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[英]Print the count of lines written into CSV file

[Python3]我有一個腳本讀取(長)CSV文件,包含電子郵件地址和相應的國家/地區代碼,並按國家/地區代碼拆分。 這很好,但我希望腳本根據每個文件打印出行數(即電子郵件)(已寫入)。



12345@12345.com     us
xyz@xyz.com         gb
aasdj@ajsdf.com     fr
askdl@kjasdf.com    de
sdlfj@aejf.com      nl
...                 ...


us: 20000
gb: 20000
de: 10000
fr: 10000
nl: 10000


import csv, datetime
from collections import defaultdict

Script splits a (long) list of email addresses with associated country codes by country codes.
Input file should have only two columns of data - ideally.

# Declaring variables
emails = defaultdict(list)
in_file = "test.tsv"          # Write filename here.
filename = in_file.split(".")

"""Checks if file is comma or tab separated and sets delimiter variable."""
if filename[1] == "csv":
    delimiter = ','
elif filename[1] == "tsv":
    delimiter = '\t'

"""Reads csv/tsv file and cleans email addresses."""
with open(in_file, 'r') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter)
    for row in reader:
        # Gets rid of empty rows
        if row:
            # Gets rid of non-emails
            if '@' in row[0]:
                # Strips the emails from whitespace and appends to the 'emails' list
                # Also now 'cc' is in the first position [0] and email in the second [1]

""""Outputs the emails by cc and names the file."""
for key, value in emails.items():
    # Key is 'cc' and value is 'email'
    # File is named by "today's date-original file's name-cc"
    with open('{0:%Y%m%d}-{1}-{2}.csv'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), filename[0], key), 'w') as f:


""""Outputs the emails by cc and names the file."""
for key, value in emails.items():
    # Key is 'cc' and value is 'email'
    # File is named by "today's date-original file's name-cc"
    with open('{0:%Y%m%d}-{1}-{2}.csv'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), filename[0], key), 'w') as f:

    # The file is closed (de-indented from the with), but we're still in the for loop
    # Use the format() method of a string to print in the form `cc: number of emails`
    print(`{}: {}`.format(key, len(value)))

這使用format()來創建一個像gb: 30000這樣的字符串( 更多用法示例 )。


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