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[英]How to search a word in a 2d string array in C programming

如何在二維字符串數組中搜索整個單詞。 此代碼僅向我輸出輸入的單詞的第一個字母。

誰能幫我這個 ?


#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#define PEOPLE 4
#define LEN_NAME 30

int main (void)
    int i;
    char found_name;
    char name[PEOPLE][LEN_NAME]= {"John Lucas","Armanod Jonas",
                                "Jack Richard","Donovan Truck"};

    printf("What name do you want to search?\n>");
    scanf("\n%s", &found_name);
    for (i = 0 ; i < PEOPLE; i ++)
        if (strchr(name[i], found_name ) != NULL)
            printf( "Found %c in position %d,%s\n", found_name, i+1, name[i]);
            printf( " index of player is %d.\n",i +1);
    return 0;

您需要將found_name設為一個char數組,而不是char。 另外,您需要使用strstr(搜索字符串)而不是strchr(搜索單個字符)進行搜索。

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#define PEOPLE 4
#define LEN_NAME 30
int main(void)
    int i;
    char found_name[LEN_NAME];
    char name[PEOPLE][LEN_NAME] = { "John Lucas", "Armanod Jonas",
    "Jack Richard", "Donovan Truck"

    printf("What name do you want to search?\n>");
    scanf("%29s", found_name);
    for (i = 0; i < PEOPLE; i++) {
    if (strstr(name[i], found_name) != NULL) {
        printf("Found %c in position %d,%s\n", found_name, i + 1,
        printf(" index of player is %d.\n", i + 1);
    return 0;

Found_name僅應是一個字符,並且應具有適當的空格數*。 因此,如果您鍵入“查找此字符串”,則如何將該字符串存儲到1個字節的位置?


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