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[英]Wait for an Async method to finish from a separate method

使用PostSharp使用AOP Logging包裝WCF服務調用OnMethodBoundaryAspectOnEntryOnExit方法。


此任務格式化有關日志記錄的服務調用的一些信息,可能需要一些時間。 這些值作為屬性存儲在此類中以進行日志記錄。

OnExit() ,另一個DateTime信號表示存儲調用結束。 此時,我需要確保在OnEntry()方法中啟動的Task已完成,並且所有屬性都已准備好記錄到數據庫中。

問題是如何確保在OnEntry()啟動的任務完成以便在OnExit() 我考慮過設置一個布爾值, while(false) {Thread.Sleep(100);}然后在為true時結束,但由於某種原因這感覺不對。


class LogMethodCallAttribute : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
    Int32 userId;
    String methodCall;
    String ip;
    DateTime entryTime;
    DateTime exitTime;

    /// Performs tasks on a Method before its execution.
    public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
        // Set OnEntry Time
        entryTime = DateTime.Now;

        if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AOPLoggingEnabled"] == "1")
            MessageProperties prop = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties;
            // Queue the logging to run on the ThreadPool so the service can finish the request.
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SetUpLog(args, prop));            

    public override void OnExit(MethodExecutionArgs args)
        // Set OnExit Time
        exitTime = DateTime.Now;

        // Need to make sure the Task running SetUpLog is complete and all props set.

        // Log the details of this method call.
        Logs.LogWebServiceCall(userId, methodName, ip, entryTime, exitTime);

    // Format details for logging.
    private void SetUpLog(MethodExecutionArgs args, MessageProperties prop)
        // Retrieve all the required data and do any formatting.
        userId = ...;
        methodCall = ...;
        ip = ...;


基本上,你需要記住你已經啟動的Task ,然后你可以調用Wait()等到它完成:

class LogMethodCallAttribute : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
    Task task;
    ... as before ...

    public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
        task = Task.Factory.StartNew(...);

    public override void OnExit(MethodExecutionArgs args)
        exitTime = DateTime.Now;
        // Wait for the task to have completed...
        // Now you can use the fields

就個人而言,我實際上只是在任務中設置字段 - 我將任務作為包含日志記錄參數的TTask<T> 然后,您可以將屬性中的唯一字段作為任務,並具有:

var loggingParameters = task.Result;
... use the logging parameters


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