通信或文件i / o等外部組件。

因為我沒有很多上下文,它可能無法編譯。 但我會選擇以下內容:

class Controller {
    public FileUploadJsonResult AjaxUploadProfile(int id, string branchName, string filepath, HttpPostedFileBase file) {
        string fileName = id + "_" + branchName;
        string fileExtension = _fileIO.GetExtensionForFile(file);

        if (!_extensionManager.IsValidExtension(fileExtension)) {
            return CreateAjaxUploadProfileError("Profile picture should be of JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF or JPEG format.");

        if (file.ContentLength > _settingsManager.GetMaximumFileSize()) {
            return CreateAjaxUploadProfileError("Profile picture size should be less than 2MB");

        string fileNameWithJPGExtension = fileName + ".jpg";
        string fileServerPath = _fileIO.GetServerProfilePicture(Server, fileNameWithJPGExtension);
        string fileClientPath = _fileIO.GetClientProfilePicture(fileNameWithJPGExtension);

        var dimensions = _settingsManager.GetThumbnailDimensions();
        _fileIO.SaveThumbnailImage(fileServerPath, file, dimensions.Item1, dimensions.Item2);

        // Return JSON      
        var data = new {
                message = "Profile Picture is successfully uploaded.", 
                filename = fileClientPath,
                profilepic = profilePicture,
                statusCode = "1"
        return new FileUploadJsonResult { Data = data };

    private static CreateAjaxUploadProfileError(string message) {
        var data = new {
                message = message, 
                filename = string.Empty,
                profilepic = string.Empty,
                statusCode = "0"
        return new FileUploadJsonResult { Data = data };

class FileIO : IFileIO {
    public string GetExtensionForFile(HttpPostedFileBase file) {
        return System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filePath.FileName.ToLower());

    public string GetServerProfilePicture(T server, string file) {
        return server.MapPath( "~/LO_ProfilePicture/" + file);

    public void SaveThumbnailImage(string path, HttpPostedFileBase file, int height, int width) {
        Utility.SaveThumbnailImage(path, file.InputStream, height, width); // or even inline

    public string GetClientProfilePicture(string fileName) {
        return _settingsManager.GetClientImagePath() + "LO_ProfilePicture/" + fileNameWithJPGExtension;

class ExtensionManager : IExtensionManager {
    public bool IsValidExtension(string extension) {
        return Utility.isCorrectExtension(fileExtension); // or even inline

class SettingsManager : ISettingsManager {
    public Tuple<int, int> GetThumbnailDimensions() {
        return Tuple.Create<int, int>(PageConstants.BRANCH_PROFILE_PICTURE_FILE_HEIGTH, PageConstants.BRANCH_PROFILE_PICTURE_FILE_WIDTH);

    public int GetMaximumFileSize() {
        return PageConstants.PROFILE_PICTURE_FILE_SIZE;

您可以將此功能視為執行特定工作的多個功能的組合。 一個功能是獲取目標文件路徑,另一個是驗證擴展,另一個是驗證大小,另一個是創建縮略圖等。

目標是將復雜的代碼分解為可以獨立測試的小型可測試功能(單元)。 因此,當您將它們放在一起時,您可以更好地確信您的大功能可以按預期工作。


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