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不是從基類C ++繼承

[英]Not Inherit from Base Class C++

讓我說清楚。 這是迄今為止我無法解決的面試問題。請考慮兩節課

class A
     public : virtual int f() { };
              int a;

class B : public A

     public : virtual int g() { };
              int b;

當被問及A和BI的大小時,正確地表示8和12。下一個問題是如何定義類B,以便忽略從A派生的前8個字節。他說這是可能的。 我仍然不知道怎么可能。 有人可以解釋如何做到這一點嗎?



將“ A”作為指針:

//Only takes 4 or 8 bytes (32 bit vs 64 bit code) for 'A', regardless of 'A's actual size, but must point to an 'A' located elsewhere in memory with the full size.
class B
   A *a; //Only 4 bytes.
   int b;

使“ A”為靜態:

//Doesn't assume any of 'A's size, but all instances of 'B' shares a single instance of 'A'.
class B
    static A a;

    int b;

將“ A”傳遞給“ B”的功能:

//Pass in the reference to 'a' when needed, so multiple 'B's can share the same 'a' explicitly when desired.
class B
    void q(A &a) { this->b + a.a; return a.g(); }

使“ A”和“ B”沒有虛擬表 (可能是面試官的觀點)

//By not having virtual functions, you save the (really small) cost of 4 bytes (8 bytes on 64 bit machines)
class A
     int f() { }; //Not virtual
     int a;

class B : public A
     int g() { }; //Not virtual
     int b;

它仍然會花費您A :: a的大小,並且,除非您在B中重新使用'a'而不是使用B :: b,否則無法避免這4個字節。 重用一個變量來表示其他含義完全是錯誤的編程習慣的信號。


class AB //Only 4 bytes total
       int a;
       int b;

   void f();
   void g();

不好的主意是,您必須跟蹤是否應該訪問“ a”或“ b”,因為它們都占用相同的4個字節的內存,並且它們不能同時在內存中使用。同時。

另一個不好的事情是,這表明班級承擔了太多責任。 是A還是B? 如果兩者兼而有之,那么所有重要的問題應該是:“為什么兩者都?”。 它應該有一個單一的責任 ,而不是一個混合目的的整體

將“ A”作為模板,並從A<B>繼承:

template<typename TypeB>
class A
    int a;

//Saves the cost of the virtual table... not that that really matters.
class B : public A<B>
    int b;

最后一個稱為“ 好奇重復模板模式 ”(CRTP),其思想是繼承的“ A<B> ”可以從“ B”調用訪問變量和函數(如果您將B的“ this”指針傳遞給A的構造函數) ,並且'B'可以直接從' A<B> '訪問變量和函數。

您正在從為“ B”生成的模板“ A”的編譯時生成版本中繼承。


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

//This concept was taken from a Going Native 2013 talk called "C++ Seasoning" given by Sean Parent
//Located here: (about 101 minutes into it)

//Polymorphism without inheritance.
//Permits polymorphism without using pointers or references,
//and allows them to be copied around easier (each instance is actually its own object) rather
//than accidentally shallow-copying when you wanted deep-copies.
//Every time Object::Print() is called, it calls
// Object::PrintableConcept::Print(), which virtually calls
// Object::PrintableModel<TYPE>::Print(), which calls your
// "derived" class that implements the Print() function, regardless
// of what that class inherits (if anything).
class Object //Class without inheritance or virtual.
    template<typename Type>
    Object(Type instance) : self(std::make_shared<PrintableModel<Type>>(std::move(instance)))
    { }

    //Calls the "inherited" function.
    void Print() const

    struct PrintableConcept //The concept we want to polymorphably access.
        virtual ~PrintableConcept() = default;
        virtual void Print() const = 0;

    //The class that concretely models the concept,
    //and does the actual inheritting.
    template<typename Type>
    struct PrintableModel : public PrintableConcept
        PrintableModel(Type instance) : data(std::move(instance)) { }

        //Every time 
        void Print() const override

        Type data;

    //This should be a unique_ptr, but you also need to make sure
    //you implement proper copy operators in this class and move support.
    std::shared_ptr<PrintableConcept> self;

class Whatever
    void Print() const { std::cout << "Whatever\n" << std::endl; }

class SomethingElse
    void Print() const { std::cout << "SomethingElse\n" << std::endl; }

class WidgetThing
    void Print() const { std::cout << "WidgetThing\n" << std::endl; }

typedef std::vector<Object> Document;

int main()
    Document document;

    for(const auto &object : document)

    return 0;

<<< 運行代碼 >>>

實際上,這些類都沒有繼承自“ Object”(或其他任何東西)的類,但是可以在例如vector中相互互換使用,因為它們都實現了Object可以模板訪問的公共接口( PrintableConcept ),但是Object本身不是模板,因此也不會成為Object<something>Object<something-else> ,它們本來是分開的類型。


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