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[英]Not able to resize controls accordig to form size


Me.width = Screen.width
Me.height = Screen.height



For Each tmpControl In frm.Controls
        If PrevResizeX = Empty Then
        PrevResizeX = 1
        End If
        If PrevResizeY = Empty Then
        PrevResizeY = 1
        End If
        tmpControl.Left = tmpControl.Left / PrevResizeX * Me.ScaleWidth
        tmpControl.Top = tmpControl.Top / PrevResizeY * Me.ScaleHeight
        tmpControl.width = tmpControl.width / PrevResizeX * Me.ScaleWidth
        tmpControl.height = tmpControl.height / PrevResizeY * Me.ScaleHeight

 Next tmpControl

它給我的錯誤: left property can not be read runtime.



If Not TypeOf tmpControl Is Timer Then
End If

我假設此代碼與其他代碼在一個模塊中,您可能有也可能沒有現有的錯誤處理。 Ali Mousavi Kherad是正確的,當他說當你試圖在沒有容器的情況下設置控件的位置時會產生錯誤。 您的代碼可能會生成您想要更正的錯誤,例如tmpControl.Left = tmpControl.Left / PrevResizeX * Me.ScaleWidth如果數字太大, tmpControl.Left = tmpControl.Left / PrevResizeX * Me.ScaleWidth可能會導致溢出錯誤。 我建議將left,top,width和height屬性定義為變量,並在將它們分配給控件之前執行某種測試。 然后,設置控件的位置可以將代碼包裝在On Error Resume Next語句中。 如果此時產生錯誤,可能是因為控件類似於定時器控件,並且您不關心它的位置是否無法設置。

Dim tmpControl As Control
Dim PrevResizeX As Integer
Dim PrevResizeY As Integer
Dim lngLeft as Long
Dim lngTop as Long
Dim lngWidth as Long
Dim lngHeight as Long

For Each tmpControl In Me.Controls
    If PrevResizeX = Empty Then
        PrevResizeX = 1
    End If
    If PrevResizeY = Empty Then
        PrevResizeY = 1
    End If
    lngLeft = tmpControl.Left / PrevResizeX * Me.ScaleWidth
    lngTop = tmpControl.Top / PrevResizeY * Me.ScaleHeight
    lngWidth = tmpControl.Width / PrevResizeX * Me.ScaleWidth
    lngHeight = tmpControl.Height / PrevResizeY * Me.ScaleHeight

    ' do some bounds checking here
    ' if everything is okay try to assign the new position to the control
    On Error Resume Next   ' ignore any error the Move method generates
    tmpControl.Move lngLeft, lngTop, lngWidth, lngHeight
    On Error GoTo 0   ' cancel the On Error Resume Next statement
Next tmpControl


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