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我如何使用 Mono C# 獲取有關關注 Linux 的窗口的信息

[英]How do i get information about the window that has focus on Linux using Mono C#

我已經使用 Windows 用戶組件 (user32.dll) 開發了一個 C# .NET WindowsForms 應用程序,每次用戶更改焦點時,該組件都會保存活動窗口(具有焦點的窗口)的標題。

現在我打算在 Linux 上使用 Mono C# 做同樣的事情。 是否有可能?



static GdkWindow *
screenshot_find_active_window (void)
  GdkWindow *window;
  GdkScreen *default_screen;

  default_screen = gdk_screen_get_default ();
  window = gdk_screen_get_active_window (default_screen);

  return window;


GdkWindow *
do_find_current_window (void)
  GdkWindow *current_window;
  GdkDeviceManager *manager;
  GdkDevice *device;

  current_window = screenshot_find_active_window ();
  manager = gdk_display_get_device_manager (gdk_display_get_default ());
  device = gdk_device_manager_get_client_pointer (manager);

  /* If there's no active window, we fall back to returning the
   * window that the cursor is in.
  if (!current_window)
    current_window = gdk_device_get_window_at_position (device, NULL, NULL);

  if (current_window)
      if (screenshot_window_is_desktop (current_window))
    /* if the current window is the desktop (e.g. nautilus), we
     * return NULL, as getting the whole screen makes more sense.
        return NULL;

      /* Once we have a window, we take the toplevel ancestor. */
      current_window = gdk_window_get_toplevel (current_window);

  return current_window;

據我所知,以上所有內容都依賴於 libgdk-pixbuf。 如果這不是一個選項,您可以隨時查看 Gdk 源代碼中這些函數的實現。

我正在嘗試在Linux中使用python來使鼠標單擊/突出顯示窗口名稱/標題。 但是我一無所知。

或任何其他語言都可以獲取窗口名稱? 有可能嗎?有辦法嗎?


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