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[英]Runtime error while generating object's values in the constructor of an object that aggregates them

我正在為模擬撲克游戲的入門課程編寫C ++程序。 我創建了一個帶有整數的卡片對象,用於存儲面部和西服的值。 然后,我創建了一個DeckOfCards對象,該對象具有一個由52個卡對象組成的C ++ 11數組。 我正在嘗試為卡片分配值,並在deckOfCards構造函數中洗牌。 經過一些測試之后,我相信我已經將此問題歸結為這張面孔和西裝的生成過程。 我還嘗試通過在dealCard()方法中返回對這些對象的引用來與其他類(手)共享這些對象,但是我認為在實例化手之前發生了錯誤。 該錯誤發生在我的Arch-Linux VM和Visual Studio的GCC中,因此它似乎是編譯器所不支持的(盡管clang甚至不會編譯它)。 甲板的構造函數:

DeckOfCards::DeckOfCards(bool startShuffled) //Constructor.
    Constructor iterates through the four suits and 13 faces,
    generating a card for each combination. This adds up to a
    deck of 52 unique cards. By default it shuffles the deck to
    prevent accidental usage of an unshuffled deck in a card
    game. Passing 'false' as an arguement prevents the initial
    int arrayLoc = 0; //The card being initialized (its a subscript of deck).

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) //For each of the four suits.
        for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) //For each face in that suit.
            deck[arrayLoc].setFace(j); //Create a card with that face.
            deck[arrayLoc].setSuit(i); //And with that suit.
            arrayLoc++; //Then move to the next card.

    currentCard = 0; //Sets the top of the deck.

    if (startShuffled)
        shuffle(); //Shuffles the deck by default.

VS2013的調試器說,在通過此循環的第一次迭代之后,它無法讀取deck [0]的面孔並適合數據。 其他人的行為也與此類似。 主程序本身(這里未顯示)正在運行,直到我嘗試通過指向牌組的指針數組將牌發給手牌時,我認為它與牌組生成期間的不正確初始化有關。 如果沒有人發現我的問題,我可以提供更多代碼。


void Card::setFace(int faceVal)
    if (faceVal >= 0 && faceVal < 13) //Validates value before setting.
        face = faceVal; //Sets the value of Card's face.
        throw invalid_argument("Face value must be between 0 and 12 (inclusive)");

void Card::setSuit(int suitVal)
    if (suitVal >= 0 && suitVal < 4) //Validates value before setting.
        suit = suitVal; //Sets the value of Card's suit.
        throw invalid_argument("Suit value must be between 0 and 3 (inclusive)");

int Card::getFace() const //Returns face by value.
    return face;

int Card::getSuit() const //Returns suit by value.
    return suit;


const Card DeckOfCards::dealCard()
    If the deck has not depreciated, this returns a
    const reference to the card at the top of the deck
    and increments to the next card. If it is depreciated
    it throws an exception.
    if (moreCards())
        unsigned int tempCurrentCard = currentCard;
        return deck[tempCurrentCard];
        throw invalid_argument("The deck is out of unused cards. Must shuffle to continue.");


Hand::Hand(const Card &card1, const Card &card2, 
    const Card &card3, const Card &card4, const Card &card5)
    Constructor initializes a c++11 array of pointers to
    card objects.

    //Initialize the cards in hand. (as pointers)
    cardsInHand[0] = &card1;
    cardsInHand[1] = &card2;
    cardsInHand[2] = &card3;
    cardsInHand[3] = &card4;
    cardsInHand[4] = &card5;

    //Calculate the value of the hand.

我通過使用myDeck.dealCard()作為手的構造函數中的每個參數來實例化main。 這種數據交接似乎是可能發生錯誤的地方。 Hand player1(deck.dealCard(), deck.dealCard(), deck.dealCard(), deck.dealCard(), deck.dealCard()); 但這也可能與套牌的改組算法有關:

void DeckOfCards::shuffle()
    Shuffles the deck of cards by via a random number generator.
    Should be called whenever the current card is the final
    card in the deck.
    srand(time(NULL)); //Creates a random seed for number generation.
    int randomValue; //Stores random number for card selection.

    //Loops through each card in deck and swaps it with another.
    for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) //Iterates through the deck.
        randomValue = rand() % 51; //Selects a random card to swap.

        if (randomValue != i) //Prevents self assignment.
            //Swaps the cards values, effectively swapping their locations.
            int tempFace = deck[randomValue].getFace(); //Holds a copy of selected card.
            int tempSuit = deck[randomValue].getSuit();

    currentCard = 0; //Shuffle resets the "top" of the deck.

這聽起來很愚蠢,但是在調試器中逐步調試代碼后,我意識到類邏輯都是合理的。 問題出在另一個for循環內部,其中有一個for循環,用於遞增錯誤的變量(即for(int j = 5; i <52; j ++) )。


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