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[英]Python: is “except KeyError” faster than “if key in dict”?

編輯2:有人建議這是一個類似問題的副本。 我不同意,因為我的問題集中在速度,而另一個問題是什么更“可讀”或“更好”(沒有更好地定義)。 雖然問題相似,但所給出的討論/答案存在很大差異。

編輯:我從問題中意識到我可以更清楚。 對不起代碼拼寫錯誤,是的,它應該使用適當的python運算符進行添加。

關於輸入數據,我只選擇了一個隨機數列表,因為這是一個常見的樣本。 在我的情況下,我正在使用一個dict,我期望很多keyerrors,可能95%的密鑰將不存在,並且存在的少數將包含數據集群。



list =  (100 random numbers)
d = {}
for x in list:
    if x in d:

但我只是想到這個更快,因為我們不必檢查字典是否包含密鑰。 我們只是假設它確實如此,如果沒有,我們會處理它。 有什么區別或者Python比我聰明嗎?

list =  (100 random numbers)
d = {}
for x in list:
    except KeyError:
        d[x] = 1


您的聲明 完全錯誤 取決於輸入。

如果你有一組不同的鍵,並經常點擊except塊,性能就不好了。 如果try塊占優勢,則try/except成語可以在較小的列表上執行。


from __future__ import print_function
import timeit
import random
import collections

def f1():
    for x in tgt:
        if x in d:
    return d

def f2():
    d = {}
    for x in tgt:
        except KeyError:
            d[x] = 1    
    return d

def f3():
    d={}.fromkeys(tgt, 0)
    for x in tgt:
    return d    

def f4():
    for x in tgt:
    return d    

def f5():
    return collections.Counter(tgt)        

def f6():
    for x in tgt:
        d[x]=d.setdefault(x, 0)+1
    return d

def f7():
    for x in tgt:
    return d    

def cmpthese(funcs, c=10000, rate=True, micro=False):
    """Generate a Perl style function benchmark"""                   
    def pprint_table(table):
        """Perl style table output"""
        def format_field(field, fmt='{:,.0f}'):
            if type(field) is str: return field
            if type(field) is tuple: return field[1].format(field[0])
            return fmt.format(field)     

        def get_max_col_w(table, index):
            return max([len(format_field(row[index])) for row in table])         

        col_paddings=[get_max_col_w(table, i) for i in range(len(table[0]))]
        for i,row in enumerate(table):
            # left col
            # rest of the cols
            row_tab+=[format_field(row[j]).rjust(col_paddings[j]) for j in range(1,len(row))]
            print(' '.join(row_tab))                

    results={k.__name__:timeit.Timer(k).timeit(c) for k in funcs}
    fastest=sorted(results,key=results.get, reverse=True)
    if rate: table[0].append('rate/sec')
    if micro: table[0].append('usec/pass')
    for e in fastest:
        if rate:

        if micro:

        for x in fastest:
            if x==e: tmp.append('--')
            else: tmp.append('{:.1%}'.format((results[x]-results[e])/results[e]))


if __name__=='__main__':
    import sys
    for j in [100,1000]:
        for t in [(0,5), (0,50), (0,500)]:
            tgt=[random.randint(*t) for i in range(j)]
            print('{} rand ints between {}:'.format(j,t))


以下是Python 3的結果:

3.4.1 (default, May 19 2014, 13:10:29) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.1 (clang-503.0.40)]
100 rand ints between (0, 5):
   rate/sec    f6    f7     f1     f2     f3     f4     f5
f6   52,756    -- -1.6% -26.2% -27.9% -30.7% -36.7% -46.8%
f7   53,624  1.6%    -- -25.0% -26.7% -29.6% -35.7% -46.0%
f1   71,491 35.5% 33.3%     --  -2.3%  -6.1% -14.2% -28.0%
f2   73,164 38.7% 36.4%   2.3%     --  -3.9% -12.2% -26.3%
f3   76,148 44.3% 42.0%   6.5%   4.1%     --  -8.7% -23.3%
f4   83,368 58.0% 55.5%  16.6%  13.9%   9.5%     -- -16.0%
f5   99,247 88.1% 85.1%  38.8%  35.6%  30.3%  19.0%     --

100 rand ints between (0, 50):
   rate/sec     f2     f6     f7     f4     f3     f1     f5
f2   39,405     -- -17.9% -18.7% -19.1% -41.8% -47.8% -56.3%
f6   47,980  21.8%     --  -1.1%  -1.6% -29.1% -36.5% -46.8%
f7   48,491  23.1%   1.1%     --  -0.5% -28.4% -35.8% -46.2%
f4   48,737  23.7%   1.6%   0.5%     -- -28.0% -35.5% -46.0%
f3   67,678  71.7%  41.1%  39.6%  38.9%     -- -10.4% -24.9%
f1   75,511  91.6%  57.4%  55.7%  54.9%  11.6%     -- -16.3%
f5   90,175 128.8%  87.9%  86.0%  85.0%  33.2%  19.4%     --

100 rand ints between (0, 500):
   rate/sec     f2     f4     f6     f7     f3     f1     f5
f2   25,748     -- -22.0% -41.4% -42.6% -57.5% -66.2% -67.8%
f4   32,996  28.1%     -- -24.9% -26.4% -45.6% -56.7% -58.8%
f6   43,930  70.6%  33.1%     --  -2.0% -27.5% -42.4% -45.1%
f7   44,823  74.1%  35.8%   2.0%     -- -26.1% -41.2% -44.0%
f3   60,624 135.5%  83.7%  38.0%  35.3%     -- -20.5% -24.2%
f1   76,244 196.1% 131.1%  73.6%  70.1%  25.8%     --  -4.7%
f5   80,026 210.8% 142.5%  82.2%  78.5%  32.0%   5.0%     --

1000 rand ints between (0, 5):
   rate/sec     f7     f6     f1     f3     f2     f4     f5
f7    4,993     --  -6.7% -34.6% -39.4% -44.4% -50.1% -71.1%
f6    5,353   7.2%     -- -29.9% -35.0% -40.4% -46.5% -69.0%
f1    7,640  53.0%  42.7%     --  -7.3% -14.9% -23.6% -55.8%
f3    8,242  65.1%  54.0%   7.9%     --  -8.2% -17.6% -52.3%
f2    8,982  79.9%  67.8%  17.6%   9.0%     -- -10.2% -48.1%
f4   10,004 100.4%  86.9%  30.9%  21.4%  11.4%     -- -42.1%
f5   17,293 246.4% 223.0% 126.3% 109.8%  92.5%  72.9%     --

1000 rand ints between (0, 50):
   rate/sec     f7     f6     f1     f2     f3     f4     f5
f7    5,051     --  -7.1% -26.5% -29.0% -34.1% -45.7% -71.2%
f6    5,435   7.6%     -- -20.9% -23.6% -29.1% -41.5% -69.0%
f1    6,873  36.1%  26.5%     --  -3.4% -10.3% -26.1% -60.8%
f2    7,118  40.9%  31.0%   3.6%     --  -7.1% -23.4% -59.4%
f3    7,661  51.7%  41.0%  11.5%   7.6%     -- -17.6% -56.3%
f4    9,297  84.0%  71.1%  35.3%  30.6%  21.3%     -- -47.0%
f5   17,531 247.1% 222.6% 155.1% 146.3% 128.8%  88.6%     --

1000 rand ints between (0, 500):
   rate/sec     f2     f4     f6     f7     f3     f1     f5
f2    3,985     -- -11.0% -13.6% -14.8% -25.7% -40.4% -66.9%
f4    4,479  12.4%     --  -2.9%  -4.3% -16.5% -33.0% -62.8%
f6    4,613  15.8%   3.0%     --  -1.4% -14.0% -31.0% -61.6%
f7    4,680  17.4%   4.5%   1.4%     -- -12.7% -30.0% -61.1%
f3    5,361  34.5%  19.7%  16.2%  14.6%     -- -19.8% -55.4%
f1    6,683  67.7%  49.2%  44.9%  42.8%  24.6%     -- -44.4%
f5   12,028 201.8% 168.6% 160.7% 157.0% 124.3%  80.0%     --

和Python 2:

2.7.6 (default, Dec  1 2013, 13:26:15) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.2.79)]
100 rand ints between (0, 5):
   rate/sec     f5     f7     f6     f2     f1     f3     f4
f5   24,955     -- -41.8% -42.5% -51.3% -55.7% -61.6% -65.2%
f7   42,867  71.8%     --  -1.2% -16.4% -23.9% -34.0% -40.2%
f6   43,382  73.8%   1.2%     -- -15.4% -23.0% -33.2% -39.5%
f2   51,293 105.5%  19.7%  18.2%     --  -9.0% -21.0% -28.5%
f1   56,357 125.8%  31.5%  29.9%   9.9%     -- -13.2% -21.4%
f3   64,924 160.2%  51.5%  49.7%  26.6%  15.2%     --  -9.5%
f4   71,709 187.3%  67.3%  65.3%  39.8%  27.2%  10.5%     --

100 rand ints between (0, 50):
   rate/sec     f2     f5     f7     f6     f4     f3     f1
f2   22,439     --  -4.7% -45.1% -45.5% -50.7% -63.3% -64.5%
f5   23,553   5.0%     -- -42.4% -42.8% -48.3% -61.5% -62.8%
f7   40,878  82.2%  73.6%     --  -0.7% -10.2% -33.2% -35.4%
f6   41,164  83.4%  74.8%   0.7%     --  -9.6% -32.7% -34.9%
f4   45,525 102.9%  93.3%  11.4%  10.6%     -- -25.6% -28.0%
f3   61,167 172.6% 159.7%  49.6%  48.6%  34.4%     --  -3.3%
f1   63,261 181.9% 168.6%  54.8%  53.7%  39.0%   3.4%     --

100 rand ints between (0, 500):
   rate/sec     f2     f5     f4     f6     f7     f3     f1
f2   13,122     -- -39.9% -56.2% -63.2% -63.8% -75.8% -80.0%
f5   21,837  66.4%     -- -27.1% -38.7% -39.8% -59.6% -66.7%
f4   29,945 128.2%  37.1%     -- -16.0% -17.4% -44.7% -54.3%
f6   35,633 171.6%  63.2%  19.0%     --  -1.7% -34.2% -45.7%
f7   36,257 176.3%  66.0%  21.1%   1.8%     -- -33.0% -44.7%
f3   54,113 312.4% 147.8%  80.7%  51.9%  49.2%     -- -17.5%
f1   65,570 399.7% 200.3% 119.0%  84.0%  80.8%  21.2%     --

1000 rand ints between (0, 5):
   rate/sec     f5     f7     f6     f1     f2     f3     f4
f5    2,787     -- -37.7% -38.4% -53.3% -59.9% -60.4% -67.0%
f7    4,477  60.6%     --  -1.1% -25.0% -35.6% -36.3% -47.0%
f6    4,524  62.3%   1.1%     -- -24.2% -34.9% -35.6% -46.5%
f1    5,972 114.3%  33.4%  32.0%     -- -14.1% -15.0% -29.3%
f2    6,953 149.5%  55.3%  53.7%  16.4%     --  -1.1% -17.7%
f3    7,030 152.2%  57.0%  55.4%  17.7%   1.1%     -- -16.8%
f4    8,452 203.3%  88.8%  86.8%  41.5%  21.6%  20.2%     --

1000 rand ints between (0, 50):
   rate/sec     f5     f7     f6     f2     f1     f3     f4
f5    2,667     -- -37.8% -38.7% -53.0% -55.9% -61.1% -65.3%
f7    4,286  60.7%     --  -1.5% -24.5% -29.1% -37.5% -44.2%
f6    4,351  63.1%   1.5%     -- -23.4% -28.0% -36.6% -43.4%
f2    5,677 112.8%  32.4%  30.5%     --  -6.1% -17.3% -26.1%
f1    6,045 126.6%  41.0%  39.0%   6.5%     -- -11.9% -21.4%
f3    6,862 157.3%  60.1%  57.7%  20.9%  13.5%     -- -10.7%
f4    7,687 188.2%  79.3%  76.7%  35.4%  27.2%  12.0%     --

1000 rand ints between (0, 500):
   rate/sec     f2     f5     f7     f6     f4     f3     f1
f2    2,018     -- -16.1% -44.1% -46.2% -53.4% -61.8% -63.0%
f5    2,405  19.1%     -- -33.4% -35.9% -44.5% -54.4% -55.9%
f7    3,609  78.8%  50.1%     --  -3.8% -16.7% -31.6% -33.8%
f6    3,753  85.9%  56.1%   4.0%     -- -13.4% -28.9% -31.2%
f4    4,334 114.7%  80.2%  20.1%  15.5%     -- -17.9% -20.5%
f3    5,277 161.5% 119.5%  46.2%  40.6%  21.8%     --  -3.2%
f1    5,454 170.2% 126.8%  51.1%  45.3%  25.8%   3.3%     --

所以 - 這取決於。


  1. Counter方法幾乎總是最慢的
  2. Counter方法是Python 2中最慢的方法之一,但是到目前為止在Python 3.4上是最快的
  3. try/except版本通常是最慢的版本
  4. 無論大小或密鑰數如何, if key in dict版本中的if key in dict可以預測為最佳/最快的
  5. {}.fromkeys(tgt, 0)是非常可預測的
  6. defaultdict版本在較大的列表上最快。 較小的列表表示較長的設置時間是通過太少的元素分攤的。

編碼風格還有另外一點。 因為常見的python編碼風格使用EAFP更容易請求寬恕而非許可 ),假定存在有效密鑰並且如果假設證明是錯誤則捕獲異常。

由於這種常見的編碼風格,我總是使用try / except方法,並確保這比LBYL風格更快( 在跳躍之前先看看 )。 正如我在這里得到的答案所知,這絕對取決於。 只要您可以期待現有密鑰,我就會嘗試使用try / except方法。


Python 2:

0% missing keys, Standard access: 0.419198036194
0% missing keys, try/except access: 0.309811115265
50% missing keys, Standard access: 0.417014837265
50% missing keys, try/except access: 0.309100866318
100% missing keys, Standard access: 0.416236877441
100% missing keys, try/except access: 0.310797929764

我使用normal和try / except方法測試了3個具有不同數量鍵的字典。 try / except方法對我來說每次都更快。


from timeit import timeit

size = 2**10
allkeys = "0% missing keys", dict([(i, 0) for i in range(size)])
somekeys= "50% missing keys", dict([(i*2, 0) for i in range(size//2)])
nokeys = "100% missing keys", dict([])

def test_normal():
    """Standard access"""
    for i in xrange(size):
        if i in d:
            d[i] += 1
            d[i] = 1

def test_try():
    """try/except access"""
    for i in xrange(size):
            d[i] += 1
        except KeyError:
            d[i] = 1

for trial in (allkeys, somekeys, nokeys):
    d = trial[1]
    for test in (test_normal, test_try):
        trial_time = timeit("test()",
                            setup="from __main__ import test",
        print "{0}, {1}: {2}".format(trial[0], test.__doc__, trial_time)



我認為第一個會慢一些,因為它在字典中定位鍵兩次,首先在if語句中,然后在C代碼中進行字典訪問。 當許多鍵不在字典中時,try-except可能會更慢,因為處理異常涉及一些開銷。

我將列表設置為range(100)並將字典留空。 第一次使用if需要8.003秒而第二次使用try-except需要30.976秒! 在這樣的情況下,開銷是非常重要的,其中沒有其他任何事情要做。

import random
from pip._vendor.distlib.compat import raw_input

guess = int(raw_input("Enter a integer from 1 to 99:"))
    while x !="guess":
        if guess<x:
            print ("guess is low")
            guess= int(raw_input("Enter a integer from 1 to 99:"))
        elif guess >x:
            print ("guess is high")
            guess = int(raw_input("Enter a integer from 1 to 99:"))
            print (" you guessed it !")


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