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[英]C: accessing members of struct in a function

我試圖在我的函數print_shoe中使用結構成員'size',但我的for循環不運行。 但是,如果我用for循環中的int替換'c-> size',它運行就好了

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DECK_SIZE 52
#define NUM_FACES 13
#define NUM_SUITS 4
#define LENGTH_FACES 6
#define LENGTH_SUITS 9

typedef struct cards {
  char suits[NUM_SUITS][LENGTH_SUITS];
  char faces[NUM_FACES][NUM_FACES];
  int suit, face, card, value, size;
  int *values[NUM_FACES];
} cards;

char buf[101];
void print_shoe();
void init_decks();
int rand_int();
void shuffle();

int main(void) {

  srand( time(NULL) );

  int decks_input = 0;    
  int numberOfDecks = 1;

  do {
    printf("\nEnter number of decks to be used in the game (1-8):\n\n");
    if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL)
      if (sscanf (buf, "%d", &decks_input))
        numberOfDecks = decks_input;
     } while (numberOfDecks < 1 || numberOfDecks > 8);

  cards *shoe = malloc(sizeof(cards) * numberOfDecks * DECK_SIZE);
  shoe->size = numberOfDecks * DECK_SIZE;



  return 0;

void print_shoe(cards *c) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < c->size; i++) {
    printf("card #%d = %s of %s\n", i+1, c->faces[c[i].face], c->suits[c[i].suit]);

void init_decks(cards *c) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < c->size; i++) {
    c[i].card = i;
    c[i].suit = c[i].card % NUM_SUITS;
    c[i].face = c[i].card % NUM_FACES;

void shuffle(cards *c) {

  int i, j;
  cards tmp;
  for (i = c->size - 1; i > 0 ; i--) {
    j = rand_int(i + 1);
    tmp = c[j];
    c[j] = c[i];
    c[i] = tmp;

int rand_int(int n) {
  int limit = RAND_MAX - RAND_MAX % n;
  int rnd;

  do {
    rnd = rand();
     } while (rnd >= limit);
  return rnd % n;



cards *shoe = malloc(sizeof(cards) * numberOfDecks * DECK_SIZE);
shoe->size = numberOfDecks * DECK_SIZE;

// You probably need init_decks(shoe); here!!!


print_shoe()代碼只是打印,但是你沒有初始化malloc()以外的數據,所以你要打印垃圾。 malloc()返回的數據未初始化,必須在讀取之前進行初始化。 我打字的時候問題發生了變化; 你還沒有打電話給init_decks(shoe); 如你所願。

這不是它不起作用的原因 - 我不確定現在的問題是什么 - 但它幾乎值得評論。 你有:

void shuffle(cards *c) {

  int i, j;
  cards tmp;
  for (i = c->size - 1; i > 0 ; i--) {
    j = rand_int(i + 1);
    tmp = c[j];
    c[j] = c[i];
    c[i] = tmp;


void shuffle(cards *c) {
  for (int i = c->size - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    int j = rand_int(i + 1);
    cards tmp = c[j];
    c[j] = c[i];
    c[i] = tmp;

(我不會錯過對init_decks()的調用, init_decks()它是這樣編寫的。)

正如評論中所指出的,您的cards結構相當重要。 您為每張卡分配足夠的空間來存儲它可能具有的等級和套裝。 這實際上沒有必要。

此代碼將DeckCard分開。 它在Deck結構中使用一個靈活的陣列成員來固定卡片,這很方便。 您可能更喜歡在那里使用常規指針,在這種情況下,您需要一對內存分配和一個函數deck_free()來釋放由deck_alloc()分配的內存。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#define NUM_FACES 13
#define NUM_SUITS 4
#define LENGTH_FACES 6
#define LENGTH_SUITS 9

static const char suits[NUM_SUITS][LENGTH_SUITS] =
static const char faces[NUM_FACES][NUM_FACES] =

typedef struct Card
  int suit;
  int face;
  int card;
} Card;

typedef struct Deck
  int size;
  Card cards[];     // Flexible array member
} Deck;

void print_shoe(const Deck *d);
void init_decks(Deck *d);
int rand_int(int n);
void shuffle(Deck *d);
static Deck *deck_alloc(int numberOfDecks);

int main(void)
    srand( time(NULL) );
    int numberOfDecks = 1;

        char buf[101];
        printf("\nEnter number of decks to be used in the game (1-8):\n\n");
        if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL)
            int decks_input;    
            if (sscanf (buf, "%d", &decks_input))
                numberOfDecks = decks_input;
    } while (numberOfDecks < 1 || numberOfDecks > 8);

    Deck *shoe = deck_alloc(numberOfDecks);

    return 0;

static Deck *deck_alloc(int numberOfDecks)
    Deck *shoe  = malloc(sizeof(Deck) + (sizeof(Card) * numberOfDecks * DECK_SIZE));
    if (shoe == 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
    shoe->size = numberOfDecks * DECK_SIZE;
    return shoe;

void print_shoe(const Deck *d)
    for (int i = 0; i < d->size; i++)
        printf("card #%d = %s of %s\n", i+1, faces[d->cards[i].face], suits[d->cards[i].suit]);

void init_decks(Deck *d)
    for (int i = 0; i < d->size; i++)
        d->cards[i].card = i;
        d->cards[i].suit = d->cards[i].card % NUM_SUITS;
        d->cards[i].face = d->cards[i].card % NUM_FACES;

void shuffle(Deck *d)
    for (int i = d->size - 1; i > 0 ; i--)
        int j = rand_int(i + 1);
        Card tmp = d->cards[j];
        d->cards[j] = d->cards[i];
        d->cards[i] = tmp;

int rand_int(int n)
    int limit = RAND_MAX - RAND_MAX % n;
    int rnd;

        rnd = rand();
    } while (rnd >= limit);
    return rnd % n;


$ ./cards

Enter number of decks to be used in the game (1-8):

card #1 = Eight of Clubs
card #2 = Jack of Clubs
card #3 = Deuce of Diamonds
card #4 = Jack of Hearts
card #5 = Queen of Clubs
card #6 = Four of Hearts
card #7 = Six of Spades
card #8 = King of Hearts
card #9 = Five of Spades
card #10 = King of Clubs
card #11 = Deuce of Clubs
card #12 = King of Spades
card #13 = Four of Spades
card #14 = Nine of Diamonds
card #15 = Five of Hearts
card #16 = Deuce of Spades
card #17 = Ten of Clubs
card #18 = Five of Diamonds
card #19 = Ten of Spades
card #20 = Three of Spades
card #21 = Nine of Hearts
card #22 = Six of Clubs
card #23 = Ace of Clubs
card #24 = Three of Clubs
card #25 = Queen of Hearts
card #26 = Jack of Diamonds
card #27 = Nine of Clubs
card #28 = Four of Clubs
card #29 = Seven of Spades
card #30 = Ace of Diamonds
card #31 = Six of Diamonds
card #32 = Three of Hearts
card #33 = Queen of Diamonds
card #34 = Ten of Hearts
card #35 = Ten of Diamonds
card #36 = Seven of Diamonds
card #37 = Seven of Clubs
card #38 = Deuce of Hearts
card #39 = Ace of Hearts
card #40 = Jack of Spades
card #41 = Eight of Diamonds
card #42 = Eight of Spades
card #43 = Ace of Spades
card #44 = Three of Diamonds
card #45 = Queen of Spades
card #46 = Five of Clubs
card #47 = Four of Diamonds
card #48 = King of Diamonds
card #49 = Nine of Spades
card #50 = Eight of Hearts
card #51 = Six of Hearts
card #52 = Seven of Hearts

直接解決這個問題並忽略了這種方法的智慧,你的問題如下(Raymond Chen也提到過)。

  cards *shoe = malloc(sizeof(cards) * numberOfDecks * DECK_SIZE);

上面的一(numberOfDecks * DECK_SIZE)鞋子指向足夠的內存來存儲(numberOfDecks * DECK_SIZE) struct cards 結構,因而有成員,在這一點上都是單元化的,這意味着shoe[i].size可以是任何比特序列。

shoe-> size = numberOfDecks * DECK_SIZE;

此行查看第一個 struct cards並將其size設置為(numberOfDecks * DECK_SIZE) 其余struct cardssize成員仍然是單元化的。

shuffle ,您對init_decks的調用初始化cardsuitface但不是size 當您稍后洗牌時,具有單元size成員的卡很有可能成為第一名。

因此,根據您當前的方法,如果將此行添加到init_decks ,以下內容應該會得到您想要的init_decks

void init_decks(cards *c) {
      int i;
      int size = c->size;
      for (i = 0; i < c->size; i++) {
            c[i].size = size;
            c[i].card = i;
            c[i].suit = c[i].card % NUM_SUITS;
            c[i].face = c[i].card % NUM_FACES;


 ex *ex_p = malloc(sizeof(ex));
 ex_p->size = 10;


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