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如何使用 Powershell 將 CSV 導出到 Excel

[英]How to export a CSV to Excel using Powershell

我正在嘗試使用 Powershell 將完整的 CSV 導出到 Excel。 我停留在使用靜態列名的地方。 但是,如果我的 CSV 具有通用的未知標題名稱,則這不起作用。


打開您的 PowerShell ISE 並復制並粘貼以下獨立代碼。 F5運行它

Get-Process | Export-Csv -Path $env:temp\process.csv -NoTypeInformation

$processes = Import-Csv -Path $env:temp\process.csv 
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application 
$workbook = $Excel.workbooks.add() 

$i = 1 
foreach($process in $processes) 
 $excel.cells.item($i,1) = $process.name
 $excel.cells.item($i,2) = $process.vm
Remove-Item $env:temp\process.csv
$Excel.visible = $true


  1. 該腳本會將所有活動進程的列表作為 CSV 導出到您的臨時文件夾。 此文件僅用於我們的示例。 它可以是包含任何數據的任何 CSV
  2. 它讀入新創建的 CSV 並將其保存在$processes變量下
  3. 它會創建一個新的空 Excel 工作簿,我們可以在其中寫入數據
  4. 它遍歷所有行 (?) 並將namevm列中的所有值寫入 Excel


  • 如果我不知道列標題怎么辦? (在我們的示例中namevm )。 如何處理我不知道標頭名稱的值?
  • 我如何計算 CSV 有多少列? (使用Import-Csv閱讀后)

我只想用 Powershell 將整個 CSV 寫入 Excel

Ups,我完全忘記了這個問題。 與此同時,我得到了一個解決方案。
此 Powershell 腳本在后台將 CSV 轉換為 XLSX


  • 將所有 CSV 值保留為純文本,如=B1+B20000001
    你看不到#Name或類似的東西。 沒有自動格式化。
  • 根據您的區域設置自動選擇正確的分隔符(逗號或分號)
  • 自動調整列

PowerShell 代碼

### Set input and output path
$inputCSV = "C:\somefolder\input.csv"
$outputXLSX = "C:\somefolder\output.xlsx"

### Create a new Excel Workbook with one empty sheet
$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application 
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add(1)
$worksheet = $workbook.worksheets.Item(1)

### Build the QueryTables.Add command
### QueryTables does the same as when clicking "Data » From Text" in Excel
$TxtConnector = ("TEXT;" + $inputCSV)
$Connector = $worksheet.QueryTables.add($TxtConnector,$worksheet.Range("A1"))
$query = $worksheet.QueryTables.item($Connector.name)

### Set the delimiter (, or ;) according to your regional settings
$query.TextFileOtherDelimiter = $Excel.Application.International(5)

### Set the format to delimited and text for every column
### A trick to create an array of 2s is used with the preceding comma
$query.TextFileParseType  = 1
$query.TextFileColumnDataTypes = ,2 * $worksheet.Cells.Columns.Count
$query.AdjustColumnWidth = 1

### Execute & delete the import query

### Save & close the Workbook as XLSX. Change the output extension for Excel 2003

我正在使用 excelcnv.exe 將 csv 轉換為 xlsx,這似乎工作正常。 您必須將目錄更改為 excelcnv 所在的位置。 如果是 32 位,則轉到 Program Files (x86)

Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\excelcnv.exe' -ArgumentList "-nme -oice ""$xlsFilePath"" ""$xlsToxlsxPath"""

你為什么要打擾? 將您的 CSV 加載到 Excel 中,如下所示:

$csv = Join-Path $env:TEMP "process.csv"
$xls = Join-Path $env:TEMP "process.xlsx"

$xl = New-Object -COM "Excel.Application"
$xl.Visible = $true

$wb = $xl.Workbooks.OpenText($csv)

$wb.SaveAs($xls, 51)

您只需要確保 CSV 導出使用區域設置中定義的分隔符。 如果需要,用-Delimiter覆蓋。

編輯:一個更通用的解決方案,應該將 CSV 中的值保留為純文本。 用於迭代從此處獲取的 CSV 列的代碼。

$csv = Join-Path $env:TEMP "input.csv"
$xls = Join-Path $env:TEMP "output.xlsx"

$xl = New-Object -COM "Excel.Application"
$xl.Visible = $true

$wb = $xl.Workbooks.Add()
$ws = $wb.Sheets.Item(1)

$ws.Cells.NumberFormat = "@"

$i = 1
Import-Csv $csv | ForEach-Object {
  $j = 1
  foreach ($prop in $_.PSObject.Properties) {
    if ($i -eq 1) {
      $ws.Cells.Item($i, $j++).Value = $prop.Name
    } else {
      $ws.Cells.Item($i, $j++).Value = $prop.Value

$wb.SaveAs($xls, 51)



這個話題對我很有幫助,所以我想分享我的改進。 所有學分都歸於 nixda ,這是基於他的回答。

對於那些需要在一個文件夾中轉換多個 csv 的人,只需修改目錄即可。 輸出文件名將與輸入相同,只是具有另一個擴展名。

最后請注意清理,如果您想保留原始 csv,您可能不想刪除這些 .csv 文件

可以輕松修改以將 xlsx 保存在另一個目錄中。

$workingdir = "C:\data\*.csv"
$csv = dir -path $workingdir
foreach($inputCSV in $csv){
$outputXLSX = $inputCSV.DirectoryName + "\" + $inputCSV.Basename + ".xlsx"
### Create a new Excel Workbook with one empty sheet
$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application 
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $False
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add(1)
$worksheet = $workbook.worksheets.Item(1)

### Build the QueryTables.Add command
### QueryTables does the same as when clicking "Data » From Text" in Excel
$TxtConnector = ("TEXT;" + $inputCSV)
$Connector = $worksheet.QueryTables.add($TxtConnector,$worksheet.Range("A1"))
$query = $worksheet.QueryTables.item($Connector.name)

### Set the delimiter (, or ;) according to your regional settings
### $Excel.Application.International(3) = ,
### $Excel.Application.International(5) = ;
$query.TextFileOtherDelimiter = $Excel.Application.International(5)

### Set the format to delimited and text for every column
### A trick to create an array of 2s is used with the preceding comma
$query.TextFileParseType  = 1
$query.TextFileColumnDataTypes = ,2 * $worksheet.Cells.Columns.Count
$query.AdjustColumnWidth = 1

### Execute & delete the import query

### Save & close the Workbook as XLSX. Change the output extension for Excel 2003
## To exclude an item, use the '-exclude' parameter (wildcards if needed)
remove-item -path $workingdir -exclude *Crab4dq.csv

如果您想在不安裝 Excel 的情況下將 CSV 轉換為 Excel,您可以使用強大的 .NET 庫EPPlus (在 LGPL 許可下)來創建和修改 Excel 表格,並將 CSV 轉換為 Excel 非常快!


  1. 下載最新的穩定版EPPlus
  2. 將 EPPlus 提取到您的首選位置(例如,到$HOME\\Documents\\WindowsPowerShell\\Modules\\EPPlus
  3. 右鍵單擊 EPPlus.dll,選擇“屬性”,然后在“常規”選項卡底部單擊“取消阻止”以允許加載此 dll。 如果您無權這樣做,請嘗試[Reflection.Assembly]::UnsafeLoadFrom($DLLPath) | Out-Null [Reflection.Assembly]::UnsafeLoadFrom($DLLPath) | Out-Null

將 CSV 導入 Excel 的詳細 Powershell 命令

# Create temporary CSV and Excel file names
$FileNameCSV = "$HOME\Downloads\test.csv"
$FileNameExcel = "$HOME\Downloads\test.xlsx"

# Create CSV File (with first line containing type information and empty last line)
Get-Process | Export-Csv -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -Path $FileNameCSV

# Load EPPlus
$DLLPath = "$HOME\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\EPPlus\EPPlus.dll"
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($DLLPath) | Out-Null

# Set CSV Format
$Format = New-object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelTextFormat
$Format.Delimiter = ";"
# use Text Qualifier if your CSV entries are quoted, e.g. "Cell1","Cell2"
$Format.TextQualifier = '"'
$Format.Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$Format.SkipLinesBeginning = '1'
$Format.SkipLinesEnd = '1'

# Set Preferred Table Style
$TableStyle = [OfficeOpenXml.Table.TableStyles]::Medium1

# Create Excel File
$ExcelPackage = New-Object OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage 
$Worksheet = $ExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("FromCSV")

# Load CSV File with first row as heads using a table style
$null=$Worksheet.Cells.LoadFromText((Get-Item $FileNameCSV),$Format,$TableStyle,$true) 

# Load CSV File without table style

# Fit Column Size to Size of Content

# Save Excel File

Write-Host "CSV File $FileNameCSV converted to Excel file $FileNameExcel"


$csv = Join-Path $env:TEMP "input.csv"
$xls = Join-Path $env:TEMP "output.xlsx"

$xl = new-object -comobject excel.application
$xl.visible = $false
$Workbook = $xl.workbooks.open($CSV)
$Worksheets = $Workbooks.worksheets

$Workbook.Saved = $True



EPPlus 和其他庫生成 OpenDocument Xml 格式,這與您從 Excel 保存為 xlsx 時獲得的格式不同。

macks 示例與開放的 CSV 和只是重新保存沒有工作,我從來沒有設法讓 ',' 分隔符被正確使用。

Ansgar Wiechers 的例子有一些小錯誤,我在評論中找到了答案。

無論如何,這是一個完整的工作示例。 將此保存在文件 CsvToExcel.ps1 中

param (

$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $false

$wb = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
$ws = $wb.Sheets.Item(1)

$ws.Cells.NumberFormat = "@"

write-output "Opening $inputfile"

$i = 1
Import-Csv $inputfile | Foreach-Object { 
    $j = 1
    foreach ($prop in $_.PSObject.Properties)
        if ($i -eq 1) {
            $ws.Cells.Item($i, $j) = $prop.Name
        } else {
            $ws.Cells.Item($i, $j) = $prop.Value

write-output "Success"


.\CsvToExcel.ps1 -inputfile "C:\Temp\X\data.csv" -outputfile "C:\Temp\X\data.xlsx"

我在通過並尋找有關如何將一組 csvs 編譯成單個 excel 文檔的答案時發現了這一點,其中工作表(選項卡)以 csv 文件命名。 這是一個不錯的功能。 遺憾的是,我無法在我的網絡上運行它們 :( 所以我不知道它的效果如何。

Function Release-Ref ($ref)
    [System.__ComObject]$ref) -gt 0)
    Function ConvertCSV-ToExcel
    Converts     one or more CSV files into an excel file.
    Converts one or more CSV files into an excel file. Each CSV file is imported into its own worksheet with the name of the
    file being the name of the worksheet.
    .PARAMETER inputfile
    Name of the CSV file being converted
    .PARAMETER output
    Name of the converted excel file
    Get-ChildItem *.csv | ConvertCSV-ToExcel -output ‘report.xlsx’
    ConvertCSV-ToExcel -inputfile ‘file.csv’ -output ‘report.xlsx’
    ConvertCSV-ToExcel -inputfile @(“test1.csv”,”test2.csv”) -output ‘report.xlsx’
    Author:     Boe Prox
    Date Created: 01SEPT210
    Last Modified:
    #Requires -version 2.0
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True,
    ConfirmImpact = ‘low’,
    DefaultParameterSetName = ‘file’
    Param (
    HelpMessage=”Name of CSV/s to import”)]
    HelpMessage=”Name of excel file output”)]
    Begin {
    #Configure regular expression to match full path of each file
    [regex]$regex = “^\w\:\\”
    #Find the number of CSVs being imported
    $count = ($inputfile.count -1)
    #Create Excel Com Object
    $excel = new-object -com excel.application
    #Disable alerts
    $excel.DisplayAlerts = $False
    #Show Excel application
    $excel.V    isible = $False
    #Add workbook
    $workbook = $excel.workbooks.Add()
    #Remove other worksheets
    #After the first worksheet is removed,the next one takes its place
    #Define initial worksheet number
    $i = 1
    Process {
    ForEach ($input in $inputfile) {
    #If more than one file, create another worksheet for each file
    If ($i -gt 1) {
    $workbook.worksheets.Add() | Out-Null
    #Use the first worksheet in the workbook (also the newest created worksheet is always 1)
    $worksheet = $workbook.worksheets.Item(1)
    #Add name of CSV as worksheet name
    $worksheet.name = “$((GCI $input).basename)”
    #Open the CSV file in Excel, must be converted into complete path if no already done
    If ($regex.ismatch($input)) {
    $tempcsv = $excel.Workbooks.Open($input)
    ElseIf ($regex.ismatch(“$($input.fullname)”)) {
    $tempcsv = $excel.Workbooks.Open(“$($input.fullname)”)
    Else {
    $tempcsv = $excel.Workbooks.Open(“$($pwd)\$input”)
    $tempsheet = $tempcsv.Worksheets.Item(1)
    #Copy contents of the CSV file
    $tempSheet.UsedRange.Copy() | Out-Null
    #Paste contents of CSV into existing workbook
    #Close temp workbook
    #Select all used cells
    $range = $worksheet.UsedRange
    #Autofit the columns
    $range.EntireColumn.Autofit() | out-null
    End {
    #Save spreadsheet
    Write-Host -Fore Green “File saved to $pwd\$output”
    #Close Excel
    #Release processes for Excel
    $a = Release-Ref($range)


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