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[英]Resize a box with the mouse while maintaining the aspect ratio?

我正在嘗試創建可調整大小的圖像疊加層(用於裁剪目的)。 如果忽略寬高比,調整疊加層似乎很容易,但我無法弄清楚如何執行一個尊重AR的約束調整大小。 我認為我顯然不能遵守疊加層的“抓地”位置(甚至邊界),除非我強迫鼠標跟隨它,但這似乎不自然,所以我只需要依靠鼠標手勢(我不要不介意做。


這就是我想要的: http//deepliquid.com/projects/Jcrop/demos.php?demo = live_crop

我以前寫過這樣的應用程序,但它是基於瀏覽器的,所以我使用了一個javascript庫。 這是一個桌面應用程序,我還沒有找到合適的庫。


private void pbImage_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brushRect, overlayRect);

    // Grips
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(gripRect, leftTopGrip);
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(gripRect, rightTopGrip);
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(gripRect, leftBottomGrip);
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(gripRect, rightBottomGrip);



public void AdjustGrips()
    // The next section only causes the grips to partly obey
    // the AR - the rest of the overlay ignores it
    if (overlayRect.Height * arWidth <= overlayRect.Width)
        overlayRect.Width = overlayRect.Height * arWidth;
    else if (overlayRect.Width * arHeight <= overlayRect.Height)
        overlayRect.Height = overlayRect.Width * arHeight;

    leftTopGrip.X = overlayRect.Left;
    leftTopGrip.Y = overlayRect.Top;

    rightTopGrip.X = overlayRect.Right - rightTopGrip.Width;
    rightTopGrip.Y = overlayRect.Top;

    leftBottomGrip.Y = overlayRect.Bottom - leftBottomGrip.Height;
    leftBottomGrip.X = overlayRect.Left;

    rightBottomGrip.X = overlayRect.Right - rightBottomGrip.Width;
    rightBottomGrip.Y = overlayRect.Bottom - rightBottomGrip.Height;


private void pbImage_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    Point pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

    // Details elided

    if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && mouseinGrip)
        if (bottomRightIsGripped)
            newOverlayRect.X = overlayRect.X;
            newOverlayRect.Y = overlayRect.Y;
            newOverlayRect.Width = pt.X - newOverlayRect.Left;
            newOverlayRect.Height = pt.Y - newOverlayRect.Top;

            if (newOverlayRect.X > newOverlayRect.Right)
                newOverlayRect.Offset(-width, 0);
                if (newOverlayRect.X < 0)
                    newOverlayRect.X = 0;

            if (newOverlayRect.Y > newOverlayRect.Bottom)
                newOverlayRect.Offset(0, -height);
                if (newOverlayRect.Y < 0)
                    newOverlayRect.Y = 0;

            oldOverlayRect = overlayRect = newOverlayRect;
            Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE;

        // Code for other grips elided


// Mouse up and down elided


您給出的示例鏈接,只是根據點擊選擇一個起點,然后選擇Max(Abs(pt.x - start.x), Abs(pt.y - start.y))和基礎那個庄稼廣場。


// given known data 
// Point start; 
// The starting location of the mouse down for the drag, 
// or the top left / bottom right of the crop based on if the mouse is 
// left/above the starting point
// Size ratio;
// The ratio of the result crop

// pt = (20)x(-20)
// start = (0),(0)
// ratio = (1)x(2)
var dist = new Point(pt.X - start.X, pt.Y - start.Y);

// "normalize" the vector from the ratio
// normalized vector is the distances with respect to the ratio
// ratio is (1)x(2). A (20)x(-20) is normalized as (20),(-10)
var normalized = new Point(dist.X / ratio.Width, dist.Y / ratio.Height);

// In our (20),(-10) example, we choose the ratio's height 20 as the larger normal.
// we will base our new size on the height
var largestNormal = (Math.Abs(normalized.X) > Math.Abs(normalized.Y)
                        ? Math.Abs(normalized.X) : Math.Abs(normalized.Y);

// The calcedX will be 20, calcedY will be 40
var calcedOffset = (largestNormal * ratio.Width, largestNormal * ratio.Height);

// reflect the calculation back to the correct quarter
// final size is (20)x(-40)
if (distX < 0) calcedOffset.X *= -1;
if (distY < 0) calcedOffset.Y *= -1;

var newPt = new Point(start.X + calcedOffset.X, start.Y + calcedOffset.Y);

請注意,其中一個長度可以比​​鼠標位置長,但它永遠不會少。 這將具有鼠標沿着新裁剪框的邊緣行進的效果以及盒子保持率。

我已經弄清楚是什么導致了我的代碼中的原始問題。 與靜態圖像調整大小不同,寬高比代碼取決於您“握住”哪個握把,因此將其置於所有情況的公共位置(例如,設置握把位置時)將不起作用。 您可以輕松計算下次更新時矩形的大小,但應根據所握持的手柄來設置位置。

例如,如果您通過按住左上方的手柄來調整大小,則裁剪矩形的底部和右側應保持靜止。 如果保持代碼相同,則矩形會正確調整大小,但它會在畫布周圍移動和/或夾點與矩形的角落不同步。 可能有更好的方法來做到這一點,但這里有一些原始代碼可行。 我只包括右下角和左上角的代碼來說明差異。 設置鼠標指針和錯誤檢查等無關緊要的事情。

private void pictureBox1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    Point mousePosition = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

    if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
        // This resizeMode, moveMode and other booleans
        // are set in the MouseUp event

        if (resizeBottomLeft)
            // Top and Right should remain static!
            newCropRect.X = mousePosition.X;
            newCropRect.Y = currentCropRect.Y;
            newCropRect.Width = currentCropRect.Right - mousePosition.X;
            newCropRect.Height = mousePosition.Y - newCropRect.Top;

            if (newCropRect.X > newCropRect.Right)
                newCropRect.Offset(cropBoxWidth, 0);
                if (newCropRect.Right > ClientRectangle.Width)
                    newCropRect.Width = ClientRectangle.Width - newCropRect.X;

            if (newCropRect.Y > newCropRect.Bottom)
                newCropRect.Offset(0, -cropBoxHeight);
                if (newCropRect.Y < 0)
                    newCropRect.Y = 0;

            // Aspect Ratio + Positioning
            if (newCropRect.Width > newCropRect.Height)
                newCropRect.Height = (int)(newCropRect.Width / ASPECT_RATIO);
                int newWidth = (int)(newCropRect.Height * ASPECT_RATIO);
                newCropRect.X = newCropRect.Right - newWidth;
                newCropRect.Width = newWidth;
        else if (resizeTopRight)
            // Bottom and Left should remain static!
            newCropRect.X = oldCropRect.X;
            newCropRect.Y = mousePosition.Y;
            newCropRect.Width = mousePosition.X - newCropRect.Left;
            newCropRect.Height = oldCropRect.Bottom - mousePosition.Y;

            if (newCropRect.X > newCropRect.Right)
                newCropRect.Offset(-cropBoxWidth, 0);
                if (newCropRect.X < 0)
                    newCropRect.X = 0;
            if (newCropRect.Y > newCropRect.Bottom)
                newCropRect.Offset(0, cropBoxHeight);
                if (newCropRect.Bottom > ClientRectangle.Height)
                    newCropRect.Y = ClientRectangle.Height - newCropRect.Height;

            // Aspect Ratio + Positioning
            if (newCropRect.Width > newCropRect.Height)
                int newHeight = (int)(newCropRect.Width / ASPECT_RATIO);
                newCropRect.Y = newCropRect.Bottom - newHeight;
                newCropRect.Height = newHeight;
                int newWidth = (int)(newCropRect.Height * ASPECT_RATIO);
                newCropRect.Width = newWidth;
        else if (moveMode) //Moving the rectangle
            newMousePosition = mousePosition;
            int dx = newMousePosition.X - oldMousePosition.X;
            int dy = newMousePosition.Y - oldMousePosition.Y;
            currentCropRect.Offset(dx, dy);
            newCropRect = currentCropRect;
            oldMousePosition = newMousePosition;

        if (resizeMode || moveMode)
            oldCropRect = currentCropRect = newCropRect;

            // Set the new position of the grips


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