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[英]Error: An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ClassofEmployees
public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()
     class employee
    { //will include the attributes of all employees of your organization.

        //fields for employee
      public int employeeId; // 5 digit number to represent employee
      public int ssn; //social security number of employee
      public string name; //employee name
      public int dob; //date of birth
      public int pay; //rate of pay


    class managers : employee
        public string backgroundCheck {get; set;}
        public string isSalary;
        public string responsibilitys;

    private void getEmployeeData(employee employee)

        employee.employeeId = int.Parse(EmployeeID.Text);
        employee.ssn = int.Parse(SSN.Text);
        employee.name = employeeName.Text;
        employee.dob = int.Parse(DOB.Text);
        employee.pay = int.Parse(pay.Text);
        managers.backgroundCheck = bCYes;
        managers.isSalary = salaryYes;
        managers.responsibilitys = responsibilitys.Text;

    private void add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //create new employee object
        employee newemployee = new employee();
        //get employee data
        //add employee data to new form window list

好的,我對收到的錯誤完全迷失了。 我在課本中跟隨一個例子。


錯誤1非靜態字段,方法或屬性'ClassofEmployees.Form1.managers.BCY.get'需要對象引用C:\\ Users \\ T-Ali \\ Desktop \\ SHawnasschool \\ vb.net 2 c#\\ projects \\ ClassofEmployees \\ ClassofEmployees \\ Form1.cs 59 13 ClassofEmployees

我了解的是該對象未創建。 但是我相信我用以下代碼創建的對象:

 //create new employee object
        employee newemployee = new employee();
        //get employee data
        //add employee data to new form window list

為什么employee.name或任何employee.something起作用,但是經理部分卻不起作用? 我怎樣才能解決這個問題?


managers.backgroundCheck = bCYes;
managers.isSalary = salaryYes;
managers.responsibilitys = responsibilitys.Text;

managers是一個類,而不是對象實例。 您需要像對待員工一樣創建一個新的經理對象。


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