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[英]Difficulty piping with qhull through python

我在python中通過QHull傳遞命令時遇到麻煩。 我目前正在嘗試這樣做:

input_command = "rbox c " + str(qpoints) + " | qconvex FQ FV n"
command = subprocess.Popen(input_command.split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
print command.communicate()[0]


rbox c P0,0,0 P0,0,2 P0,2,0 P0,2,2 P2,0,0 P2,0,2 P2,2,0 P2,2,2 | qconvex FQ FV n


qconvex- compute the convex hull.  Qhull 2012.1 2012/02/18
    input (stdin): dimension, number of points, point coordinates
    comments start with a non-numeric character

options (qconvex.htm):
    Qt   - triangulated output
    QJ   - joggled input instead of merged facets
    Tv   - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
    .    - concise list of all options
    -    - one-line description of all options

output options (subset):
    s    - summary of results (default)
    i    - vertices incident to each facet
    n    - normals with offsets
    p    - vertex coordinates (includes coplanar points if 'Qc')
    Fx   - extreme points (convex hull vertices)
    FA   - report total area and volume
    FS   - compute total area and volume
    o    - OFF format (dim, n, points, facets)
    G    - Geomview output (2-d, 3-d, and 4-d)
    m    - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
    QVn  - print facets that include point n, -n if not
    TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes

    rbox c D2 | qconvex s n                    rbox c D2 | qconvex i
    rbox c D2 | qconvex o                      rbox 1000 s | qconvex s Tv FA
    rbox c d D2 | qconvex s Qc Fx              rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s n
    rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s QJ              rbox d G1 D12 | qconvex QR0 FA Pp
    rbox c D7 | qconvex FA TF1000

我已經在線閱讀了一些在python調用中包含管道時必須采取的額外步驟的示例。 但是我無法獲得它們的任何示例,而且幾乎沒有任何解釋。 有人可以在這里向我解釋一個有效的代碼段,以及為什么有效嗎?

我也嘗試從文件中讀取一個函數的結果。 例如,我嘗試從文件讀取rbox的結果:


input_command =  "qconvex FQ FV n < rbox.txt"
    command = subprocess.Popen(input_command.split(" "), shell=True)
    result = command.communicate()
    return result


3 rbox c P1,1,1 P1,1,3 P1,3,1 P1,3,3 P3,1,1 P3,1,3 P3,3,1 P3,3,3
     1      1      1 
     1      1      3 
     1      3      1 
     1      3      3 
     3      1      1 
     3      1      3 
     3      3      1 
     3      3      3 
  -0.5   -0.5   -0.5 
  -0.5   -0.5    0.5 
  -0.5    0.5   -0.5 
  -0.5    0.5    0.5 
   0.5   -0.5   -0.5 
   0.5   -0.5    0.5 
   0.5    0.5   -0.5 
   0.5    0.5    0.5 

盡管這仍然只打印出QConvex描述。 奇怪的是,這在命令行上可以很好地工作,而不是通過python。 即使無法使管道正常工作,我也絕對需要從文件讀入才能工作。 有誰知道調用此函數的訣竅是什么?

  • 如果使用諸如|外殼功能,請使用shell=True 或使用純Python重寫命令,請參閱替換Shell管道
  • 如果您使用shell=True 則將命令作為文檔中指定的字符串傳遞
from subprocess import check_output as qx

output = qx("rbox c {qpoints} | qconvex FQ FV n".format(qpoints=qpoints),
print output


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