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有沒有辦法減少 Equals 和 GetHashCode 中的樣板代碼量?

[英]Is there a way to reduce amount of boilerplate code in Equals and GetHashCode?

出於單元測試的目的,我經常不得不重寫EqualsGetHashCode方法。 在此之后,我的課程開始看起來像這樣:

public class TestItem
    public bool BoolValue { get; set; }

    public DateTime DateTimeValue { get; set; }

    public double DoubleValue { get; set; }

    public long LongValue { get; set; }

    public string StringValue { get; set; }

    public SomeEnumType EnumValue { get; set; }

    public decimal? NullableDecimal { get; set; }

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        var other = obj as TestItem;

        if (other == null)
            return false;

        if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, other))
            return true;

        return this.BoolValue == other.BoolValue
            && this.DateTimeValue == other.DateTimeValue
            && this.DoubleValue == other.DoubleValue // that's not a good way, but it's ok for demo
            && this.EnumValue == other.EnumValue
            && this.LongValue == other.LongValue
            && this.StringValue == other.StringValue
            && this.EnumValue == other.EnumValue
            && this.NullableDecimal == other.NullableDecimal;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return this.BoolValue.GetHashCode()
            ^ this.DateTimeValue.GetHashCode()
            ^ this.DoubleValue.GetHashCode()
            ^ this.EnumValue.GetHashCode()
            ^ this.LongValue.GetHashCode()
            ^ this.NullableDecimal.GetHashCode()
            ^ (this.StringValue != null ? this.StringValue.GetHashCode() : 0);

雖然這並不難,但一次又一次地在EqualsGetHashCode中維護相同字段的列表變得無聊且容易出錯。 有沒有辦法只列出一次用於相等檢查和哈希碼功能的文件? Equals 和 GetHashCode 應該根據這個設置列表來實現。


public class TestItem
    // same properties as before

    private static readonly EqualityFieldsSetup Setup = new EqualityFieldsSetup<TestItem>()
        .Add(o => o.BoolValue)
        .Add(o => o.DateTimeValue)
        // ... and so on
        // or even .Add(o => o.SomeFunction())

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return Setup.Equals(this, obj);

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Setup.GetHashCode(this);

有一種方法可以在 java 中自動實現hashCodeequals ,例如項目 lombok 我想知道是否有任何東西可以減少 C# 的樣板代碼。

我認為在 C# 中實現與 Lombok 幾乎相同的東西是可能的,但我目前並沒有那么雄心勃勃。

我相信這就是您所追求的(幾乎與您所描述的完全一樣)。 此實現確實將所有值類型裝箱到對象中,因此它不是最有效的實現,但它應該足以滿足您的單元測試目的。

public class EqualityFieldsSetup<T>
    where T : class
    private List<Func<T, object>> _propertySelectors;

    public EqualityFieldsSetup()
        _propertySelectors = new List<Func<T, object>>();

    public EqualityFieldsSetup<T> Add(Func<T, object> propertySelector)
        return this;

    public bool Equals(T objA, object other)
        //If both are null, then they are equal 
        //    (a condition I think you missed)
        if (objA == null && other == null)
            return true;

        T objB = other as T;

        if (objB == null)
            return false;

        if (object.ReferenceEquals(objA, objB))
            return true;

        foreach (Func<T, object> propertySelector in _propertySelectors)
            object objAProperty = propertySelector.Invoke(objA);
            object objBProperty = propertySelector.Invoke(objB);

            //If both are null, then they are equal
            //   move on to the next property
            if (objAProperty == null && objBProperty == null)

            //Boxing requires the use of Equals() instead of '=='
            if (objAProperty == null && objBProperty != null ||
                return false;

        return true;

    public int GetHashCode(T obj)
        int hashCode = 0;

        foreach (Func<T, object> propertySelector in _propertySelectors)
            object objProperty = propertySelector.Invoke(obj);

            if (objProperty != null)
                hashCode ^= objProperty.GetHashCode();

        return hashCode;



到目前為止,明確配置成員列表的想法似乎是獨一無二的。 我實現了自己的庫https://github.com/msugakov/YetAnotherEqualityComparer 它比 TylerOhlsen 建議的代碼要好,因為它不會將提取的成員裝箱,而是使用EqualityComparer<T>來比較成員。


public class TestItem
    private static readonly MemberEqualityComparer<TestItem> Comparer = new MemberEqualityComparer<TestItem>()
        .Add(o => o.BoolValue)
        .Add(o => o.DateTimeValue)
        .Add(o => o.DoubleValue) // IEqualityComparer<double> can (and should) be specified here
        .Add(o => o.EnumValue)
        .Add(o => o.LongValue)
        .Add(o => o.StringValue)
        .Add(o => o.NullableDecimal);

    // property list is the same

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return Comparer.Equals(this, obj);

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Comparer.GetHashCode(this);

MemberEqualityComparer 還實現了IEqualityComparer<T>並遵循其語義:它可以成功比較對於引用類型和 Nullables 可能為nulldefault(T)



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