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在 c# 中使用來自單獨 .cs 文件的變量和方法

[英]using variables and methods from separate .cs files in c#

我對 c# 非常陌生,我正在嘗試構建一個小應用程序來幫助一些玩游戲的朋友。 我認為這將是一個學習語言的好項目。

我正在構建一個表單,允許玩家為 MWO 配置機甲,並且進展順利,但我的代碼變得越來越混亂,因為我將所有內容都放在一個文件中。 我想做的是將我的變量分離到它們自己的 .cs 文件中,並將不同的機械也分離到它們自己的文件中。

我遇到的問題是,當我將變量移動到它自己文件中的新類時,即使我將類和所有變量設置為 public,其余的代碼也無法再看到這些變量。 我不確定我做錯了什么,我確定這是我忘記的相當簡單的事情,但對於我的生活,我無法弄清楚我做錯了什么。

public static class MechCommon_Fields
    public const int NUMBER_OF_EQUIPABLE_SECTIONS = 6;
    public const int NUMBER_OF_CRITICAL_SECTIONS = 8;
    public const int NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS = 11;
    public const int UNKNOWN_LOCATION = -1;
    public const int RIGHT_ARM = 0;
    public const int LEFT_ARM = 1;
    public const int RIGHT_TORSO = 2;
    public const int LEFT_TORSO = 3;
    public const int CENTER_TORSO = 4;
    public const int HEAD = 5;
    public const int RIGHT_LEG = 6;
    public const int LEFT_LEG = 7;
    public const int RIGHT_REAR_TORSO = 8;
    public const int LEFT_REAR_TORSO = 9;
    public const int CENTER_REAR_TORSO = 10;
    public const int BOTH_SIDE_TORSOS = 11;
    public const int BOTH_ARMS = 12;
    public const int NUMBER_OF_HARDPOINT_TYPES = 4;
    public const int BALLISTIC = 0;
    public const int ENERGY = 1;
    public const int MISSILE = 2;
    public const int AMS = 3;
    public const int OMNI = 4;
    public const int AMMO = 3;
    public const int OTHER = 4;
    public const int SELECTED = 5;
    public const double SRM_DAMAGE = 2.5;
    public const double LRM_DAMAGE = 1.8;
    public const double SRM_RECYCLE = 3.5;
    public const double LRM_RECYCLE = 3.25;
    public const double SRM_DELAY = 0.25;
    public const double LRM_DELAY = 0.5;
    public const double LRM_IMPULSE = 0.8;
    public const int SRM_RANGE = 270;
    public const int MRM_RANGE = 450;
    public const int LRM_MIN_RANGE = 180;
    public const int ENHANCED_LRM_MIN_RANGE = 90;
    public const int LRM_RANGE = 630;
    public const int LRM_MAX_RANGE = 1000;
    public const int EXTENDED_LRM_MIN_RANGE = 300;
    public const int EXTENDED_LRM_RANGE = 1140;
    public const int EXTENDED_LRM_MAX_RANGE = 1140;
    public const int SRM_SPEED = 300;
    public const int STREAK_SRM_SPEED = 200;
    public const int LRM_SPEED = 100;
    public const int ARTEMIS_IV_CRITICALS = 1;
    public const int ARTEMIS_IV_COST = 1;
    public const double ARTEMIS_IV_TONNAGE = 1.0;
    public const int LASER_RANGE_MODIFIER = 2;
    public const int PROJECTILE_RANGE_MODIFIER = 3;
    public const int INTERNALS = 0;
    public const int ARMOR = 1;
    public const int INTERNALS_TOTAL = 8;
    public const int ARMOR_TOTAL = 8;
    public const int NUMBER_OF_MAIN_SECTION = 6;
    public const int NUMBER_OF_LESSER_SECTION = 3;
    public const int NUMBER_OF_MAIN_SECTION_CRITICALS = 12;
    public const int NUMBER_OF_LESSER_SECTION_CRITICALS = 6;
    public const int BALLISTIC_MAX_RANGE_MODIFIER = 3;
    public const int ENERGY_MAX_RANGE_MODIFIER = 2;
    public const int LOWER_ARM_ACTUATOR = 0;
    public const int HAND_ACTUATOR = 1;
    public const int UNKNOWN_ITEM_TYPE = 0;
    public const int COMPONENT_ITEM_TYPE = 1;
    public const int WEAPON_ITEM_TYPE = 2;
    public const int AMMO_ITEM_TYPE = 3;
    public const int EQUIPMENT_ITEM_TYPE = 4;
    public const int HEAT_SINK_ITEM_TYPE = 5;
    public const int JUMP_JET_ITEM_TYPE = 6;
    public const int ARMOR_ITEM_TYPE = 7;
    public const int INTERNAL_ITEM_TYPE = 8;
    public const int CASE_ITEM_TYPE = 9;
    public const int ENGINE_ITEM_TYPE = 10;
    public const int OTHER_ITEM_TYPE = 11;
    public const int TORSO = 0;
    public const int ARM = 1;
    public const int NUMBER_OF_MOVING_SECTIONS = 2;
    public const int YAW = 0;
    public const int PITCH = 1;
    public const int AXIS_OF_MOVEMENT = 2;
    public const double DOUBLE_HEAT_SINK_DISSIPATION = 1.4;








    using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MechLab
    public class Mechs
        public int enginePower;
        public int tonnage;
        public double maxEngineRating;
        public int stockEngineRating;
        public string weightClass;
        public double maxSpeed;

        public string mechChassis;
        public string mechVariant;
        public double speed;
        public long basecost;

        public int ballisticHP;
        public int missileHP;
        public int energyHP;
        public int amsHP;
        public int omniHP;

        public int armorHead;
        public int armorCT;
        public int armorRT;
        public int armorLT;
        public int armorRCT;
        public int armorRRT;
        public int armorRLT;
        public int armorRA;
        public int armorLA;
        public int armorRL;
        public int armorLL;
        public int totalArmor;


public void loadMech()
            maxSpeed = ((stockEngineRating / tonnage) * 16.2);

            txtMechChassis.Text = mechChassis;
            txtMechVariant.Text = mechVariant;
            txtSpeed.Text = maxSpeed.ToString();
            txtTonnage.Text = tonnage.ToString();



您可以使用部分類。 更多細節在這里



using MyProject.Namespace; // replace with your namespace

如果您發布的類 ( Mech_CommonFields ) 旨在定義任何給定機械上的所有組件,無論類型如何,並且實際值可以在類型之間更改,我將使用自動屬性,如下所示:

public class Mech_CommonFields

    public int NumberOfEquipableSections { get; set; }
    public int NumberOfSections { get; set; }
    public int UnknownLocation { get; set; }
    public int RightArm { get; set; }
    public int LeftArm { get; set; }
    public int RightTorso { get; set; }
    public int LeftTorso { get; set; }
    public int CenterTorso { get; set; }
    // etc.


Mech_CommonFields myMech = new Mech_CommonFields() { 
                               NumberOfEquipableSections = 6,
                               NumberOfSections = 11,
                               UnknownLocation = -1 };

自動屬性(如上所示)允許您在實例化類時使用所需的值初始化類,只需在實例化對象時將值分配給所需的屬性(如第二個代碼示例中所示)。 這具有與 IntelliSense 良好配合的額外好處 - 當您在花括號內時,它會彈出一個屬性列表供您使用,並且只會顯示您尚未用於該實例的屬性)。


同樣,雖然 static 允許您在程序運行期間隨時更改值,但它會更改引用它們的所有對象的值。 換句話說,如果您有 3 個機甲,並將其中一個的 NUMBER_OF_EQUIPABLE_SECTIONS 的值設置為 12,則所有機甲都將設置為 12(如果字段/屬性被標記為靜態)。









public static int AMMO = 3;





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