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[英]Linq full outer join with NULL records C# from datatables

請有人幫忙嗎? 我需要在Extn_In_Call_Records = Extn_Number上返回一個表,如果任何一方不匹配仍然像SQL Full Outer連接那樣返回一個calue。 我花了幾個小時看這個,但不能讓它工作! 如果刪除聯合但我只能返回匹配的結果,我可以讓代碼在下面工作。 數據表正在從MYSQL填充。 任何幫助都會很棒。

            //Full Table
        DataTable fullext = new DataTable();
        fullext.Columns.Add("Extn_In_Call_Records", typeof(string));
        fullext.Columns.Add("Total_Calls", typeof(int));
        fullext.Columns.Add("Extn_Number", typeof(string));
        fullext.Columns.Add("Phys_Switch_Name", typeof(string));

        //End Full Table


            //Full Result

             var result = from callrc in callrecdt.AsEnumerable()
                          join physex in physextns.AsEnumerable()
                          on callrc["Extn_In_Call_Records"] equals physex["Extn_Number"]
                          from physex in physextns.AsEnumerable()
                          join callrc in callrecdt.AsEnumerable()
                          on physex["Extn_Number"] equals callrc["Extn_In_Call_Records"] 

                          select fullext.LoadDataRow(new object[] {
                       physex["Extn_Number"] == null ? "" : physex["Extn_Number"],
                       physex["Phys_Switch_Name"] == null ? "" : physex["Phys_Switch_Name"]
                       }, false);
             fullresult.DataSource = fullext;


Extn_In_Call_Records    Total_Calls   Extn_Number      Phys_Switch_Name
null                    20                0                Hospital
null                    310               1                Hospital
4                       132               4                Hospital
2004                    null                null           Hospital
2006                    2               2006           Hospital

根據LINQ - Full Outer Join ,執行完全外連接的最簡單方法是聯合兩個左連接。 LINQ中的左連接(使用擴展方法語法)采用以下形式:

var leftJoined = from left in lefts
                 join right in rights
                   on left.Key equals right.Key
                 into temp
                 from newRight in temp.DefaultIfEmpty(/* default value for right */)
                 select new
                     /* use left and newRight to construct the joined object */


// initialize some default elements to use later if
// they're of the same type then a single default is fine
var defaultPhysex = new {...};
var defaultCallrc = new {...};

var left = from callrc in callrecdt.AsEnumerable()
           join physex in physextns.AsEnumerable()
             on callrc["Extn_In_Call_Records"] equals physx["Extn_Number"]
           into temp
           from physex in temp.DefaultIfEmpty(defaultPhysex)
           select new 
               // callrc is accessible here, as is the new physex
               Field1 = ...,
               Field2 = ...,

var right = from physex in physextns.AsEnumerable()
            join callrc in callrecdt.AsEnumerable()
              on callrc["Extn_In_Call_Records"] equals physx["Extn_Number"]
            into temp
            from callrc in temp.DefaultIfEmpty(defaultCallrc)
            select new 
                // physex is accessible here, as is the new callrc
                Field1 = ...,
                Field2 = ...,

var union = left.Union(right);


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