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C ++內存測試返回奇怪的輸出

[英]C++ Memory test returns weird output

Slackware在這里。 我只是搞亂內存和指針...我想學習更多關於那些,所以我用c ++創建了一個數組,並查找了第一項的內存地址......:

string foo[3] = {"a", "b", "c"};
cout << *(&foo[0]-4) << endl;

它輸出: http//pastebin.com/K0HAL5nJ整個代碼:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    string foo[3] = {"a", "b", "c"};
    cout << &foo[0] << " minus " << &foo[1] << " equals " << int(&foo[0])-int(&foo[1]) << endl;
    cout << *(&foo[0]-4) << endl;
    cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
    return 0;

我是c ++的完全初學者,並且不明白為什么會發生這種情況...我知道這種代碼不應該......但是,仍然可以請任何人解釋那里發生的事情嗎?

這是未定義的行為。 &foo[0]為您提供第一個std::string對象的地址,然后從中減去4。 來自§5.7添加劑運算符:

如果指針操作數和結果都指向同一個數組對象的元素,或者指向數組對象的最后一個元素,則評估不應產生溢出; 否則,行為未定義。

未定義的行為意味着您可以體驗任何事物。 可能發生的是一些內存區域,在數組開始之前的四個位置,這不是一個有效的std::string對象被視為std::string 這必將導致丑陋的事情發生。



// Assume sizeof(int) is 4.
int b[100];  // b is an array of 100 ints.
int* p;      // p is a a pointer to an int.
p = b;       // Assigns address of first element of b. Ie, &b[0]
p = p + 1;   // Adds 4 to p (4 == 1 * sizeof(int)). Ie, &b[1]


  cout << *(&foo[0]-4) << endl;

這段代碼是打印foo [-4]


 cout << *(&foo[4]-4) << endl;

這將打印foo [0]

 T * p;
 int n;

p+n意味着的地址p添加的sizeof(T *)* n個


// Assume sizeof(int) is 4.
int b[100];  // b is an array of 100 ints.
int* p;      // p is a a pointer to an int.
p = b;       // Assigns address of first element of b. Ie, &b[0]
p = p + 1;   // Adds 4 to p (4 == 1 * sizeof(int)). Ie, &b[1]


 string foo[3] = {"a", "b", "c"};
 cout << &foo[0] << " minus " << &foo[1] << " equals " 
      << int(&foo[0])-int(&foo[1]);

 &foo[0] get the memory address of "a",
 &foo[1] get the memory address of "b";
 the output is OK since both address are in range of foo's address space

cout << *(&foo[0]-4) << endl;
 You tried to get the value at address of ("a" -4),
since this address is outside the address of foo, it is undefined behavior. 


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