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[英]Check for Partial Match in 1 List With Partial Match Another List - Possible With List Comprehension?

有點Python /編程新手。


import re
syns = ['professionals|experts|specialists|pros', 'repayed|payed back', 'ridiculous|absurd|preposterous', 'salient|prominent|significant' ]
new_syns = ['repayed|payed back', 'ridiculous|crazy|stupid', 'salient|prominent|significant', 'winter-time|winter|winter season', 'professionals|pros']

def pipe1(syn):
    # Find first word/phrase in list element up to and including the 1st pipe
    r = r'.*?\|'
    m = re.match(r, syn)
    m = m.group()
    return m

def find_non_match():
    # Compare 'new_syns' with 'syns' and create new list from non-matches in 'new_syns'
    p = '@#&'   # Place holder created
    joined = p.join(syns)
    joined = p + joined   # Adds place holder to beginning of string too
    non_match = []
    for syn in new_syns:
        m = pipe1(syn)
        m = p + m
        if m not in joined:
    return non_match

print find_non_match()


['winter-time|winter|winter season']

該代碼檢查new_syns每個元素的單詞/詞組(包括第一個管道)並new_syns匹配是否與syns列表中的相同部分匹配項匹配。 該代碼的目的是實際找到不匹配項,然后將它們附加到名為non_match的新列表中。

但是,我想知道是否有可能實現相同的目的,但是使用列表理解的行數卻要少得多。 我已經嘗試過,但是我沒有得到我想要的。 到目前為止,這是我想出的:

import re
syns = ['professionals|experts|specialists|pros', 'repayed|payed back', 'ridiculous|absurd|preposterous', 'salient|prominent|significant' ]
new_syns = ['repayed|payed back', 'ridiculous|crazy|stupid', 'salient|prominent|significant', 'winter-time|winter|winter season', 'professionals|pros']

def pipe1(syn):
    # Find first word/phrase in list element up to and including the 1st pipe
    r = r'.*?\|'
    m = re.match(r, syn)
    m = '@#&' + m.group() # Add unusual symbol combo to creatte match for beginning of element
    return m

non_match = [i for i in new_syns if pipe1(i) not in '@#&'.join(syns)]
print non_match


['winter-time|winter|winter season', 'professionals|pros'] # I don't want 'professionals|pros' in the list

列表理解中的警告是,當使用@#&加入syns時,在現在加入的字符串的開頭沒有@#& ,而在上面的原始代碼中我不使用列表理解,所以我添加了@#&到連接字符串的開頭。 結果是'professionals|pros'漏網了。 但是我不知道如何在列表理解中做到這一點。



non_match = [i for i in new_syns if not any(any(w == s.split("|")[0] 
                                                for w in i.split("|")) 
                                            for s in syns)]


non_match == ['winter-time|winter|winter season']

該列表包括new_syns中的所有項目,其中'|'都不存在( not any -分隔詞語w是在any的第一個字( split("|")[0]的每個同義詞組ssyns


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