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ASP.NET MVC如何找到哪個屬性出錯

[英]ASP.NET MVC How can I find which attribute has been error

我想在ModelBinder中出現錯誤,在ModelState中自動附加錯誤代碼。 所以我已經擴展了默認屬性以添加屬性。(關於RequiredAttribute,RangeAttribute等):

//new Attribute
public class TestRequiredAttribute : RequiredAttribute
    public int ErrorCode { get; set; }


public class TestModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
      protected override void SetProperty(ControllerContext controllerContext,
ModelBindingContext bindingContext,
System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor,
object value)
          //the error was happend in here
          base.SetProperty(controllerContext, bindingContext, propertyDescriptor, value);

          //in here to find which attribute has been error?
          to find attribute and to get ErrorCode then 
          bindingContext.ModelState[modelStateName+code] = ...


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