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[英]Python perform operation in string

因此,我試圖將變量操作(用戶定義的)傳遞給函數,並且在嘗試找到一種好的方法方面遇到麻煩。 我能想到的就是將所有選項硬編碼到函數中,如下所示:

def DoThings(Conditions):
import re
import pandas as pd
d = {'time' : pd.Series([1., 2., 3., 4.], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']),
     'legnth' : pd.Series([4., 5., 6., 7.], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])}
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print df

for Condition in Conditions:
    # Split the condition into two parts
    SplitCondition = re.split('<=|>=|!=|<|>|=',Condition)

    # If the right side of the conditional statement is a number convert it to a float
    if SplitCondition[1].isdigit():
        SplitCondition[1] = float(SplitCondition[1])

    # Perform the condition specified
    if "<=" in Condition:
        df = df[df[SplitCondition[0]]<=SplitCondition[1]]
        print "one"
    elif ">=" in Condition:
        df = df[df[SplitCondition[0]]>=SplitCondition[1]]
        print "two"
    elif "!=" in Condition:
        df = df[df[SplitCondition[0]]!=SplitCondition[1]]
        print "three"
    elif "<" in Condition:
        df = df[df[SplitCondition[0]]<=SplitCondition[1]]
        print "four"
    elif ">" in Condition:
        df = df[df[SplitCondition[0]]>=SplitCondition[1]]
        print "five"
    elif "=" in Condition:
        df = df[df[SplitCondition[0]]==SplitCondition[1]]
        print "six"
return df

# Specify the conditions
Conditions = ["time>2","legnth<=6"]
df = DoThings(Conditions)   # Call the function

print df


   legnth  time
a       4     1
b       5     2
c       6     3
d       7     4
   legnth  time
c       6     3

一切都很好,但是我想知道是否存在一種更好或更有效的方法,可以將條件傳遞到函數中而不用寫出所有if語句。 有任何想法嗎?


def DoThings(Conditions):
    import re
    import pandas as pd
    d = {'time' : pd.Series([1., 2., 3., 4.], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']),
         'legnth' : pd.Series([4., 5., 6., 7.], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])}
    df = pd.DataFrame(d)
    print df

    for Condition in Conditions:
        # Split the condition into two parts
        SplitCondition = re.split('<=|>=|!=|<|>|=',Condition)

        # If the right side of the conditional statement is a number convert it to a float
        if SplitCondition[1].isdigit():
            SplitCondition[1] = float(SplitCondition[1])

        import operator
        ops = {'<=': operator.le, '>=': operator.ge, '!=': operator.ne, '<': operator.lt, '>': operator.gt, '=': operator.eq}
        cond = re.findall(r'<=|>=|!=|<|>|=', Condition)
        df = df[ops[cond[0]](df[SplitCondition[0]],SplitCondition[1])]

    return df

# Specify the conditions
Conditions = ["time>2","legnth<=6"]
df = DoThings(Conditions)   # Call the function

print df


   legnth  time
a       4     1
b       5     2
c       6     3
d       7     4
   legnth  time
c       6     3

您可以通過operator模塊訪問內置運算operator ,然后構建一個表,將您的運算符名稱映射到內置運算符,如下面的示例所示:

import operator
ops = {'<=': operator.le, '>=': operator.ge}

In [3]: ops['>='](2, 1)
Out[3]: True

您可以使用屏蔽做這種操作的(你會發現它速度快了很多 ):

In [21]: df[(df.legnth <= 6) & (df.time > 2)]
   legnth  time
c       6     3

In [22]: df[(df.legnth <= 6) & (df.time >= 2)]
   legnth  time
b       5     2
c       6     3


您還可以執行或(使用| )操作,該操作將按您期望的那樣工作:

In [23]: df[(df.legnth == 4) | (df.time == 4)]
   legnth  time
a       4     1
d       7     4

pandas==0.13 (不確定何時發布…… 0.12 ),您將能夠執行以下操作,所有這些操作都是等效的:

res = df.query('(legnth == 4) | (time == 4)')
res = df.query('legnth == 4 | time == 4')
res = df.query('legnth == 4 or time == 4')


res = df['legnth == 4 or time == 4']

query__getitem__都接受一個任意的布爾表達式,並自動在表達式中的每個變量名稱上“前綴”調用框架實例(也可以使用局部變量和全局變量)。 這使您可以:1)比鍵入df.簡潔得多地表達查詢df. 面對一切2)使用語法來表達查詢,讓我們面對現實,它看起來比丑陋的按位運算符更好; 3)如果您有巨大的框架和非常復雜的表達式,則可能比“純” Python等效要快得多,最后是4 )可讓您將同一查詢傳遞給多個具有共同的列子集的幀(畢竟,它是一個字符串)。


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