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[英]Left outer join gives error message 'Unable to cast the type 'System.Nullable`1' to type 'System.Object'.'




場景:一個碼頭。 如果船被注冊為停留在單據上,我想列出所有船單的清單。 如果沒有船憑單登記,那么boatID字段可以為NULL(我知道應該將其設置為鍵,但是我試圖使用Linq來獲取答案而不更改數據庫)。 有一個帶有清單清單的“清單”表,其中包括BoatId字段(用於在清單上注冊船只的時間)。 第二個表是“ Boat”表,以BoatId為鍵,並提供其他船詳細信息。


Select s.SlipID, s.SlipNumber, s.Length, s.Electricity, s.Telephone, s.TV,
b.BoatName+' ['+b.BoatType+', '+convert(varchar,b.BoatOverAllLength)+']' as boatDets, 
from Slip as s left outer join boat as b on s.BoatID = b.BoatId;


var slipDets6 = from s6 in db.Slips
                join b6 in db.Boats on s6.BoatId equals b6.BoatId into temp
                from jn in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                orderby s6.SlipNumber 
                select new 
                    SlipID = (int?) s6.SlipId, 
                    SlipNumber = s6.SlipNumber, 
                    Length = s6.Length, 
                    Electricity = s6.Electricity, 
                    Telephone = s6.Telephone, 
                    TV = s6.TV, 
                    BoatDets = jn.BoatName + " [" + jn.BoatType + ", " + jn.BoatOverAllLength + "]", 
                    Status = s6.Status 


無法將類型System.Nullable'1為類型System.Object LINQ to Entities僅支持強制轉換EDM基本類型或枚舉類型。


1-在.netframework4中,您不能在linq中使用實體enumerations ,但是在.netframework4.5中,您可以使用enumeration ;在.netframework4中,當您使用enumeration時,會發生此異常,盡管我在您的代碼中看不到任何enumeration ...



var slipDets6 = (from s6 in db.Slips
                 join b6 in db.Boats on s6.BoatId equals b6.BoatId into temp
                 from jn in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                 orderby s6.SlipNumber
                 select new {s6, jn})
                 .Select(u => new
                         SlipID = (int?)u.s6.SlipId,
                         SlipNumber = u.s6.SlipNumber,
                         Length = u.s6.Length,
                         Electricity = u.s6.Electricity,
                         Telephone = u.s6.Telephone,
                         TV = u.s6.TV,
                         BoatDets = u.jn.BoatName + " [" + u.jn.BoatType + ", " + u.jn.BoatOverAllLength + "]",
                         Status = u.s6.Status

4-請注意,如果jn為null,則這行BoatDets = u.jn.BoatName + " [" + u.jn.BoatType + ", " + u.jn.BoatOverAllLength + "]",引起異常

根據您的評論,問題是您嘗試從BoatName, BoatType and BoatOverAllLength create a string ,您無法像我之前所說的那樣在linq to entities BoatName, BoatType and BoatOverAllLength字符串格式化linq to entities (上一篇文章,no3),您可以獲取所需的數據並然后在內存中select以創建BoatDets字符串,因此這肯定可以工作:

var slipDets6 = (from s6 in db.Slips
             join b6 in db.Boats on s6.BoatId equals b6.BoatId into temp
             from jn in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
             orderby s6.SlipNumber
             select new {s6, jn})
             .Select(u => new
                     SlipID = (int?)u.s6.SlipId,
                     SlipNumber = u.s6.SlipNumber,
                     Length = u.s6.Length,
                     Electricity = u.s6.Electricity,
                     Telephone = u.s6.Telephone,
                     TV = u.s6.TV,
                     BoatDets = u.jn == null ? "" : u.jn.BoatName + " [" + u.jn.BoatType + ", " + u.jn.BoatOverAllLength + "]",
                     Status = u.s6.Status

或者,您可以獲取BoatName, BoatType and BoatOverAllLength作為屬性,並在獲取查詢時從該屬性創建所需的字符串,如下所示:

public class FlatSlip
        public int? SlipID { get; set; }
        public string SlipNumber { get; set; }
        public string Length { get; set; }
        public string Electricity { get; set; }
        public string Telephone { get; set; }
        public string TV { get; set; }
        public string BoatName { get; set; }
        public string BoatType { get; set; }
        public string BoatOverAllLength { get; set; }
        public string Status { get; set; }

        public string BoatDets
                return this.BoatName + " [" + this.BoatType + ", " + this.BoatOverAllLength + "]";

var slipDets6 = from s6 in db.Slips
                        join b6 in db.Boats on s6.BoatId equals b6.BoatId into temp
                        from jn in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        orderby s6.SlipNumber
                        select new FlatSlip()
                            SlipID = (int?)s6.SlipId,
                            SlipNumber = s6.SlipNumber,
                            Length = s6.Length,
                            Electricity = s6.Electricity,
                            Telephone = s6.Telephone,
                            TV = s6.TV,
                            BoatName = jn == null ? "" : jn.BoatName,
                            BoatType = jn == null ? "" : jn.BoatType,
                            BoatOverAllLength = jn == null ? "" : jn.BoatOverAllLength,
                            Status = s6.Status


public class Boat
        public Boat()

        public Boat(string BoatName, string BoatType, string BoatOverAllLength)
            this.BoatName = BoatName;
            this.BoatType = BoatType;
            this.BoatOverAllLength = BoatOverAllLength;

        public string BoatName { get; set; }
        public string BoatType { get; set; }
        public string BoatOverAllLength { get; set; }

        public string BoatDets
                return this.BoatName + " [" + this.BoatType + ", " + this.BoatOverAllLength + "]";

        var slipDets6 = (from s6 in db.Slips
                         join b6 in db.Boats on s6.BoatId equals b6.BoatId into temp
                         from jn in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         orderby s6.SlipNumber
                         select new { s6, jn })
                         .Select(u => new
                             SlipID = (int?)u.s6.SlipId,
                             SlipNumber = u.s6.SlipNumber,
                             Length = u.s6.Length,
                             Electricity = u.s6.Electricity,
                             Telephone = u.s6.Telephone,
                             TV = u.s6.TV,
                             BoatDets = jn == null ? new Boat() : new Boat(u.jn.BoatName, u.jn.BoatType, u.jn.BoatOverAllLength),
                             Status = u.s6.Status

注意:在我的最后兩個查詢中, BoatDets屬性不能在linq to entity BoatDets ,並且在將數據提取到內存時可讀


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