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如何收集動態添加的行(HTML表)的值(數據)? 使用PHP和XAMPP

[英]How to collect values (data) of dynamically added rows (HTML table) ? Using php & XAMPP

我創建了帶有動態表的簡單表單。 該表行根據用戶輸入值增加,因此每次創建新行時,我都需要增加組合框或選擇(選項),因此它應該類似於默認組合框值。 注意:此選擇框或組合框是列屬性的一部分,請記住行遞增,但不包含列。


我想收集此表的列數據或值(無論其行號是多少),並使用php將其存儲到XAMPP數據庫。 我知道如何從單一表單收集數據,但是我不知道如何從動態表單收集數據。


function AddRows()
var tableelement = document.getElementById("mytable")
var rows = document.getElementById("noofrows").value;
var tablerowcount = tableelement.rows.length;
var currowcount = tablerowcount;

for(i = 1; i < rows; i++) {

var row = tableelement.insertRow(currowcount);
var cellid = row.insertCell(0);
cellid.innerHTML = "<b>" + currowcount +"</b>";
var cellid2 = row.insertCell(1);

cellid2.innerHTML = "<input value='' id='" + currowcount +"_name' /> ";
var cellid3 = row.insertCell(1);
cellid3.innerHTML = "<input value='' id='" + currowcount +"_name' /> ";
var cellid4 = row.insertCell(1);
cellid4.innerHTML = "<input value='' id='" + currowcount +"_name' /> ";
var cellid5 = row.insertCell(1);
cellid5.innerHTML = "<input value='' id='" +currowcount +"_name' /> ";
var cellid6 = row.insertCell(1);
cellid6.innerHTML = "<input value='' id='" +currowcount+"_name' /> ";

var currowcountcurrowcount = currowcount++;

<form method="post" action="insert.php>

Carton Number :<input type="text" name="cn"> <br>
Business Unit :<input type="text" name="bu"> <br>
No of Files  :<input type="noofrows" id="noofrows"  value="1" name="nof" />

<input name="add" id="add" type="button" value="Add" onClick="AddRows()"/>

<table name="mytable" id="mytable" border=1>
          <b>Document Category</b>
          <b>Document Type</b>
       <input value="" id='1_name' >
       <input value="" id='1_name'/>
   <input value="" id='1_name' />

  <Select id='select' />
    <option name="option" value="finance">Finance Documents</option>
    <option name="option" value="hr">HR Documents</option>
    <option name="option" value="test">test</option

    <Select id='select' />
       <option name="option" value="CP">Cash movement</option>
       <option name="option" value="PV">Payment Voucher</option>
       <option name="option" value="RV">RV</option
function AddRows()
var tableelement = document.getElementById("mytable")
var rows = document.getElementById("noofrows").value;
var tablerowcount = tableelement.rows.length;
var currowcount = tablerowcount;

for(i = 1; i < rows; i++) {

var row = tableelement.insertRow(currowcount);
var cellid = row.insertCell(0);
cellid.innerHTML = "<b>" + currowcount +"</b>";
var cellid2 = row.insertCell(1);
cellid2.innerHTML = "<Select id='select' /><option name='option' value='CP'>Cash movement</option><option name='option' value='PV'>Payment Voucher</option>   <option name='option' value='RV'>RV</option></Select> ";
var cellid3 = row.insertCell(1);
cellid3.innerHTML = "<Select id='select' /><option name='option' value='finance'>Finance Documents</option><option name='option' value='hr'>HR Documents</option><option name='option' value='test'>test</option</Select> ";
var cellid4 = row.insertCell(1);
cellid4.innerHTML = "<input value='' id='" + currowcount +"_name' /> ";
var cellid5 = row.insertCell(1);
cellid5.innerHTML = "<input value='' id='" +currowcount +"_name' /> ";
var cellid6 = row.insertCell(1);
cellid6.innerHTML = "<input value='' id='" +currowcount+"_name' /> ";

var currowcountcurrowcount = currowcount++;


ex id ='1_name_Range []'表示范圍。 還要更改函數重命名代碼以進行保存,正如您所說的那樣。使用數組變量保存在數據庫中


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