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[英]Query and aggregate data based on conditions in R

我有一個數據框,如果type a值等於1,我希望得到每年type b的所有值的均值。

Year  type   value1   value2  value3  value4  value5
1     a       1        1        2       3       4
1     b       10       12       9       8       10
2     a       1        2        2       2       1
2     b       11       10       13      9       14


Year  type_b_values
1      11
2      12.5

這是Year1value1value2的平均值,以及Year1value15Year2 謝謝!

這是一種使用基本函數的方法。 我猜plyr或reshape也可能是有用的包,但我對它們不太熟悉:

dat <- read.table(text="Year  type   value1   value2  value3  value4  value5
1     a       1        1        2       3       4
1     b       10       12       9       8       10
2     a       1        2        2       2       1
2     b       11       10       13      9       14", header=TRUE)

dat_split <- split(dat, dat$Year)       # split our data into a list by year

output <- sapply(dat_split, function(x) {
    y <- x[x$type == "a", -c(1:2)] == 1 # which a in that year = 1
    z <- x[x$type == "b", -c(1:2)][y]   # grab the b values that a = 1
    if (sum(y) == 0) {                  # eliminate if no a = 1

data.frame(Year = names(output), type_b_values = output)

## > data.frame(Year = names(output), type_b_values = output)
##   Year type_b_values
## 1    1          11.0
## 2    2          12.5


ddply(dat, "Year", function(x) {
  values.cols <- grep("value", names(x), value = TRUE)
  a <- subset(x, type == "a", values.cols)
  b <- subset(x, type == "b", values.cols)  
  c("type_b_values" = mean(b[a == 1]))

#   Year type_b_values
# 1    1          11.0
# 2    2          12.5


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