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[英]Windows Store App: How to make ListView with expandable/enlargeable ListItems?

我在C#Windows Store應用程序中有一個包含項目的Listview(是您所說的這些嗎?聽說它們不再被稱為Metro Apps)。

與Android中的ExpandableListView類似,我希望能夠點擊列表項 (而不是按鈕)以使該列表項展開, 點擊展開的列表項使其折疊,如果您點擊其他列表項,則當前展開的列表項將崩潰,另一個將擴大。

在我的特殊情況下,我有一個用於列表項的展開和未展開視圖的DataTemplate 我已經看到Android的ExpandableListView可以使用附加信息來擴展列表項 (WPF的Expander可以執行類似的操作),而不是用較大的項替換它 ,但是Windows Store Apps中是否有通用的解決方案? 如果不是,最接近的等效項是什么?

就像下圖一樣,我想知道是否有一個可以以這種方式擴展列表項的組件,否則,我有哪些選擇: Windows Store App中的Expandable-ListItem的繪圖

我最終得到了一個可行的解決方案,但看起來並不花哨。 當您單擊項目時,它將切換DataTemplate ,但是沒有動畫:它將立即切換。



    <DataTemplate x:Key="dtSmall">
        <!--Component template for the un-expanded listitems-->
    <DataTemplate x:Key="dtEnlarged">
        <!--Component template for the expanded listitems-->
    <ListView x:Name="lvEnlargeable"
        ItemTemplate="{StaticResource dtSmall}"
        ItemsSource="{Binding ...}"


public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    private DataTemplate dtSmall;
    private DataTemplate dtEnlarged;

    public MainPage()
        dtSmall = (DataTemplate)Resources["dtSmall"];
        dtEnlarged = (DataTemplate)Resources["dtEnlarged"];

    // A selected item is treated as an expanded/enlarged item
    private void LVEnlargeable_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        /* First we set all the items that has been deselected
        to be collapsed, aka. using the dtSmall DataTemplate.
        We expect 0 or 1 item to have been deselected
        but handle all cases easily with a foreach loop.
        foreach (var item in e.RemovedItems)
            // Set the DataTemplate of the deselected ListViewItems
            ((ListViewItem)(sender as ListView).ContainerFromItem(item)).ContentTemplate = dtSmall;

        /* Then we set all the items that has been selected
        to be expanded.
        We should probably throw an Exception if more than 1 was found,
        because it's unwanted behavior, but we'll ignore that for now.
        foreach (var item in e.AddedItems)
            ((ListViewItem)(sender as ListView).ContainerFromItem(e.AddedItems[0])).ContentTemplate = dtEnlarged;

    /* We need click events because SelectionChanged-events
    cannot detect clicks on an already selected item */
    private void LVEnlargeable_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
        ListView lv = (sender as ListView);

        /* Having set the IsItemClickEnabled property on the ListView to True
        we have to handle selection events manually.
        If nothing is selected when this click occurs, then select this item*/
        if (lv.SelectedItem == null)
            lv.SelectedItem = e.ClickedItem;
            // Clicking on an expanded/selected/enlarged item will deselect it
            if (lv.SelectedItem.Equals(e.ClickedItem))
                lv.SelectedItem = null;
            {   /* If it's not a selected item, then select it
                    (and let SelectionChanged unselect the already selected item) */
                lv.SelectedItem = e.ClickedItem;

我還沒有測試過此隔離代碼是否足以解決此問題,但我希望如此,並且此代碼至少包含關鍵點。 已經很晚了,我只想為有好奇心的人們發布一些東西。 如果這對您不起作用,請對此問題發表評論,我將確保添加缺少的部分。

我也弄混了ListViewItemStyleContainer的ListViewItemPresenter,以獲得更好的選擇效果等。但我認為最好使其簡短。 如果您也覺得這很有趣,請隨時對此發表評論,我將嘗試包括它。


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