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[英]Applying a custom function on data.table instead of using plyr and ddply

我正在處理一個名為orderFlow的data.table,並計算potentialWelfare.tmp作為輸出。 到目前為止,以下基於plyr的方法一直是我的解決方案,但由於輸入orderFlow有數百萬行,我更喜歡利用R中data.table的性能的解決方案。

    # solution so far, poor performance on huge orderFlow input data.table
    potentialWelfare.tmp = ddply(orderFlow, 
                       .variables = c("simulationrun_id", "db"), 
                       .fun = calcPotentialWelfare, 
                       .progress = "text", 

編輯1:簡而言之,自定義功能檢查df中是否有更多出價或要求, 並對按報價(按估值)出價的NbAsks的估值求和。 這樣做是為了選擇最有價值的出價並總結其估值。 代碼是遺留的,可能效率不高,但它與plyr和普通的data.frames結合使用。

    calcPotentialWelfare <- function(df){
       NbAsks = dim(df[df$type=="ask",])[1]
    #   print(NbAsks)
      Bids = df[df$type == "bid",]
    #         dd[with(dd, order(-z, b)), ]
      Bids = Bids[with(Bids,order(valuation,decreasing = TRUE)),]
      NbBids = dim(df[df$type == "bid",])[1]
    #   print(Bids)
      if (NbAsks > 0){
        Bids = Bids[1:min(NbAsks,NbBids),]
        potentialWelfare = sum(Bids$valuation)
        potentialWelfare = 0

不幸的是,我找不到使用data.table實現這個的有效方法。 到目前為止,我使用?data.table和相應的常見問題解答得到的是:

    #   trying to use data.table, but it doesn't work so far.
    potentialWelfare.tmp = orderFlow[, lapply(.SD, calcPotentialWelfare), by = list(simulationrun_id, db),.SDcols=c("simulationrun_id", "db")]


    Error in `[.data.frame`(orderFlow, , lapply(.SD, calcPotentialWelfare),  : unused arguments (by = list(simulationrun_id, db), .SDcols = c("simulationrun_id", "db"))


    > head(orderFlow)
      type  valuation price               dateCreation                    dateDue                dateMatched id
    1  ask 0.30000000   0.3 2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000 2012-01-01 00:30:00.000000 2012-01-01 00:01:01.098307  1
    2  bid 0.39687633   0.0 2012-01-01 00:01:01.098307 2012-01-01 00:10:40.024807 2012-01-01 00:01:01.098307  2
    3  bid 0.96803384    NA 2012-01-01 00:03:05.660811 2012-01-01 00:06:26.368941                       <NA>  3
    4  bid 0.06163186    NA 2012-01-01 00:05:25.413959 2012-01-01 00:09:06.189893                       <NA>  4
    5  bid 0.57017143    NA 2012-01-01 00:10:10.344876 2012-01-01 00:57:58.998516                       <NA>  5
    6  bid 0.37188442    NA 2012-01-01 00:11:25.761372 2012-01-01 00:43:24.274176                       <NA>  6
              created_at updated_at simulationrun_id db
    1 2013-12-10 14:37:29.065634         NA             7004  1
    2 2013-12-10 14:37:29.065674         NA             7004  1
    3 2013-12-10 14:37:29.065701         NA             7004  1
    4 2013-12-10 14:37:29.065726         NA             7004  1
    5 2013-12-10 14:37:29.065750         NA             7004  1
    6 2013-12-10 14:37:29.065775         NA             7004  1

我期待像這樣的輸出,即函數calcPotentialWelfare以某種特殊的方式從data.table orderFlow的列'valu'聚合數據。

    > head(potentialWelfare.tmp)
      simulationrun_id db potentialWelfare
    1                1  1         16.86684
    2                2  1         18.44314
    3                4  1         16.86684
    4                5  1         18.44314
    5                7  1         16.86684
    6                8  1         18.44314

真的很高興看到這個問題得到解決。 謝謝閱讀!


    > dput(head(orderFlow))
    structure(list(type = c("ask", "bid", "bid", "bid", "bid", "bid"
    ), valuation = c(0.3, 0.39687632952068, 0.968033835246625, 0.0616318564942726, 
    0.570171430446081, 0.371884415116724), price = c(0.3, 0, NA, 
    NA, NA, NA), dateCreation = c("2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000", "2012-01-01 00:01:01.098307", 
    "2012-01-01 00:03:05.660811", "2012-01-01 00:05:25.413959", "2012-01-01 00:10:10.344876", 
    "2012-01-01 00:11:25.761372"), dateDue = c("2012-01-01 00:30:00.000000", 
    "2012-01-01 00:10:40.024807", "2012-01-01 00:06:26.368941", "2012-01-01 00:09:06.189893", 
    "2012-01-01 00:57:58.998516", "2012-01-01 00:43:24.274176"), 
        dateMatched = c("2012-01-01 00:01:01.098307", "2012-01-01 00:01:01.098307", 
        NA, NA, NA, NA), id = 1:6, created_at = c("2013-12-10 14:37:29.065634", 
        "2013-12-10 14:37:29.065674", "2013-12-10 14:37:29.065701", 
        "2013-12-10 14:37:29.065726", "2013-12-10 14:37:29.065750", 
        "2013-12-10 14:37:29.065775"), updated_at = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, 
        NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), simulationrun_id = c(7004L, 
        7004L, 7004L, 7004L, 7004L, 7004L), db = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
        1L, 1L)), .Names = c("type", "valuation", "price", "dateCreation", 
    "dateDue", "dateMatched", "id", "created_at", "updated_at", "simulationrun_id", 
    "db"), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")

我認為這應該更快。 您使用data.table的方式有一些錯誤。 我建議你仔細閱讀介紹,通過實例,閱讀常見問題解答。

calcPotentialWelfare <- function(dt){
  NbAsks = nrow(dt["ask", nomatch=0L]) # binary search based subset/join - very fast
  Bids   = dt["bid", nomatch=0L] # binary search based subset/join - very fast
  NbBids = nrow(Bids)
  # for each 'type', the 'valuation' will always be sorted, 
  # but in ascending order - but you need descending order
  # so you can just use the function 'tail' to fetch the last 'n' items... as follows.
  if (NbAsks > 0) return(sum(tail(Bids, min(NbAsks, NbBids))$valuation))
  else return(0)

# setkey on 'type' column to use binary search based subset/join in the function
# also on valuation so that we don't have to 'order' for every group 
# inside the function - we can use 'tail'
setkey(orderFlow, type, valuation) 
potentialWelfare.tmp =
  orderFlow[, calcPotentialWelfare(.SD), 
            by=.(simulationrun_id, db),
            .SDcols=c("type", "valuation")]

.SD是一個特殊變量,它為每個分組創建一個data.table,其中所有列都沒有在by=提及(如果未指定.SDcols )。 如果指定了.SDcols.SD每個groupw創建.SD,僅指定那些列,並且數據對應於該組。

使用lapply(.SD, ...)為每個列提供函數,這不是您需要的。 您需要將整個數據發送到該函數。 但是,由於您只需要函數中的“類型”和“評估”列,您可以通過提供.SDcols=c('type', 'valuation')來加快速度。 通過忽略其他列,這將節省大量時間。


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